Port Angeles Downtown Association
OK, our newly-elected PADA Board members are: Catherine Harper, Bob Lumens and Michael Lenox. Congrats.
The complete list of PADA Board members is available here.
Now, PADA members who are concerned about the PARKING SITUATION downtown, please attend this IMPORTANT MEETING:
Monday, January 22nd
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Elks' Ballroom.
There are major parking problems downtown (as you know) and they will soon be getting much worse. Important decisions need to be made. We need the input of all members of the Port Angeles Downtown Association.
UPDATE: 57 PADA members attended the meeting at the Elks' Ballroom. Thanks to everybody who showed up. A very productive meeting.
UPDATE: The PADA Board members will meet on Monday, January 29th at the Downtown Association office, 208 North Laurel St. at 6:15 p.m. They usually meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month; this meeting will be in addition to their regular twice-a-month meetings.
PADA members, PLEASE come to these PADA Board meetings. Everyone agrees that there is a lack of communication between the PADA Board and the downtown at large. This is a 2-way street. If you can't or won't attend their meetings, you have no right to complain about secrecy and lack of communication. We all need to be involved in decisions that affect downtown Port Angeles. Please attend these meetings.
Labels: Downtown Association, Gateway, PADA, parking, PBIA, Port Angeles, Port Angeles Business Association
I can't think of anyone to nominate, but we need the Downtown Association to communicate better with its members and with the public. A lot of serious issues are facing Port Angeles (Gateway and all that) and the Downtown Association needs to communicate better and show stronger leadership than it has in the past. Much improvement is needed.
This isn't specifically about the Downtown Association, but: Downtown's Holiday Open House was great last night (Friday night). Shops were open 'til 8 p.m. Most of the stores had discounts and were serving refreshments. It was great, very festive.
The Holiday Open House continues Saturday and Sunday this weekend. I'm not sure how late the stores will be open Sat. and Sun. but check it out. This is exactly what Downtown Port Angeles needs to do more often.
Good for you, FLORA J. Where are you located ? We should meet. Paul L. (I know of the(3)others.
The Downtown Association has a very informative website. Unfortunately not too many people know about it or use it.
Here's the link. Lots of good information here.
It is important to make available all information possible about the upcoming nominations and elections. I haven't seen this info offered yet and am a little disappointed. Perhaps it was posted on the other thread about PA in general.
1. Non-PBIA business owners or individual members: Terms are up for Barbara Frederick, individual, and Ted Groves, Copy Cat Graphics. One of these non-PBIA seats is for 3 years, and one is for 1 year. In Dec 2007, the 1 year seat will be up for grabs again. If you do not have a business in the PBIA, these are the ONLY seats you can run for.
2. If your PBIA business status changes during your term, it is my understanding that you will no longer be eligible for a PBIA "seat." You may want to confirm this, but the board is strictly limited to not more than 4 non-PBIA seats out of the 12 board seats. Notice the wording is not "at least 4" but "not more than 4."
3. On this "thread" I saw a list of five people who are interested in running, but have not seen which businesses these people own. Why not list the businesses next to the candidates names so we'll know who you are referring to.
...GOOD POINTS, "W.P."...
I am one of those "Others"- non-"PBIA" members. I was 'connected' to the PADA - before Arla came on to replace Barry (1996/1997).
I think I see a need for some 'Outside the Box' "Cohesion" here-within the Group & I am offering my efforts to: "Make That Happen-in 2007".
I ask for your support. I have a "mantra"... Whatever it takes to "Make It Happen" - "K.I.S.E.E." - (KEEP IT SIMPLE & EZ for EVERYONE). AND IT WORKS !!!...With "YOUR" Help - "WE" can make it Happen!
..."THANK YOU", Paul L.
WP: About the Board nominees — Catherine Harper (and myself) are the owners of a building in downtown Port Angeles. Paul Lamoureux is a non-PBIA member, as he mentioned. J.R. Johnson is the owner of the Blue Dolphin on Front Street. Sandy Long is part owner of the Itty Bitty Buzz on First Street. I’m afraid I don’t know who Flora Jackman is; I’ll need to e-mail the person who told me she’s running. There are two other people who I think are running for the Board but I don’t want to publish their names until I find out for certain.
Tom, I am curious. In the original post you indicate Flora Jackman would be a good candidate. In your later post you claim to not know about her.
Is there anyone who can let me know more about her?
Also, Tom, you indicate that you and Catherine own a building in downtown. Do you also run a business? I would like to know which building and what business you operate. Thanks
Tom, I regularly walk in downtown. I did see the address on your building as it tuns out. I had also heard about it via word of mouth from others and saw it in the PDN. Just thought this is a good way for people to speak their peace in an annonymous way to avoid ramificaions from others or to be free from preconceived notions about affiliations with organizations or individuals. Good job getting this up and running.
Flora Jackman is not a business owner and is not currently a member of the Downtown Association. The PADA membership was closed when she wanted to join.
Here is her bio:
Flora Jackman came to Port Angeles seeking a new home for her and her son.She traveled here nearly four years ago, purchasing a home that very weekend. "I was absolutely smitten with Port Angeles and thought what a wonderful and picturesque town this is. There was great potential here, being on the ferry line to Victoria and surrounded by such breathtaking beauty."
Flora served on several boards when her children were young and was part owner of a foreign car repair for 18 years, managing the office for most of those years. Upon arriving in Port Angeles she became involved with several organizations and believes whole heartedly in promoting the downtown and supporting Port Angeles businesses. She will bring much enthusiasm and optimism to the board.
Okay. So, I see a couple of problems here.
First, and most important: WHY was the PADA membership "closed" when she wanted to join? Who said it was closed? When did she ask to join? What were the reasons she was given? Was it because the quota of 1/3 non-PBIA members had been reached? These questions need to be answered, like right now! This sort of control technique has been used before -- by those who wished to remain in power! If there are no valid reasons, i.e. the 1/3 quota, this action was illegal and against the by-laws, and should be investigated!
Second, what has Flora been working on for the PADA as a volunteer, at any time during the last four years? You don't have to be an official PADA member in order to be a volulnteer.
I'll have to say, I have heard from people who wanted to be on the PADA BoD before, but had not done ONE thing for the PADA. Not served on a committee, nor volunteered for any special events. Nothing. So, why should anyone vote for someone who has not served the PADA community, but now wants to be "in charge?" Everybody wants to be a leader, nobody wants to be a worker. Doesn't work for me. Sorry.
You said she "believes whole heartedly in promoting the downtown and supporting Port Angeles businesses. She will bring much enthusiasm and optimism to the board."
Well, belief and action are two separate ideas. She can bring all the enthusiasm and optimism she wants, but unless she brings her work gloves and calloused hands, it's the same ol' rhetoric.
No hard feelings...just being honest here. Does anybody else have any thoughts on this?
So where is everyone? I really think this is a good way to get ideas and issues out in the open and possibly broaden some horizons. How can this blog become more well used?
Seymour: "Where is everyone" -- that's an excellent question. I want this site to be a forum where everyone in the Port Angeles area can express their views and discuss issues and vent and rant. Clearly this hasn't happened yet.
I ran an ad in the PDN classified section for 2 weeks (that's their maximum time) and an ad on Craigslist for one week (that's their maximum). I have several posters up around town. I'll have to put up some more of them. I'm hoping word of mouth will bring in more participants. At some point this site should start showing up on search engines, so that any time somebody does a web search for anything related to Port Angeles, this site should come up.
That's all I can think of. I'm open to other ideas and suggestions.
Hi, Tom & Everyone,
I've been reading your blog with interest and have been telling people about it. This is a good idea, so thanks for your energy.
Last week, on Nov 21, I mentioned this blog to the Port Angeles Business Association. I was asked by some to write the web address down, so I will do that and hand out the address to PABA members tomorrow (Tuesday, 11/28).
By the way, at our 7:30 am meeting at Joshua's Restaurant on Hwy 101 and DelGuzzi Drive, our speaker will be Diane Schostak, Executive Director of the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau. At least, I hope she will make it, as she lives in Forks! Anyway, you are all invited to come (there is a $2.16 charge if you don't order breakfast).
Best wishes,
Taylor: Thanks. I appreciate that. The more participants, the merrier. Thanks for your help.
Whiney Pooper, Why should any one vote for someone who has not served the PADA community? Becuse theres a good chance a new person can bring a new perspective, new ideas, a fresh outlook.Why do you assume that anyone running for the board is looking to be "in charge"I thought the board was to serves its members. It's a service position. You wouldn't happen to be on the board now are you?
Wabisabi...No, I'm not on the board, now or in the past. You make a good point when you said you thought the board was there to serve the members. What I've seen is certain members of the board (apparently a majority) putting the best interests of its membership low on a list of priorities.
Why is community involvement a necessary factor in the viability of a candidate for the board? Because the community can see the track record, become personally acquainted with the candidate, and then be able to trust that person. What matters is what the candidate has done in this community, not another community...because we want to see an investment in Port Angeles.
Must a person necessarily have served on a PADA committee? No, not really. However, I think they should have at least been a participant in the various activities that have taken place downtown. As an example, would that person needed to have been on the Art on the Town committee, or Design committee? No. However, they should have at least participated in the yearly opening of new sculptures, or taken the monthly guided walking tour.
Would service on the Promotion committee be a requirement? No. But what about participating in events such as the winter parade last year, or judging decorated pumpkins or Halloween costumes the year before, or helping to hand out candy for Halloween this year.
If a potential candidate for the board does not have a business downtown, and has not volunteered their services through PADA committee work, then said candidate should at least have participated in some of the various activities downtown, don't you think? I guess it's one of those "walk a mile in my shoes" kind of deals. Or, perhaps more aptly said: "Don't tell me how to work, roll up your sleeves and work with me." Together we can accomplish great things...but, don't ask for my vote until I see your work. Upon what else am I able to make a decision?
Point taken W.P. However it would have been nice to have had a forum where we could meet the candidates, put a face to a name and hear about what they have been doing. As far as I know Flora has volunteered for several art projects, passed out Halloween candy and has attended several meetings.This is another example of poor comunication and lack of time or energy on all of our parts.
Wabisabi.....I like your idea of a forum for the candidates. Today was the deadline for nominating candidates, so that part of the deal is over. However, there is still time for a forum. In fact, a forum could not have taken place before now. We need to know right away who the candidates are. There may be some current board members who do not wish to run again.
* How do we find out who the candidates are...Jan Harbick is chair of the nominating committee, isn't she?
* Where could we hold a forum for candidates...the public library?
What are your thoughts, Wabasabi, and anybody else out there?
Thanks for the dialogue.
PS: It's good to know that Flora, who remains a mystery to me still, has been participating in some of the downtown activities.
Hi, it's me again. I didn't make it to the Port Angeles Business Association meeting yesterday (like many others, I'm sure). I'll make sure that I get this blog address distributed next week, though. Sorry about that.
Best wishes,
Taylor Jennings
Taylor: Thanks. I doubt if the PABA meeting had much of a turnout (if there even was one). I skipped the Downtown Association Morning Mingle at Landings today. I'm assuming they canceled it knowing how small the turnout would be.
Wabisabi, I also like the idea of a candidate forum. I would like the opportunity to "interview" the candidates to see what their interests are, how they interact with others, and how they respond to tough questions or criticism, what they have done in the past and plan to do in the position on the board.
Sounds great Taylor. Ballots need to be back by the 20th Dec. I've been told there are 10 nominees. Flora Jackman can not run after all as she was shut out due to membership closing (huh?) I'm just left shaking my head again.
Before shaking ones head, please find out all the details lst.
Supposedly the biographies of the PADA Board candidates are listed on the Downtown Association website. I couldn't find them anywhere. Anybody know where they are, or if they're actually listed on the PADA website.
Greetings to All,
Regarding the "closed membership" issue: I just went to the PADA web site and looked up all the members. I counted 220 members. Including the Landing Mall, there were 38 non-PBIA members. I counted the Landing Mall businesses as non-PBIA because I didn't know for sure if they were PBIA or not. So, 182 PBIA members would allow for 91 non-PBIA members. Again, I only counted 38. Sooooo...
Membership to non-PBIA members is limited to 1/3, which has not been met, therefore the non-PBIA membership should still be open.
There must have been another reason for the "closed membership." What could that reason possibly be? I'm thinking that the only ones who could provide insight would be Flora Jackman and whoever is assuming the duties of the executive director of the PADA.
Again, we welcome discussion of these issues, as well as any issues that affect business in Port Angeles, at the Port Angeles Business Association meeting this Tuesday, Dec 5th, 7:30 a.m. at Joshua's Restaurant.
Hope to see you there,
Taylor Jennings
Sooooooo....how many of us made it to the Lights Parade downtown Saturday night? Hmmmm.....?
Oh, you mean there WAS a parade? I was there, waiting for it. Hmmm, I must have blinked or something.
I heard that the parade was dismally small, however there was a crowd to watch. My feedback to the kind folks who are planning the parade, have the date set in Sept.I for one would have marched,but my family holiday get together out of town had already been set. Being such a busy time of year with advance date set folks CAN plan to particapate, school bands,dance groups,etc. See you there next year.
Greetings, Folks,
Scott and I walked into town to see the parade. We located the staging area and got recruited to walk along. We thought, why not? So we did. It was fun, and I guess I'd do it again next year. What the heck. Maybe next year it will be bigger. But that wouldn't be hard to do, would it? You're right. I sent the data into Guiness Book of World Records for the World's Shortest Parade. Stay tuned for updates. (Just kidding.)
After the parade we shared winter libations with some friends over at Crazy Fish, and then walked home. As we walked to 1st & Lincoln, we were passed by a City of PA old-timey fire engine with a bunch of firefighters hanging on and whooping it up (maybe there was a Santa - it went by too fast for me to see for sure). I'm thinking to myself, "Gee, it looks like they MISSED the PARADE." What am I missing here (other than the parade)?
But then, if the fire truck had been in the parade it would have wrecked my chances for the Guiness World Book thingy (again, kidding.)
Seriously, though, it does beg the question: "What's up with that?"
Looking at it from where I sit,
Taylor Jennings
Taylor: We were at the Crazy Fish just before the parade, while we waited for it to start. Since the parade was so short, we probably just missed each other by a few minutes.
Like you said, maybe next year...
Well, well, well.....let's hear from everyone who got a ballot in the mail....hmmm....?
Hello to All,
We didn't have any takers for offers to PADA candidates to introduce themselves at yesterday's PABA meeting. There will be one more opportunity at the Dec 19th meeting. Next week, Dec 12th, is the installation of officers and holiday party. While we won't have time at that particular meeting for discussion, we still offer the invitation to attend, introduce yourself, and become familiar with the PABA.
Best wishes,
If I wasn’t so cynical, I’d be suspicious that the Downtown Association Board is doing everything possible to keep new Board members out and keep their Good Ol’ Boy network intact forever. The elections are held in December, the busiest and most critical period for most merchants. How conveeeenient!
And now supposedly the PADA has a by-law (don’t they always) that prohibits prospective Board members from any sort of campaigning. Why doesn’t the Board just crown themselves Emperor For Life and be done with it?
We need to clear out some of the dead wood in the Downtown Association and inject some new blood. Develop a pulse! (Not all current Board members are dead wood. No names mentioned — we all know who the obstacles are.) If some new members don’t get elected this month, and the PADA continues to be this useless arteriosclerotic Good Ol’ Boy clubhouse, then it’ll be time for Plan B.
We’re all familiar with Taxation Without Representation, right? It’s what started the Revolutionary War. Well, hundreds of PADA members are paying their annual dues but getting ZERO representation. How’s that working’ for ya?
Plan B: When your current membership in the PADA is about to expire and it’s time to pay your dues again: DON’T PAY. Drop out. What will you lose? They’ll lose thousands of dollars worth of dues, and the former members won’t be “represented” any more (but then they already weren’t being represented anyway).
Payment on Performance is the slogan at most companies. Has the Downtown Association been performing?
Nothing like more bitch'n from the sidelines.
It's the end of the year and we have a new election, hmmmmmm sorry it's also around the holidays. Give me a break!!! How conveneeeniet!!
I count 5 new folks that are willing to sit on next years board, out of the 10 that are on the nominees list. Is your name on there????
Why don't you stop being part of the problem around here and become part of the solution? Or is that something that you can't handle, you rather just bitch?
The bitchin is coming from the side lines because we the members are continually shut out.You who are on the board need to start serving your members. We have held meetings to express our concerns over lack of comunication and we were told that to much information will lead to confusion. What you have effectivly done is close your membership out.Many of us have offered solutions and taken time to attend meetings only to be stonewalled.You have alienated your selves and have proven time and time again how you are not willing to serve the membership. I ask you, what's in it for you?
Wow, What a bunch of crap!!
As far as I can see the board is doing everything it can to listen and to offer new ways of communicating to you. If I'm not mistaken the president of the board took his time to educate each and everyone of us on the Parking Issue we have facing us. Did he give you all the answers, no, because he's still asking questions and wanting answers himself. He is once again going to the City on Monday to talk with them some more. Hopefully soon he'll have some answers for all of us. This stuff doesn't happen over night folks!!!!!!
They have not effectively closed membership out, how dare you!!!
They are trying to figure out where we stand and make things correct, because they are trying to listen to the membership. Again folks this stuff takes time, it doesn't just happen.
Just because someone opnes their mouth and wants to become a member of the association, so they can have their names added to the new nominees for the board, should that be allowed? I would personally want someone as a member of the association that has shown some interest. And more than just showing up to one meeting. The nominees this year have shown that they do care about our downtown. I sure hope you'll take the time to vote them in. And that's a huge key to our situation, your voting folks to be members of the board that will act for the benifit of our association and downtown.
May I ask, are you on any of the commitees we have?
Is your name on the ballot this year?
Did you help out with the Tree Lighting Ceremony? Or how about the poorly attended X-mas Parade?
I'm glad your attending meetings and offering yout thoughts, but they need more than words and bitch'n.
I got my ballot, and I got more questions. Who is in charge at the PADA? Somebody answer these questions, please.
I still want to know more about the membership being closed. Where did that decision happen, and what were the circumstances?
I also want to see the bylaws where it talks about no campaigning. What is the definition of campaigning? Are candidates allowed to speak their minds and opinions, or would that be campaigning?
....WHOOPSI...On my last POST - the # of Candidates to SEE & HEAR is(10). I forgot (one)- ME. Paul L.
(Is "THAT"'Champagne-ing')?
Quote: "Whiney Pooper said...
I got my ballot, and I got more questions. Who is in charge at the PADA? Somebody answer these questions, please."
Where have you been?
Quote: "I still want to know more about the membership being closed. Where did that decision happen, and what were the circumstances?"
Must have missed that open meeting.
In response to anonymous (10:50 12/8/06); how do your answers help Whinny Pooper or the rest of us? Guess you must be on the Board of Directors.
So, which open meeting are you reffering to? And what went on at that open meeting, which I missed too, that closed membership so conveniently.
And, really, this is a real question, who is doing the PADA's business now that the Executive Director has retired?
Quote: "how do your answers help Whinny Pooper or the rest of us?
Guess it really doesn't, but at the same time LETS GET REAL.
Quote: "Guess you must be on the Board of Directors."
Wrong!!!! You lose!! Go stand in the corner!!!!
Even if I was on the board, that really wouldn't have an bearing. Because I have a concern for downtown and my business and I would still be involved.
Quote: "So, which open meeting are you reffering to?
Well all of the meetings have been up to the membership and the public, even the Board Meetings. Are you folks missing something I'm not?
Quote: "And, really, this is a real question, who is doing the PADA's business now that the Executive Director has retired?"
Well I guess a few members of the board stepped up to the plate to try and take care of the day to day chores. The members that were voted in the last time we had an election, that the membership voted on. Have you step up to the plate to help out? No, it seems like your just on the sidelines bitch'n.
Hi Tom,
Could you transfer my post about Dr. Cohn talking to the PABA (9:59 AM, December 07, 2006) to the new topic of the school levy?
Maybe also wc and others regarding the levy, beginning this post: 10:07 PM, December 05, 2006 from wc, if that's appropriate.
Ooops! Sorry, the above post regarding the levy was meant for another topic. My apologies.
From what I gather, we shouldn't be expecting any PADA board nominees to be stopping by the PABA until after the election, I guess. My apologies on adding to the confusion.
It's a sorry day,
It's me again. I know, I know. But since I'm on a roll here, I just wanted to add this:
and that means it's
That's right! And, you're all invited! It's FREE!
Start with a guided walking tour of the outdoor sculpture downtown with tour guide and international artist Bob Stokes. Meet Bob and special guest Vickie Dodd (who will be doing 'sound imprint' vocalizations at selected sculptures throughout the walk) at 11 am in the atrium of the Landing mall. Tour is free and approximately one hour long. Last month, musician Jay Williams provided improvisational trombone work at selected sculptures. Don't miss this opportunity!
...uh-oh....somebody forgot to take their happy pills yesterday...
(PART 1):
Let us recap the following cyber chat between whiney pooper (9:32 PM, December 07, 2006) and anonymous (10:50 AM, December 08, 2006).
WHINEY POOPER: I got my ballot, and I got more questions. Who is in charge at the PADA? Somebody answer these questions, please.
ANONYMOUS: Where have you been?
COMMENTARY (by whiney pooper): My dear anonymous, if I tell you where I have been, will you then tell me the answers to my questions? It doesn't seem like I should have to offer the contents of my appointment book in order to get a few answers. Typical tactic…answering a question with a question.
WHINEY POOPER: I still want to know more about the membership being closed. Where did that decision happen, and what were the circumstances?
ANONYMOUS: Must have missed that open meeting.
COMMENTARY (by whiney pooper): Yes, I'm sure I did miss that particular meeting. That, dear anonymous, is WHY I was asking. Apparently, I missed the meeting AND the memo. But, I'm beginning to think that you just don't want to actually communicate. In fact, I think you just like to scold people. But, who could blame you...you ARE pretty good at it.
WHINEY POOPER: I also want to see the bylaws where it talks about no campaigning. What is the definition of campaigning? Are candidates allowed to speak their minds and opinions, or would that be campaigning?
ANONYMOUS: (No answer given for this question.)
COMMENTARY (by whiney pooper): I'm still waiting, anonymous. Oh, anonymous....are you still there?
Thanks a lot for your help, anonymous. The information you provided was really valuable (heh).
Hey Whiney Pooper, great post! Actually Whiney I don't need any happy pills, Thank You. For me everday is FRIDAY.
"Who's in charge" As far as I know Nobody is in charge. Who's on first?
As to your other questions, you know, just because we now have PA Online doesn't mean or require the members of the PADA Board to appease you and answer your questions here. Why don't you just pick up the phone and politely call someone that might have the answers for ya. I'm quite sure Kevin would be more than happy to fill you in. Or any of the other Board members. There not here to hide anything from anyone. Or better yet, get more involved and attending the meetings more regularly. That way you'd have your answers.
As to the bylaws on campaiging, I'm quite sure you can get a copy of it, or any other bylaws your interested in. Just ask!! Who made those up? I doubt it very much that todays board members did, but lets just blame them anyway!! Does this need to be look at and maybe revised, maybe it does, but it sure it's going to happen over night. Just like trying to revise other items that seem to be coming up.
All I see here is the same negaitivety, blaming the PADA Board for everything you can come up with. What new item do you have today?
Alot of folks are feed up. But from what I see their not feed up with the board, their feed up with the membership. Especially with the minority that does nothing but bitch from the sidelines. Why don't you step up to plate and be more positive? I'm involved because I want the PADA to survie and improve what Downtown PA has to offer. Or would you rather me get on the sidelines with you and just bitch. I don't think bitch'n will get us anywhere.
Oh, there's a PADA Board meeting on Monday night at 6:15 another great place to ask your questions.
Good morning, everyone!
Yesterday (Saturday) was a great day for the guided walking tour of outdoor sculpture. These guided tours keep getting better and better. This time, Vicki Dodd provided improvisational vocalizations (sound imprints) for selected sculptures. After the tour, she did sound imprints of beautiful works of art now hanging at the Itty Bitty Buzz coffeehouse. Lots of things happening downtown on Second Saturdays! Try it, you'll like it.
Thanks to Tony Hoare, Jean from Fiber Arts, Bob & Jan Harbick, Bob Stokes & Vicki Dodd, Scott and all the other participants, and especially the couple who came all the way from Forks by bus just to go on the tour. Thank you, everyone!
"PRESSING FORWARD" INTO 2007...PAUL L. ;-) ......
Hey Paul, It was great to see such a good turn out, even though I couldn't attend due to other commitments in the next room.
Best regards, Ernst
Hi, Everyone,
I'd like to thank Paul L. and whoever else helped to organize the forum for PADA BoD candidates. It was well-organized and very helpful. Each election should have a forum such as this. I wonder why this hasn't been happening recently. Or, has it ever happened in the past? When the BoD and membership udate the bylaws, a forum for candidates should be included as part of the election process.
Even if it isn't part of the bylaws or policy right now, it certainly is the right thing to do and should have been scheduled by the PADA as an "official, PADA-sanctioned" event. All of the candidates might have been able to attend if it had been organized in advance by the PADA nominating committee, BoD, or whomever.
I'm just glad it happened. So, thanks, Paul L. It looks like that is the way things are going to have to happen. We do it ourselves, make it happen ourselves. No more waiting around to get something done. We don't need no stinkin' "officially sanctioned" permit.
...Paul L.says: Just want to acknowledge Ernst's & Taylor's comments here- THANX...
"CAT."& TOM H.; BUNNY C.; FLORA J. & SANDY H.lent their efforts & support to what was tho't as a really good thing to do (for) the membership.
...NOW - - here is a "CAMPAIGN" plug - THERE WILL BE SOME CHANGES MADE IN '07 -FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE "TOTAL" MEMBERSHIP - WHETHER I AM ON THE "Board", or not!!! I WILL help to see that the "Membership" gets more "OPEN(S)"- that IT TRULY DESERVES from THEIR organization.
...With YOUR support - You WILL SEE changes that WILL BE MADE to bring "DOWNTOWN" into the 21st century - WITH YOUR HELP - "GUARANTEED" !!!Paul L. ;-)...
I second the comments from Ernst and Taylor. A candidates' forum should be the standard procedure for the PADA Board elections. It's too bad this forum was on such short notice and that several candidates had prior obligations and couldn't make it (through no fault of their own).
But kudos to Paul L. for organizing this forum, especially with some of the opposition and heated reactions he got. If a forum like this can be written into the PADA bylaws, then the next forum won't need to be on such short notice and no candidates will get shafted.
So. How long does it take to count less than 200 ballots, or 95, or whatever? When should I expect the announcement email to the association? Or, will I have to read about it in the PDN, again?
Other questions include:
Who is counting the votes? Diebold?
...I believe that the Pres., V. Pres. & (1)"PBIA" member (but don't know who was chosen)....and don't know "WHEN" it will be done or "HOW" it will be announced.
...Would be nice to know by "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL", THO'... ;-) ...Paul L.
...(CORRECTION)ON MY LAST NOTE - ON "BALLOT COMMITEE...Pres., Secretary, (not V.P.), &(1)PBIA MEMBER. Kevin is in charge of the "Count." process, Jan said....I asked...
Paul L. ... ;-) ...
And would that be the same Kevin who is running for re-election? Hmmm. So the guy running for re-election gets to count the votes...hmmm.
Hey, some more Bitch'n for the sidelines.
I'm quite sure that your more than welcome to sit in on the count Whiney Pooper. All you got to do is ask and show up.
Hopefully we won't see all the bogus votes like we did last year. And hopefully you were'nt involved in that.
Bogus votes? What?
Oh, and by the way, you keep saying bitch'n from the sidelines, but you don't really know that, do you, anonymous.
Counting with Whiney Pooper (everybody sing along)...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 21, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200.
And, just for good measure... 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220.
That wasn't so hard, was it? It took only a couple of minutes. However, I'm sure that actually handling paperwork would add another...hmmm...let's give it, oh, I don't know, say...hmmm...24 HOURS!
No wonder the Downtown Association Board of Directors has such troubles, if they can't count 200 ballots in under 24 hours. And, it's highly unlikely that 200 ballots were even turned in. What's the problem this time? Your man from Diebold hasn't shown up yet to "verify" the results?
Hmmmmmmm Lets see, the deadline date for your vote is Dec 20th, I guess that would mean any mailed in votes might have a postmark date of the 20th. Now how many days should they wait for the mailman with any late votes??? Oh, by golly it's a Holiday, but you could really care less since all your interested in is how long does it take to count votes and why haven't you been informed yet?
Whiney Popper says:
"No wonder the Downtown Association Board of Directors has such troubles, if they can't count 200 ballots in under 24 hours."
And here she says some more:
"Oh, and by the way, you keep saying bitch'n from the sidelines, but you don't really know that, do you, anonymous."
Seems pretty darn clear to me. Anybody out there missing this? You just keep bitch'n from the sidelines. What will it be tomorrow? Oh god forbid it's Christmas Day, you might want to wait until the 26th.
...And then "THEY" said: "Good Things Take Time" !!!...And So - "MERRY CHRISTMAS" -(EVERYONE)... Paul L. ;-)..."And to (ALL) - a Good Night"... ;-) ...
Evidently, anonymous, you have been so busy being a martyr and saving the downtown all by yourself that you didn't notice this statement in the 12/15/06 PADA newsletter.
"Completed ballots must be received in the office by 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 20."
Late ballots? Postmarks? No. Let me repeat that for you, or maybe you can get somebody to read you the newsletter. I understand there are services available for people who cannot read. But, if you are having a good day with your eyes today, here it is again, all in caps...
I stand by my previous post. There is no excuse for the delay in releasing the results. Just more of the same strangulation of communication.
And, venom spewed at those who ask pertinent questions. When you ask your doctor a question, does he tell you to quit bitchin' from the sidelines, or perhaps go to medical school yourself so you won't have to ask questions? No. He does his job and answers the questions. The same applies in a variety of situations.
But, anonymous, for some reason you feel you must attack anyone who asks valid questions. I've seen you do it throughout this entire topic posting. Although, I must admit that since you have not a creative bone in your body and cannot make up a name to post under, I do get you confused with the other anonymous posters. I guess I'll just refer to you as bitchin'.
I hope you're not a teacher, bitchin', and spewing your venom at people who want answers. I guess you're under a lot of pressure to be such a grand martyr and have temporarily lost your ability to communicate. I think you must be a politician, because that's the kind of answers you give. Throw it back on the questioner and attack them personally instead of actually being helpful. Kind of like partisan politics. I think you're a Republican.
hehehe Whiney Pooper, boy do you have me all wrong.
A Republican, HaHaHa..... I've never been a Republican, but then I'm not a Democrat either. Personally these to parties haven't done much for our country as far as I'm concerned.
Just throwing things back in your face, sorry that you don't like it to much. Someone needs to do it.
Ok, maybe I made a mistake as to when those ballots were due, but lets forget that most of the board are business people also and at this time of the year I would thing taking care of business just might be important to them, not counting the fact these are family members and have other things going on to. Just like the rest of us.
Once again, Why don't you just pick up the darn phone and call someone that just might have some info for ya, instead of consantly spewing your rath here on the boards? Because that's all you've been doing. Lets all Cowtie to Whiney Pooper because he/she wants all of the answers right now.
Whiney Pooper said...
And would that be the same Kevin who is running for re-election? Hmmm. So the guy running for re-election gets to count the votes...hmmm.
Here you go again!!!! Guess you feel that Kevin or any of the members of the Board has no intrigity at all. I'm quite sure that Kevin is not the only one opening ballots and counting votes.
But hey, you just love throwing rocks and your very good at it. Why don't we have a rock throwing party come spring. Who's store front would you like to choose lst?
Hopefully you had a Great X-mas Season, if not I'm sure you'll find someone to blame.
I asked "THE BALLOT QUESTION" today, Folks...AND THE ANSWER IS: "The Ballots - after counted - will NOT be "Announced" until after they are presented to "The Board" @ the next Board Meeting for THEIR approval.
...THAT comes "Straight from the TOP" - so Don't shoot me - I'm only the Messenger!!!...But,I do ask questions, Folks - to get answers - even if I don't like the questions - or - the answers !!!
...Me thinks there's some serious "WORK" that needs tending to here.
{"A HEALTHY "NEW" YEAR TO YOU ALL"} from - Paul L. ;-) ...>>>>>>>>>>>>
Well that's a fine how-do-ya-do. There used to be expressions like "the fox guarding the henhouse" and "the mice guarding the cheese." Seems like a good description of these PADA procedures.
Hey Interested Party, you might have to stand in the corner for bitchin' from the sidewalk, opps, I mean sideline.
Anon Dude
Thanks to Anonymous Paul L. for the update. Seems more efficient for one person to make a call than having 100 people calling. I guess I missed the notice in the newsletter that gave me that information, so I wouldn't have to be asking questions and bitchin' from the sidelines. I'm sure it's all my fault, though, huh Bitchin' Anonymous?
And, certainly my apologies to every poster out there who has been offended by my "rage." I'll try to tone it down....zzzzzz.....oh, sorry, I fell asleep....zzzzzz
...W-O-W...do I get to be the last entry for the old yr. ('06)...My last 'observation' here then is:..."It's NOT that too much information might be confusing" - it might be just that the lack of "straight-forward" info (clear & concise - meat & 'taters talk) could be the culprit that has brought on any Distrust - Disappointment & Discontent amongest the Troops ??? So, my wish is: "A very HEALTHY "New" Year to "ALL" of us in '07" !!!...Paul L.;-)...
...GOOD GRIEF: I even get the honors to be the first "SLOGGER" for '07 ???...
Plz. NOTE: Persons of Interests from un-disclosed locations) have indicated that there are actions from (both) sides - - PADA & the City of Port Angeles - that should be of great interest and concerns (?) to-for-of the Downtown membership - coming up in the very near future.
...Could actions from either, or both parties just be honest mis-understandings - now being interpreted between the present City council and the PADA - or is any action by either one a justified action - for the betterment of either or both parties in the long run - and for the community as a whole ?
...How can ALL parties WIN - with a Positive Result that forms a good relationship with one another and into a Partnership of a Healthy and prosperous Future for the whole Community !!!...???
...PADA Board Meeting (OPEN to all Members) on Monday, Jan. 8th, 6:15 PM at the PADA Office - 208 N. Laurel-(North end of the Washington Mutual Bank)- corner of Front & Laurel Sts. (NOTE: the RAISED STEP-UP from the sidewalk level). "C U THERE"...Paul L. ;-)...
Congratulations to everyone who ran for the board of directors. And, Paul L., I hope you continue to "slog" and keep all of us informed. Not many people actually post on blogs, but many people read them. Thanks, again. Keep us "posted". WP
..."W.P.", ET AL...CHECK OUT THE PADA WESITE... You'll see "MY MISSION" statement...With your support - it CAN be accomplished!!!That is MY GOAL for '07 - with ALL of your help. THANX, Paul L.
This comment from 12/01/06 by Taylor Jennings was edited at Taylor’s request.
Taylor Jennings said...
Greetings to Everybody,
I would like to invite, as my guests, all PADA candidates to the Port Angeles Business Association to provide an opportunity to introduce themselves to community members. There are a number of members of PABA who are also members of the PADA. I don't know when the ballots are due back, but perhaps there will be time for one or two meetings at the PABA to become acquainted with candidates. Our meetings are every Tuesday, 7:30 a.m., at Joshua's Restaurant on DelGuzzi Drive and Hwy 101.
Despite appearances, I am not trying to push the PABA on people. However, we do provide a good venue for issues facing Port Angeles. I think the thing to remember is that we all want Port Angeles to succeed -- we just have different ideas as to how that might happen.
Best wishes,
9:48 AM, December 01, 2006
...A New Year, a Rebuilt Board - Lotza' things coming up this month!!!
...News on the "street"says: Might have a "Special"Gen'l/Board Mtg. to bring up ISSUES for "membership" decisions this month? So watch y'er mailbox, the "Downtown" website for further info.
...By-law changes??? Exec.Dir. search??? Revenue Sources???..
...Keep an eye-n-ear out. Got y'er "dues" paid up???
...Saw "Bunny" C. & "Flora" J. at the Board mtg. Monday nite along with new Board members... ;-) ...Paul L.
Check y'er "Snail-Mail"...
NEWS 'out' today...SPECIAL MTG. on Monday,the 22nd @ the ELKS BALL RM.,6:30 PM.
...It's "DECISION" time...
...Paul L. ;-)...>>>>>>>>
PAUL L. says: Just to keep ya' "In Touch"...Bring Questions to the "Gen'l. Mtg." on the 22nd - in order to make "Informed" Decisions !!!...
..."HOW" will ANY future Action(s) affect "YOU"- the PADA Membership ???...
...Be There - Get Informed - Ask Questions - The Board's Answers could determine Your Vote.
..."C U THERE" !!!...Paul L. ... ;-)......
...SPECIAL GEN'L. MEMBERSHIP Mtg. on the 22nd - BOARD Mtg. on the 29th - and Annual MEMBERSHIP MTG. on the 31st FOR INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS...
..."Let's Communicate"!!!... ;-)...
...Paul L. says: Do YOU respect YOUR Business..YOUR Downtown Business Friends.. YOUR "Downtown CENTRE"..YOUR own Opinion..YOUR Future..YOUR livlihood ?????
...Then -BE THERE -at the General Meeting tomorrow nite at the Elks - 6:30 PM.
...Ask IMPORTANT Questions to make INFORMED DECISIONS...
You have received a NOTICE in the mail - an E-mail - a REMINDER in your E-mail, and a NOTICE in the PADA January Newsletter - and on the PADA website... SO, YOU have no reason NOT to be present to defend YOUR personal position in YOUR connection with the PADA & the City & the "GATEWAY PROJECT" !!!
...And, YES - I AM your Friend - and CONCERNED about "YOU"...Paul L.
Hey Paul, I turly appreciate your commitment to the PADA. Just wished the rest ot the membership of the PADA would show more concern.
Best to ya.
I second that previous comment. It's too bad Paul and the other people who were running for the Board didn't get elected. But we did get a few new Board members elected. With the help of these new members (and Paul and the others who didn't get elected) maybe the Board can become more proactive and more responsive to the downtown community.
...Paul L. says: TO: "INTERESTED PARTY"...Thanx for the positive comment...WE're trying to get things on a "Forward / Positive Path" for '07...THAT is my Goal and interest in supporting this Organization of "Members"...
...Please go to the PADA website - klik on "Member's list/ website". Go down to the "Ps" - find my name - klik on my WEBSITE...THERE is my GOAL. I stand by that very Public Statement to (ALL) the members, and encourage your support. My e-mail is there for you to bring forth your POSITIVE comments of how "WE" can improve OUR Organization for the future. I am "WORKING" to make that happen !!! I have volunteered to be on the By-laws; Parking; and A NEW Economic & Restructuring Committee(s) - soon to be called (I hope) the "OPPORTUNITY & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE". Catherine Harper is your new Chairperson on THAT committee, Wendy Carman, Jan Harbick, and Nathan West from the City. WE ARE ON A "FORWARD" ROLL - HANG ON,FOLKS & ENJOY THE RIDE !!!
...Paul L. ... ;-) ..........
...HI, FOLKS...Not getting much "ACTION" here. All must be Well, in "PADA LAND"... ;-) ...
...Justa' Reminder here then..."Board Meeting" tomorrow nite-6:15PM @ the Office.(2nd & 4th Mondays). Hope to "C U THERE"... ;-) ...Paul L.
...Paul L. says: WELLLLL - GOL-LY....It was mighty lonely "THERE" - without cha'... ;-( ...
..."C U" on the 20th ?... ...Paul L.... ;-) ...
...And, Paul L. says: "So, what's shakin' around YE OL'"DOWNTOWNE CENTRE", pray tell???...Why no comments on this blog - no Gripes no Questions, no Interest???...
..."O & D" NEWS???..."GATEWAY" NEWS???..."PROMO" NEWS???...
...HOPE TO SEE Y'ALL THERE... ;-) ...Paul L. Says.................
...Paul L. says: WELL...must be my turn AGAIN to bring ya' the latest news(es) about GATEWAY. The City said today: "IT'S GREEN TO GO" for the TRANSIT to say "OK", also - ao we'll find out Monday at the Transit meeting.... STAY TUNED...we should have a PARKING GARAGE -NEXT YEAR !!!...LET'S HEAR IT FOR AN - "AMEN"...???... ;-) ...>>>>>>>>>>
All right, Amen on the parking garage. Let's hope this is for real and that the garage gets built soon enough to mitigate the coming parking crisis.
...Paul L. SAYS:...JUSTA' QWIK REMINDER...TONITE's the P.A.D.A. BOARD MTG.(6:15 PM AT THE OFFICE)...C U THERE ???... ;-) ...
Anything new happening in town? What about the parking problems that haven't even begun yet? Wait til the Gateway construction starts. Anybody have a plan?
This is a test for "Signature" (OTHER)... ;-) ...
...Just enjoyed a good "Laff Out Loud" - when I scrolled back to my comment on Nov. 20th,(2006)at 6:33 PM - - which I now tie to the "Mis-Cue" on the "Mis- Planned" "DOWNE-TOWNERS"(GET TOGETHER EVENT)for this month. Interesting "Chain of Events" - is a Good Lesson Learned...that "GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME" & "SOME GOOD THINGS JUST NEVER GET DONE"!!!..???.. ;-)...
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