Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Elections Finally Over

Congratulations to the winners in all the local races. I didn’t really have strong opinions in most of the local races, except that I’m against the tech levy. And it’s losing as of this writing.

Most of my political opinions are directed at state and national issues, and I’m very happy about yesterday’s results.

Mostly I’m just glad this election is finally over. It’ll be nice to turn on the TV and see those old fashioned commercials, where somebody’s trying to sell something — instead of the constant bombardment of “Dino Rossi is a %$#^$#%#$” “Christine Gregoire is a #$%^%$%$#!” “Dave Reichert is a %$^$%^&#$%$#” “Darcy Burner is a @$#%#^%”

Normalcy at last.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nastiest election I've ever seen...
I'll bet that next time Rossi will stay away from the ritzy Port Angeles Yacht club!

12:15 AM, November 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Citizens! Our hard work this year has paid off. Let us not falter, but rather seize the moment - Save The Pool! Bring the Farmer's Market back Downtown! Support our Local Artists!

5:44 AM, November 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU pay for the pool...we do not need socialist policy of US who never use it paying for it! My taxes are high enuf!

Don't block off streets and businesses for the farmer's market...leave it where it is, people can find it...if they can't well, what can we assume from that? LOL.

Do you mean support hippie artists that create questionable the hideous statues downtown that WE are paying for? No thanks.

Anyway, good luck to Obama...I'll support him until he endangers our security, economic and homeland.
But at least I WON'T EVER feel the need to put "impeach" bumper stickers on my car, and I WON'T EVER feel the need to dress sloppy, go Veteran's Park and hold "Impeach" and "Obama is a Terrorist" signs, like leftists do!

11:59 AM, November 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of hippie artists, I understand that the Anderson Gallery is closing after tonight's show.

6:37 AM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Liz" -- OK, don't contribute to the pool then. Me, I don't have a car so I shouldn't have to pay for these socialist roads and highways that we all get taxed on. If you drive, YOU pay for these roads yourself. I also don't have kids so I shouldn't have to pay for this nanny state school system that other people are using. Schools should be paid for only by those people who are using them.

And the post office. I use only e-mail (or UPS if it's a package). But some commie dogooder wants everybody to pay for that socialized postal service whether they use it or not. Isn't that terrible?

11:42 AM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice if people could simply evolve a little bit more and stop disrespecting other people? Art is in the eye of the beholder, and you just show your ignorance and narrow-mindedness by calling it "hideous." I'm really grateful there are artists of all kinds, people who care enough about our town to want to improve it. We need to pull together to get through this crisis (this just in -- this is Life 1A) instead of pointing fingers at each other and saying "you do it, since you care." We should all care.

We have a chance to change a lot of things, and we'll probably be too busy being holier than each other to actually do anything. But if you're one of those who would rather sit and smirk than do something, then live with your choices and shut the F**K up.

12:11 PM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

commenter at 6:37 a.m., I'm glad you think it's so funny that another business in downtown Port Angeles is closing. What would you rather have there? The 1970s are over, we aren't gonna having booming sawmills and lumberyards to keep the whole town employed, so move on. If this town is to survive, we need thriving businesses here, whatever type of business it is.

Keep gloating about hippie artists, and maybe the next business that closes will be the one that employs you. Or maybe you're on welfare so it won't matter to you.

12:57 PM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Anderson might have been able to keep his gallery open if he had ever kept his posted hours and been open. If he couldn't keep those hours, he should have changed them to hours he could keep or hired someone to be in the gallery. If he couldn't do either of those things, he shouldn't have opened in the first place.

It's not rocket science and you don't need an MBA from Havard or Yale to figure out that if you're not open when you say you will be, people will assume you're an amateur (at best) not make another attempt at visitng your business.

I frequently saw Mr. Anderson in the alley by Studio Bob smoking with ol' Bob himself ... when he could have been at his gallery. If he can't be bothered with his own "business" except for one Friday night out of the month, why should anyone else care?

The problem with the art in this town is that the majority of looks like someone called Big Moe's Art Emporium and ordered a truck load or two of "art" which was dumped around the streets in a haphazard way. And the "art" has very little to do with the town itself. The history of the town is not represented in the art. Aside from the seahorse, which is genius, the rest of the "art" is that abstract-y "anything you want it to be" sutff which is strictly amateur hour. I realize the Avenue of the People statues are supposed to be ral people in the town, but they're so abstracted that most of them don't make a lot visual sense. The two best are the mother and child and the man pushing the woman in the wheelchair. The rest of the statues are what ... ?

It's a nice try and if the "art" makes you feel good about yourself, well good for you. But this is all typically half-assed P.A. stuff and if you're trying attract tourists with this stuff ... good luck. If you're serious about being an "art friendly" town, then get a vision, a program. On the one hand you've got the elitists at the Fine Art Center and on the other you've got Bob Stokes cultists.

Perhaps we can donate most of this "art" to Forks ... and that horrible fountain, too.

6:57 PM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roads are a NEED to transport goods and services, as well as people to places of work...a pool is a WANT not a NEED.

I agree, get rid of PUBLIC schools...I would like to see vouchers so that we can build and send our kids to PRIVATE schools that will teach our kids what they need instead of politically-correct sensitivity courses.

The postal system could be would save the taxpayer BILLIONS! UPS, Fedex, and other private companies could do a better job.

10:17 PM, November 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VERY funni:

LOL!! He is makin' stuff up!!

10:19 PM, November 07, 2008  

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