Thursday, April 18, 2013

Possibility of Lyme Disease on Olympic Peninsula

A tick near Lake Crescent tested positive for the pathogen that causes Lyme Disease.  Dr. Tom Locke, public health officer for Clallam and Jefferson Counties, said:

“Lake Crescent and the area around Lake Crescent is tick heaven.  People report tick bites from around there all the time.  So, given that this is an area where we see a lot of tick bites, this is significant news.  We want people to know about it. At the same token, we don't want them to overreact to it, this one test result.  We've never had a confirmed case of Lyme disease in Clallam County, although we've had anecdotes of people being bit by ticks and getting rashes and taking antibiotics.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news for those wanting to promote the area for out door activities.

9:12 AM, April 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's next, rattlesnakes? Or more seriously, heartworm. That would suck. But this sucks.

Especially fer those dern promoters! DUR! 9:12 - Fucking moron!

11:42 AM, April 18, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

I moved here in 98 and go camping a lot and have not ran into a single tick yet.

Hey, have I ever told you about the time when I was a teenager and felt something on my nut sack and discovered a tick half buried in it?

What in the hell does a teenager know about removing a tick? Not a hell of a lot, I just pulled that fucker out and I'm still here.

Maybe I just got lucky, I don't know.

8:10 PM, April 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, in all my time here, I've never seen a tick. Of course, I don't go out in the woods much. No bars.

7:55 AM, April 19, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Oh hell, if you see me in the woods drop by, I always take a 30 pack with me and like to bullshit at a campfire.

11:10 AM, April 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was pretty interesting to see how "they" were able to shut down all cell phone communications, mass transit, robo-call everyone, etc.

If anyone ever needed an example of how much control some have over others, that was pretty graphic.

10:28 AM, April 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Bhutan, the control is done the old fashioned way - you are escorted by a "guide" everywhere.

So will we get an e-mail stating when to expect the traveling councilman back, or will he simply sit back to enjoy the turmoil and doubt he causes? I guess it's his inner child way of doing things.

7:51 PM, April 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lyme disease to a rant about Max Mania in seven comments. Good job! So I broke my big toenail the other day and I'm sure it's Max Mania's fault... Somehow... Everything else is...

10:06 PM, April 20, 2013  
Anonymous "Monique" said...

BBC - lucky tick! ;)

2:28 AM, April 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon. 7:51 PM, April 20, 2013:

I guess you can only read the PDN when it's bashing Max, not when it's doing things like reporting on last week's City Council meeting, where he was in attendence. Which is to say, he's been back for over a week, jackass. He spent four hours in a City Council meeting yesterday, too.

I spent about an hour on the phone with Max last night, and we had a wide-ranging discussion. One of the things we discussed in some depth was the truly ridiculous attacks he's been subjected to, from both ends of the political spectrum.

His opinion, and it's one I share, is that the attacks on him aren't about ideology, but about honesty. In other words, he's an honest man trying to operate in a system riddled with corruption and peopled by thieves. Needless to say, these people, from across the political spectrum, don't like to see someone honest, intelligent and willing to speak up added to their system. It puts their graft at risk.

Thus, you get the expected attacks from right-wing idiots like Dick Pilling, but also from so-called liberals like Steve Tharinger and his minions. Max, despite whatever flaws he might have, is honest, and these dishonest people have been after him for years. Clallam County is one of the most dysfunctional and corrupt places around. Living here is like living in Alabama in 1950. Max has tried to change things, and insert some transparency and fiscal accountability into the city's business. In response, the sleazebags in control have manufactured "scandals" and made bold attacks on both Max, and his wife Dale (who also represented intelligence and honesty when she ran for County Commissioner). The completely bogus and unethical "ethics" complaint against him is just the most obvious example. The recent PDN story announcing their house was vacant while they were out of the country - so come on down and burglarize their home! - is just the most recent.

While so many of us appreciate the service Max has given to the community, we understand that it hasn't been pleasant or easy for him. When the people on your own side are as corrupt and vicious as those on the other side, what are you supposed to do? I agree with Max's assessment of the political scene here, even though it's pretty disheartening. I don't see Clallam County or Port Angeles growing or changing for the better anytime soon. But I wanted to at least say thanks to Max (and Dale) for trying.

8:16 AM, April 21, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

"BBC - lucky tick! ;)"


10:41 AM, April 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa sis!

It seems appropriate to blog about local politicians on a discussion about blood sucking parasites. Thanks for the update on the local Ixodes.

5:47 PM, April 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, remember when Max used to post here as "The Watcher" or as "Bodhi Clevins" or his wacky rants about Mayor Kidd as "Anonymous"?

Talk about honesty and transparency!

So Max 'n Dale are leaving? I guess we just weren't worthy of them.

6:53 PM, April 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey, remember when Max used to post here as "The Watcher" or as "Bodhi Clevins" or his wacky rants about Mayor Kidd as "Anonymous"?"

And, you know this to be a fact, exactly HOW??

So pathetic.

8:47 PM, April 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What really blows my mind is Anon 6:53 is actually Max Mania... FACT!

9:58 PM, April 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Tharinger was "The Watcher"! He set Max up because Steve is afraid of Max.

Steve Tharinger also worked behind the scenes with the Girdle Scouts to derail Dale's campaign.

Steve Tharinger also controls Peter Ripley via a mind control device that Steve built in his garage.

This is all because Steve Tharinger is afraid of Max and Dale and is intent on driving them out of the area so that he can ... um ... Max, what was the rest of that story?

4:07 AM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what I'd challenge the Max Mania obsessed troll to do is this: Tell us exactly why Max Mania is SO bad, so worthy of your scorn. Is he corrupt? Does he fritter away tax payer money? What, as a politician, has he done that is just SO terrible? No falling back on pure ideology, or name-calling, or any other juvenile BS. Just tell us all, straight out, why he is so bad. Because I don't think you have a whole lot to gripe about, especially compared to most politicians, local or otherwise.

6:08 AM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Anon 8:16 is right on target with this observation: "Living here is like living in Alabama in 1950."

Useless town that is so full of itself it can't do anything. Well, except the stupid stuff it does so well.

Drive out people who actually have an interesting thought or two, because you have the likes of Don, Dan and Cherie to talk a good line, which results in nothing new ever happening.

Like in Alabama, in the '50s.

8:52 AM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max Mania is honest. Steve Tharinger is a liar. There's a key difference. And dishonest people don't like having honest people around. Makes them look bad. Makes them worry about the truth coming out.

10:49 AM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Steve Tharinger. So indisidiously clever.

To think that he controls a political machine so vast, so omnipotent that he able to derail the campaign of Dale and to operate a shadowy smear campaign against Max!

Gosh, I had no idea Steve Tharinger had so much power.

11:05 AM, April 22, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

To hell with all that, I have no idea why most of us aren't getting laid. Other than so many are busy trying to be important.

11:50 AM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Honest" Max posted here as "The Watcher".

Would you buy a used car from "Honest" Max?

1:46 PM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Honest" Max posted here as "The Watcher"."


3:15 PM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's telling that the troll has been unable to rise to my challenge, and actually list some things that Max Mania has done wrong as an elected official and policymaker. All we get is the same name-calling and sniping that means nothing. Which, to my way of thinking, is an admission that he is actually a pretty good policymaker, because otherwise the troll would have something of substance to offer.

3:18 PM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so funny that people "know" who has posted as what, or whom, or whatever, when in fact, they don't know squat. And it's even funnier that someone disses Max for (supposedly) posting here under an assumed name, when they're posting anonymously. If it's "dishonest" for Max to post here, then ain't it dishonest for you too, trolly dearest?

7:03 PM, April 22, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

All anonymous commenter's and made up names are trolls. I'm the only fucking thing here that is real.

7:56 PM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, once again, the Troll has succeded in hijacking yet another thread with their completely mindless drivel.

What an idiot.

9:26 PM, April 22, 2013  
Anonymous put THIS on a button said...

I hear a good jiggle will dislodge the tics. Even grinding against a buddy. Or gal. Oh, wait, no touching in Port Angeles! BAD BAD BAD!

This whole dancing thing...pretty funny. In less than a decade, the current reactionary crowd here will be gone.

It will be common to see sensual dancing again at PA school dances - and allowed to participate will be SAME SEX COUPLES.

10:04 AM, April 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, there are places on 8th Street that can help you with your delusions and paranoias. Take some meds -

and stfu!

10:24 AM, April 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Max, there are places on 8th Street that can help you with your delusions and paranoias. Take some meds - and stfu!"

Which answers our questions not in the slightest...

3:42 PM, April 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max Mania = 1

Whiny Troll = 0


6:35 AM, April 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke with Max the other day about all these accusations flying around that he posted here under a variety of aliases.

Not only did Max deny ever doing this, he said he'd never heard of or read this blog. Max would not lie about something like this and I believe him.

Max told me that these accusations have been plaguing him for years and that they were started by certain people on the current city council to make him look bad. Also, he told me that Steve Tharinger is working in cahoots with Peter Ripley and giving Ripley and his followers all kinds of gossip which they're spreading all over town.

Max doesn't deserve this. I think Steve Tharinger and his thugs need to stop it NOW and Tharinger needs to publicly apologize to Max.

12:44 PM, April 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Local government has experienced no shortage of selfish. grasping, narcissistic spot-light seekers. These types are much more concerned with inflating their images than in leaving a legacy of good works.
Max Mania's approach to public service is to actually serve the public. How unique and refreshing!
But apparently something to be feared?

7:26 PM, April 24, 2013  
Blogger Unknown said...

The research is flawed. I am a long time clallam county resident and was DIAGNOSED with Lyme Disease in 2011...

2:17 PM, April 30, 2016  

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