Thursday, August 09, 2007

Growth in Clallam County

As you’ve probably read in the PDN (the articles aren't available online), there's been a showdown over growth between Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles.

Clallam County Commissioner Mike Chapman is in favor of rural growth zones known as Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development (LAMIRDs). Some of these rural growth zones include Deer Park Road at Rt. 101; Bell Hill near Sequim; and the Hungry Bear Café in Beaver.

Port Angeles City Planner Nathan West and City Manager Mark Madsen are opposed to any new urban development outside of incorporated cities. Mayor Karen Rogers is in favor of preserving the current LAMIRDs but is against enlarging them (according to what Mike Chapman said.)

To make everything even more complicated, a Seattle-based environmental group called Futurewise is suing Clallam County for failing to comply with Washington’s Growth Management Act.

Where is all this going? What do YOU think?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should Port Angeles have anything to say about growth out in the boondocks? If somebody owns land out in the West End their property rights shouldn't be curtailed just because someone in Port Angeles is worried about growth.

2:10 PM, August 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...PAUL L. Says: The Mayor publicly stated this week that New Industries are telling her that it's too expensive to locate in the City (too many rules, requirements, costs, etc.) so they're looking to go out into the County for a better deal....

...Could that be WHY the City doesn't want the County to be able to do what the County wants to do?

10:03 AM, August 18, 2007  

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