Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Local Republican Violates Bylaws, Gets Voted Off The Island

Clallam County Commissioner Mike Chapman, a Republican, is being punished by the Good Ol’ Boys of his own party.

In last November’s election, Chapman endorsed Steve Tharinger, a Democrat, over Republican Bob Forde. As a result, Chapman received a letter from the County Office of the Republican Party, telling him that he had violated the party’s bylaws and was “barred from holding yourself as a Republican with any standing” for a 2-year period.

Chapman told the PDN “I thought political free speech trumps bylaws.”

Both parties are guilty of this. They claim it’s part of their right to free assembly. Whatever.

But this case is extreme. There are Republicans and then there are Republicans. Check out this website, which is partially written by Bob Forde. These articles are not your garden variety Republican viewpoints.

In December 1999, Mike Chapman was one of the customs inspectors who seized a would-be Algerian terrorist, Ahmed Ressam, during a foot chase through Port Angeles. Ressam was riding on the MV Coho with 133 pounds of bomb-making materials in his car. He dove off the Coho and ended up running through downtown Port Angeles. He was tackled by Chapman.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blind loyalty to a political party, that's something we need less of, not more. It's the candidate not the party.

7:31 PM, February 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Small world. Sue Forde, wife of defeated candidate Bob Forde, is chairwoman of the County Republicans who reprimanded Mike Chapman for not endorsing her husband. Coincidence?

3:13 PM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There sure are a lot of "coincidences" in this town.

8:40 PM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fail to see the newsworthness of this. Yeah they are bottom dwelling mud eaters but yeah, they are no different than the last set of bottom dwelling mud eaters we had or the ones yet to come.

They changed the primary system several years ago because somehow the parties have *rights* and the voters don't.

8:46 PM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Forde should run for Furhrer!

8:38 AM, March 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Forde has been peddling 'his struggle' for many years. I read that and get an incredable urge to goose step and burn some books.

9:53 AM, March 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Furhrer Forde says
"I should have won that race!"
We Heil! Heil!
Right in Furhrer Forde's face!

*apologies to Spike Jones*

5:14 PM, March 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps before trashing Mr. Forde, you ought to meet him...he is a good, good chap. Farmer, and quite the expert on the U.S. Constitution.

As for Mr. Chapman, all the bloke had to do was keep his trap shut and endorse no one...BOTH parties have rules and the leadership of the party were being pressured to enforce them. I can bet you..if Tharinger would endorse a republican, I am sure he would get "voted off the Democrat Party island."

11:49 PM, March 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shocked and thrilled when Mr.Chapman endorsed Mr.Tharinger, for the simple fact that he allowed his intelligence to stand outside his political box. Wow! Rare indeed. Sadly, I thought it may come to this. No worries Mike. You will always be a man of integrity. This action will always be a blemish on the face of the Republican party, of which I am a member.

12:04 PM, March 11, 2008  

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