Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Seven Applicants for City Council Vacancy

As of today’s 3 p.m. deadline, seven people have applied for the City Council seat vacated by Larry Little.

The Council members will interview the applicants at a special meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at 5 p.m. in the City Council chambers. The applicants are:

Brad Collins, Serenity House of Clallam County development director and former Port Angeles planning director.

Thomas Davis, a musician, who formerly served as an Indian Council chairman in El Dorado County, CA.

Rick Burton, Nippon Paper Industries USA employee.

Dan Maguire, former Clallam County Family YMCA executive director.

Glenn Wiggins, a former Port Angeles city councilman and mayor and currently a forestry consultant.

Sheryle Outcalt, registered nurse.

John Matthews of the planning commission, and you probably know him from the Post Office.


Anonymous Roger said...

Burton, Wiggins or Matthews would be a wise choice.
We need adults on the council.

5:48 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Davis and Collins are infants?

6:47 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support Brad, no question about it. He knows how cities really function, and knows this city. And, he is doing good "community work", now, with Serenity House, so he shows he has ethics, too.

No better choice.

6:55 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Mathews is a thoughtful and measured man. He supported not having fluoride added to our water. He would be my pick.

8:21 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous Rachel said...

We don't need an "Indian Council Charman" or musician on the city council...neither of these guys obviously ever held a real job.

8:43 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know both John and Brad, and like them both. Good folks.

If I had to choose, it would be a no brainer. Brad Collins.

10:05 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

Burton is a joke. Wiggins is a relic. And Matthews isn't even smart enough to realize he'll be OUT OF TOWN tomorrow when the Council is holding their interviews. Oh yeah - all three of these are "wise" choices.

As for Edna... Here's the scoop: Her man Jim Cammack was calling Council members today explaining that Edna really, really wanted to apply - but a sitting Council member would have to call her and ask her to apply. Being that Edna didn't get an application in today, I think it's safe to say no Council member made such a call.

Port Angeles = 1. Edna = 0.

On the other hand, I'll take a demerit as well, since my predicition that Young Cody Blevins would apply didn't pan out.

10:14 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wiggins is a nice person, but he was among those in the old guard who thought Mark Madsen did a great job as City Manager. I sure wouldn't be in favor of any candidate who agreed with Larry Williams' memorable quote re: Madsen's resignation: "Losing him as city manager is like flushing a diamond down the toilet."
No, it's gotta be nope to Wiggins.

10:31 PM, January 19, 2010  
Anonymous onceburned said...

I would strongly support both Brad Collins and/or Dan Maguire. I personally know and have served with both men on various committees. Both are thoughtful, well reasoned, do their homework and don't have any axe to grind. I don't know anything about John Matthews or Sheryle Outcalt and agree with other commenters that Davis,Wiggins and Burton would all be mistakes.

7:21 AM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

Hey Rachel: Before you start slinging (ever-so-slightly racist) barbs at people, do two things:

Check your facts: Thom Davis has plenty of business and governmental experience - in addition to being a musician, teacher, etc. His resume absolutely warrants serious consideration for this position.

Check your spelling: I don't think Thom was ever a "Charman" of any sort.

Also: You say "neither of these guys" - which implies two people - but you only seem to be talking about one person.

OTHER THAN THAT...Your insights are ever so valuable.

(Having said all that, though, I think Brad Collins is now clearly the frontrunner in this group...)

7:37 AM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous onceburned said...

Speaking of the City Council, and the opportunity to reverse bad decisions made by previous Councils...the City is about to renew the 7 year monopoly on fiber optic, broadband internet access that they granted to CPI, back in 2003. This monopoly has allowed CPI to charge P.A. customers 50 times more than Sequim or Carlsborg customers get charged for the same hook up speeds
($100.00 per megabit vs $2.00 per megabit in Sequim). Fiber City, USA isn't getting any new technology customers because it costs too much to get service. All the new ones are in the County or in Sequim. Check out the NOAA Net site: http://www.noanet.net/press/presentation_videos.html

7:58 AM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just FYI the interviews are tonight.

10:31 AM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

And then there were six. Mister Rick Burton has withdrawn himself from consideration for the open City Council seat.

So much for the monkey show at tonight's meeting!

11:13 AM, January 20, 2010  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Thanks for the clarification. I assumed the PDN meant a week from today. I'll update the post.

11:34 AM, January 20, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

What, no bar owners applied?

I think I would go with a working man, Rick Burton, Nippon Paper Industries USA employee.

We need adults on the council.

Well, all of them pretend to be, but often vote with the child in them. You're just a little delusion generator, ha ha ha

12:47 PM, January 20, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Ah, I would be okay with a registered nurse also, even though I don't know her.

12:48 PM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous Rick Burton said...

What do you want to bet that we don't hear from the watcher, until the interview process is over tonight?... Stay tuned!!

6:29 PM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous The Watcher said...

Decision 2010:

Brad Collins is the newest member of the Port Angeles City Council.

8:26 PM, January 20, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

What do you want to bet that we don't hear from the watcher, until the interview process is over tonight?... Stay tuned!!

Stay tuned for what? All of them, and you, think they can make a difference in this stupid political system.

Good luck with that, hey, why don't the voters get to pick the replacement?

Not that I trust the public at large any more than I do with the way they are doing it now.

8:30 PM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Good! Brad got the job, by unanimous vote! Excellent.

There may be hope for Port Angeles, after all.

8:55 PM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watcher - attacking someone's spelling? That is beneath you and a little cheap.

11:47 AM, January 28, 2010  

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