Monday, January 04, 2010

Paratransit Drivers Vote to Strike

Paratransit drivers in Clallam County have voted 25-0 to strike. It will be at least a week before the strike begins. Paul Bachtel, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587 president, said: "We'll take that [vote to strike] back to the bargaining table. It will be up to the members to decide the date the strike will start."

Paratransit Services is a nonprofit organization based in Bremerton. They operate under a contract with Clallam Transit.



Blogger BBC said...

Well that's really interesting, but I have no idea how much they are making now. I have a sort of love/hate relationship with unions.

In some ways they are needed, in other ways they get greedy and I hate greed.

8:47 PM, January 04, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Having said that, I would drive one of those rigs around for whatever they pay. I've had 18 wheelers in 48 states and a good share of Canada.

It's just driving a rig around, it's not rocket science, it's not even close.

Hell, let them go on strike, bust them if need be, there's lots of folks looking for work that will jump at the chance to have a job that pays more than nine bucks an hour.

9:05 PM, January 04, 2010  
Anonymous Larry said...

Hope they go on strike, I need their job!

11:30 PM, January 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And maybe in today's economy they should be grateful they have jobs.

11:47 PM, January 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And maybe in today's economy they should be grateful they have jobs."

Port Angeles at it's best. Who cares about any other issues or concerns, Bubba.

1:33 AM, January 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paratransit Drivers are paid way less then those that drive for the County Buses, they have much more responsibility for their passengers, have to complete 40 hours of classroom work to comply with ADA, etc;, the parent organization is failing to keep the agreed bargain set a couple of years ago.. So, it's not about greed, the average wage is about $12.00, the company likes those that are on call, no bennies, $7.50 per hour and no guarenteed hours.

Learn about some of the real facts, it always helps.

BBC, it's not just driving around the town, it's getting them to medical appointments, etc, dealing with a vast amount of medical disabilities.

8:45 PM, January 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"$7.50 per hour and no guarenteed hours."

They pay less than minimum wage?

11:19 PM, January 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Learn about some of the real facts, it always helps."

What Fantasy Island did YOU come from? This is AMERICA! Since when have "facts" mattered to Americans?

Americans don't need no stinkin' facts..

11:36 PM, January 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, most of us are still steamed that the city workers get a regular 'cost of living' increase, and our manager just got a 5% pay hike. Great...can't afford to maintain the pool, cutbacks in services...but not in pay increases?
How much in denial are these blokes?

11:28 AM, January 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Great...can't afford to maintain the pool, cutbacks in services...but not in pay increases?
How much in denial are these blokes?"

No kidding.

12:53 PM, January 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they're doing this because management isn't honoring their side of the contract, then I retract my statement.

I've been out of a job for awhile now. There isn't much out there unless I get an RN degree, or do something I don't want to do for less than I was making. So you'll forgive me if I'm a little bitter towards those who have a job and aren't satisfied with it.

Moving is an option too.

As for facts, come on. We're on the Olympic Peninsula. Where am I going to get "the facts"? The Daily News? *insert canned laughter here*

Frankly, reading your comment, I can't imagine why anyone would work there at all. I'm sure there's a lot of better places that would love to hire people for less than minimum wage.

2:30 PM, January 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a pretty crappy union if they aren't even getting minimum wage, and have such horrid working conditions. So, what is the union asking for..more money for the UNION or better working conditions for the workers?
The key question well dressed ARE the union bosses, and how much do they report to the IRS each year.
Methinks that unions are full of convicts pretending to help their members when all they do is help themselves. They're breaking the backs of American workers. But, most of American workers don't have spines anyway.

10:12 PM, January 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The key question well dressed ARE the union bosses, and how much do they report to the IRS each year.
Methinks that unions are full of convicts pretending to help their members when all they do is help themselves. They're breaking the backs of American workers."


This is so like Port Angeles. Reactionary crap.

What profession can you cite that has 100% honorable people in it? The priesthood? Car salesmen? Doctors?

You can find examples in ANY profession to say that they are populated by corrupt, money grubbing, sex-abusing so-and-sos.

And, with any effort, you will also find examples of hard working, altruistic, idealistic angels.

Next I expect to hear how all Muslims are American hating, terror supporting radicals looking for any way possible to disrupt America.

11:15 PM, January 07, 2010  
Anonymous PA Friend said...

Anon 8:45. Do you know (or anyone else for that matter) if this is the end of the contract with that firm? Seems to me the contract was negotiated some years ago. With the economy as it is and if the contract is not renewed, but set out to be upon by other companies - a strike at this moment would be most inopportune for those poor employees. I wonder if they were told that (if it is so).

I hate that their wage is so low, but there are others that would gladly work at lower rates just in order to have a job. When the economy turns, hopefully those workers can seek better paying jobs. How do we know it is 7.50? That does seem remarkably low. Then again, they are a nonprofit (the paratransit co).

11:30 PM, January 07, 2010  
Anonymous PA Friend said...

Ah $8.55 is minimum wage. Hmmm.

11:32 PM, January 07, 2010  
Anonymous PA Friend said...

Anon 8:45 said: "the company likes those that are on call, no bennies, $7.50 per hour and no guarenteed hours.

Learn about some of the real facts, it always helps. "

Today's paper reported: The average pay for a paratransit bus driver in Clallam County is about $12.80 per hour, Grove said.

SOME arrogant and ill informed (or just plain liar) need to get HIS or HER facts straight. Doubtful. Jeesh!

1:50 PM, January 17, 2010  

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