Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Advertising on School Buses

I thought this seemed like a good idea from yesterday’s PDN — allowing advertisements on the sides of school buses. It’s one way to raise money without laying off employees or raising taxes.

But in today’s PDN there was an editorial, plus a guest editorial from the Seattle Times, both condemning the idea.

What say you?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

we exploit our kids enough. We have enough ad saturation - tv, radio, billboards, most of the websites, sides of bus/bus stops, on shopping carts, in movies, and in movie rentals -- even when you are put on hold at some businesses. On t-shirts, on sides of cars and trucks, on posters, on signs that litter our views. Now our big public centers are named for some company (for a price), bridges and overpasses are next. Pretty much everything is trying to push some piece of crap down our throats.
I say: NO. Enough merchandising. Enough advertising. Enough trying to make us "buy buy buy". We have enough crap, thank you. Our landfills are full. We're fatter than pigs before slaughter. We're stupid, to boot.
Enough. Time to quit selling everything and anything to the highest bidder. No more. Time to stop. We've destroyed our country, our savings, our national pride enough with this incessant buying and advertising. NO NO NO.

7:58 PM, February 02, 2010  
Anonymous october said...


9:11 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Angela E. said...

I think its a great idea! SCHOOLS NEED MONEY and I don't really care how they get it.

9:30 PM, February 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angela sez:
"I think its a great idea! SCHOOLS NEED MONEY and I don't really care how they get it."

Yeah, the kids don't look up from the screens on their cellphones, IPods, vid games, etc anyways. Who cares?

But, why spend the money on the schools? They are obviously a waste of time. Let the companies make the money they can, ANYWHERE they can. We need the jobs they give us.

10:44 PM, February 02, 2010  
Anonymous Fresh said...

I've already written to Kevin Van De Wege, asking him to withdraw his support for this bill. He wrote me a note back - with several typos.

What I took from that is that we need to spend more on education, and find the means to do so without pimping out our school buses, and ultimately, our kids.

11:07 PM, February 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Angela... yes let's indoctrinate our kids into being mindless consumers.

You don't care how the schools get money.. maybe we can get citibank to put tattoos on the kids for a price.

Throw everyone's kids under the bus (sponsored by pepsi) so the schools can get MORE money. Good idea dimwit.

11:46 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

we exploit our kids enough.

I don't see where that has anything to do with exploiting the kids.

I don't have an issue with it one way or the other, I don't pay much attention to ads on trucks and buses and such.

Hey, wasn't lotto sales supposed to support the schools? There's plenty of money spent on lotto tickets in this state, I even buy a few myself.

I think that much of the money school systems rake in is misspent. And don't get me started about greedy overpaid administrators.

6:37 AM, February 03, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Actually, it would be sorta cool to see birth control ads on school buses, most of these monkeys aren't adding anything useful to the gene pool anyway. :-)

6:46 AM, February 03, 2010  
Anonymous Yolanda said...

Our public "skools" are so screwed up anyway, so why not?

8:51 AM, February 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you don't care how they get it, then why not let them hook, sell drugs, and make book for money for the school.
That is a really lame statement. How exactly do schools need money?
Why not charge every parent $50 bucks a month to support the school? If education is important than why aren't the parents the first ones to open the wallets?

9:55 AM, February 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

advertising does not mean jobs (except for a very few ad-men and graphics people and printers)
Businesses that advertise are, by large, large conglomerate mega corps that suck all our money out of our community. (Less than a dime stays local.) Businesses that cannot afford to advertise, our local businesses, must compete with these big nincompoops. Every dollar you spend in your community, at a local business, more than half stays IN your community. It's not local businesses that can afford to advertise -- ad rates are unbelievably high (the rates for bulk placement is a fraction of the cost of the rates offered to small, local businesses...our local newspaper is a HUGE problem there).
I do not want to see more ads ANYWHERE. I do not want to sell the sides of our school's buses. And the money grubbing amongst you -- the ones who say "as long as it gets money, it's good" you need a moral tune up. Money is NOT the end. Wake up. Supporting your community, being a role model for your kids, and giving a damn about something other than cold hard cash should be your priorities.
Listen to yourselves (Angela?) whore around much?

10:03 AM, February 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To what?

2:17 PM, February 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In elementary school, they used to charge us to ride the bus! But that was only if you lived less that 2 miles from the school. I believe the bus was done through a private contractor.
I still don't get why this wouldn't be feasible. There are plenty of stupid school fees already. This would be no different and would be for something needful.

8:36 AM, February 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What other public goods are we selling?
And who will have say over what is advertised?
Bad idea.

9:46 PM, February 09, 2010  

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