Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Suspended for Wearing "Sex Pistols" T-Shirt


I would have thought high school administrators had bigger things to worry about. Some interesting comments at the end of the article.

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Blogger BBC said...

And this in a town where it rains a lot and they have sex with zombies and a lot of them are knocked up while still in school?

Hey, it's the twilight twinkie zone, what in the hell does admin expect, a bunch of virgins?

They need to be reminded that a virgin is an ugly 14 year old.

7:29 PM, November 10, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Well, in my case a good looking 20 year old, but I was shy when young.

Got over that shit.

7:35 PM, November 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids still listen to Sex Pistols?

I don't feel so old anymore.

9:38 PM, November 10, 2010  
Anonymous A. said...

The article doesn't give much detail.

"Because of the nature of what was on the shirts and the way in which they were distributed and how that was causing a disruption -- that is when the administration took action"

On the face of it, it sounds like classic small-town school administration small-mindedness.

btw, BBC, your little rants are a mixture of kwazy and stupid. You're a "mature" guy -- please consider leaving the immature, rambling parts of your comments in your head.

Really, you're not very witty.

10:32 PM, November 10, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Really, you're not very witty.

To you, some enjoy me, some don't, to each his/her own. Not my problem if you happen to be a prude or square.

3:55 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sex Pistols really only ever put out one album, and all the songs on that album were written in 1975-76. Which means that they are still "shocking" people 35 years later - which is two generations of teenagers.

Is Forks REALLY that behind the times? Ouch!

8:11 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a picture of 4 kids with the T-shirts on, on one of the Seattle TV news stations last night or before. They appeared to be spray painted stencils. Not bad for the genre.

Yeah, Clallam gets the GOOD coverage for the majority of the States' population to see. Fathers branding their kids like cattle, teen moms putting their mewborns in the garbage can...

8:41 AM, November 11, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

When I hire a stripper for some pole dancing at a private gig I think I’ll feature music by the Sex Pistols. Of course I won’t invite the prudes and squares cuz they’re cultured and all that shit.

9:59 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..They need to be reminded that a virgin is an ugly 14 year old."

Bwahahahahaha,too funny!

10:04 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virgins come in bunches?

Who knew?

11:13 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were sellng them in the school store and not cutting admin in a % ?

Greed, the ruination of 'merica.

11:17 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't they know they must comform to the Police State Groupthink?

11:30 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't they know they are just cannon fodder to their betters?

11:31 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't they know they've been sold a Pig in a Polk?

11:32 AM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The spiel on the TV news clip said the school policy was not to allow graphics about sex, so, because the name of the group included the word "sex", it was forbidden.

Nothing more complicated than that, here in the "Land of the Free".

12:18 PM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On this day don't forget the veterans who fought and died for your freedom to choose between surrendering the T-shirt and being suspended.

1:02 PM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Land of the free tee shiet with every ten gallon purchase.

1:03 PM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the readers' comments at the PDN site. Amazing how many of them were critical of the kids. The kid researched her issues, which she saw as giving her "free speech" rights. But the readers of the PDN who commented were more interested in calling them "dum", "idiots", "attention whores" and more. These commentors derided the kids, advising them to just accept the rules, not question them!

Since when have the interests in "freedoms", "individual rights" and such become a bad thing in America? These are mot things we want to ENCOURAGE our future generations to fight for? Better they should accept what they are told, without question, as these readers advise?

When the British told the settlers in the New World they had to pay taxes to the King, I guess they should not have questioned what they were told.

Anymore than when women were told they had no rights to vote, or Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus.

Don't question, just do as you are told.

1:05 PM, November 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These miscreants should be thinking about ONE thing while in school: LEARNING. Period.
Maybe we should institute uniforms.

11:49 PM, November 15, 2010  
Anonymous Rick said...

Hey BBC...WE NEED a titty bar here! Why dontcha open one! You'd make some BIG bucks!!

11:50 PM, November 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:21 AM, November 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These miscreants should be thinking about ONE thing while in school: LEARNING. Period.
Maybe we should institute uniforms.

11:49 PM, November 15, 2010

Yep, just like in Maos' China.

11:12 AM, November 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...or like very successful adults who as kids went to parochial schools....

1:19 PM, November 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yep, just like in Maos' China"

Oh STFU...many jobs nowadays require uniforms...perhaps these little twerps oughta start early.

5:04 PM, November 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, just like in Maos' China"

Oh STFU...many jobs nowadays require uniforms...perhaps these little twerps oughta start early.

5:04 PM, November 16, 2010

Only "jobs" matter, no matter what the compromise in civil liberties? Wow! Our founding fathers would be shocked. No longer "Give me freedom, or give me death" here; it is now "I'll do anything, accept anything, as long as there is a job in it".

How about a job at the gas chambers? I think there were uniforms required there.

11:21 PM, November 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, I'll work at the "gas chamber"...clean out some of the filth on death row in our prisons!

3:43 PM, November 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Sure, I'll work at the "gas chamber"...clean out some of the filth on death row in our prisons!

3:43 PM, November 17, 2010"

Never mind that innocent people, proven so by subsequent DNA testing, inhabit death row. Kill 'em all, innocent or not. Innocents on death row are still "filth", right? Your son, daughter or grand kid? Who cares. They are just "filth".

Isn't life easy when you have the power to just make sweeping statements, regardless of consequences?

Regardless of real life.

9:48 PM, November 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yep, just like in Maos' China"

Oh STFU...many jobs nowadays require uniforms...perhaps these little twerps oughta start early.

5:04 PM, November 16, 2010"

Wear uniforms, don't question authority or what you're told, and just "learn" without questioning anything.

Do you want to show how that is different than Mao's China?

9:52 PM, November 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's different is that they eventually have the freedom to earn a living and keep what they earn after they keep their mouths shut and learn something.
Get a clue, would ya?

8:59 AM, November 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What's different is that they eventually have the freedom to earn a living and keep what they earn after they keep their mouths shut and learn something.
Get a clue, would ya?"

So, as they are raised not to question things, to "learn" without the support to question (or as you say "keep their mouths shut"), they are supposed to grow up being able to make real choices?

Oh, yeah. I see that in America today.

9:09 PM, November 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're just a I said, get a frickin clue. Your kids are probably all in juvi or prison. What a crappy parent you obviously are.

4:41 PM, November 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really interesting article. Hope to see same more!

4:31 AM, December 30, 2010  

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