Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fireworks Debate to Continue into Next Week's City Council Meeting

Last night's City Council meeting included a contentious debate over whether personal fireworks should be banned in Port Angeles.  Fourteen people spoke in favor of the proposed ban within city limits; ten spoke against it.  The debate will continue at the March 3rd City Council meeting, 6 p.m. in the City Council chambers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am shocked and awed about something else that happened at this same meeting: a decision by City Council to erect eight "Suicide Hotline" signs along the 8th Street Bridges.
Did they ever once consider the message such signs might convey to visitors and newcomers to the area?!?
Welcome to Port Angeles. It's depressing, isn't it? Here's a helpful number you might want to call.
Welcome to Port Angeles. Please ignore the distant scenic views
as you cross these bridges; instead beware of suicidal locals along the decks.
Could the council at least have considered other alternatives, such as painting the hotline number in luminescent paint all along the top of the handrails?

8:57 AM, February 19, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, of course, the people who opposed the ban are mostly people who make money from selling them.

You know, like the people who sell cigarettes and oil, and oppose any restrictions on the sale of those products. Why should they care about the damage and death their products cause, because we know in America, it is all about making money.

People from some non-profits said banning fireworks will hurt their ability to raise funds. Do these people realize their activities send 9,000 people a year in the US alone to the ER, 3,000 children, as a direct result of fireworks? $32 million in property damages?

We know making money is far more important that any negatives resulting from doing it.

9:23 AM, February 19, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point Anon 8:57

No, as we see in so many ways, the City is clue-less.

You also noted the shelter for needy people closing for lack of funding.

But, we got money for studies and signs. We got millions for fake beaches few will actually use, but no money for those in need every day of the year.


11:29 AM, February 19, 2015  
Blogger BBC said...

Those that need money can find other ways to raise it instead of selling nasty fireworks.

It is not your right to blow off nasty fireworks just because you think it is your right.

One thing I never see mentioned is how nasty fireworks are and how hard they are on the environment.

Most of them are made with black powder, want to get into a discussion about how nasty that stuff is?

3:38 PM, February 19, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our priority should be Allah and living under Allah's Holy Word and Law.

Once this town is under Shariah, all blessings will flow from Allah.

Yes, it is that simple.

12:45 PM, February 22, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like, that is supposed to be funny? Clever?

Or just showing your ignorance and racism?

9:00 PM, February 22, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I declare a Fatwa on fireworks as such things are not sanctioned by the Koran.

5:38 AM, February 24, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Anon 5:38, never let an opportunity pass by to show the world what an idiot you are.

12:28 PM, February 24, 2015  

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