Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Website Available for Neighborhood Crime Information

Crimereports.com combines a Google based mapping system with information on crime activity anywhere in the country.

Lorraine Shore, an Administrative Coordinator with the Sheriff's Department, said the website lists all incidents that generated a crime report.  She also said it's important for people to report any criminal activity, because this provides timely data for law enforcement to use as a proactive measure.

The site also has information on registered sex offenders.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, goody! I can hardly wait to check out all the crime reports in the area.

As if we don't already know we live in a shit-hole.

3:08 PM, January 27, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like they were trying to pull off some crime over at the County Courthouse yesterday, during the commissioners meeting. From what I heard, it got pretty heated.

6:45 PM, January 28, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder what the criteria has to be? The break in at my house isn't on this list even though it was reported to the police.

12:52 PM, January 30, 2015  

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