Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Design Standards for Sequim

For a one-year period, the Sequim City Council will be enforcing new design standards for all new construction. This applies to shopping centers, condos and apartments.

This is supposed to make Sequim more pedestrian-friendly and help retain its rural atmosphere. These design standards will be used for roofs, windows, building entrances, parking lots, signs and trash can location.

The City Council voted 4-2 in favor of these new standards. The four newcomers voted in favor of the ordinance. Old-timers Walt Schubert and Paul McHugh were against it.

Ken Hays, who voted in favor of the design standards, said they're crucial “for a town like Sequim that has so much hope and aspiration to grow into a vital, sustainable community.”

Paul McHugh said the ordinance was "the worst piece of legislation I’ve seen come before the council.” He said if these new standards are enforced on developers, “there is going to be no new construction.”

The ordinance includes forming a 5-member review board to assist the city planning staff. McHugh said this board “is going to have to approve whether you’ve been properly indoctrinated on rural, small-town feel. Business people are going to be furious.” The ordinance, McHugh said, is “an awful, awful document.”

Well, it could be worse. At least it isn't “socialism at its best.”

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God for the new Sequim city council. Out with the old and in with the new. Growth is fine, but nobody has the "right" to turn a town into a tacky collection of cookie cutter malls and apartments.

6:58 PM, September 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the sad part about Sequim's development is that you can still see how beautiful it used to be, with rolling farmland, elk doing their thing and nobody minding, and people's homes fitting in with the terrain instead of dominating it. I hope these new standards will help keep it from getting any worse.

1:26 PM, September 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So WHO decides what is "small town feel"?
Sounds "touchy-feely" liberalism to me.
You cannot legislate sound development...if the new development looks O.K., people will shop there...if it doesn't, they won't. Let free markets decide...not commie leftist council members.
We need a new city council!

11:13 PM, September 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol ... Sequim, the home of commie-leftist Socialism!

9:41 AM, September 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel, is that really true? The World Health Organization is deciding on Sequim's development guidelines?

Oh God, it's happening.

11:08 AM, September 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The U.N.! Well, that explains all the black helicopters I've seen flying over Sequim!

Let me get my foil hat adjusted so that they won't scoop me up and send me to one of those concentration camps they've built! At east it will have the "small town feel" to it.

7:13 PM, September 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a development LOOKS like has no bearing on if someone will shop there! The problem is...the stores are all the same stores you see anywhere else in the country. What a blight on America! Same products, same look, same layout...same stuff from China. SNORE. Sure, sure, if I wanted to get cheap junk from China....I'd shop at these places. If I wanted to encourage corporate irresponsibility, lack of health care for workers, and lower wages..I'd shop at Walmart, just like you. But, I don't want to. I think it is morally corrupt and spiritually empty to support a box store that is run by a corporation a thousand miles away...with a ceo that gets a million dollar bonus for running the local stores out of business and decimating the economy of a small town.
Go shop, Rachel. Don't support our local businesses. Don't encourage logical, rational growth. RUIN OUR TOWN...heck, we know you can just move, anyway. You're not from around here, are you?

1:15 PM, September 18, 2008  

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