Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Déjà Vu: Technology Levy for Port Angeles Schools

There will be a technology levy for new computers and software for Port Angeles schools. No you're not losing it or having flashbacks. This really is a current story.

Third time’s the charm.

This levy is reduced from the previous request, which had been expected to pass because only a simple majority of 50% was required instead of the previous 60% “supermajority.”

This new improved version would be 32 cents per $1,000 valuation. The owner of a $200,000 home would be paying about $64 more per year.

Think it'll fly? Should it?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"third time's the charm"


1. no
2. No!
3. NOOO!!!

8:53 PM, August 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids need Teck!

6:21 AM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids need to learn how to write *long hand*.

Kids need to learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide *long hand*.

Kids need to learn how to spell *not to click on the underlined word and pick what they meant*.

Kids need to learn all these things *before* they log on to a computer.

Spread over 4 years? A 4 year old computer makes a good door stop but not much more. Are we to do this every 4 years?

How about the school district take no for an answer, shut up and get back to the basics?

12:24 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids need a lot of things, most of which MONEY WON'T BUY. There is so much waste in the schools, that needs to be addressed before they tax us even more so they can waste more money.

I believe in our schools, in our kids, in our infrastructure, don't get me wrong. But we are being taxed to death while property values fall, while the prices of everything are making beggars out of us -- where does it end?

12:31 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids need Jesus. Help our children's right to pray in school by electing (re-electing!) Dino Rossi as Governor of Washington.

1:21 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this for a tech levy. After a certain grade, like 5th or thereabouts, give every child a new laptop, then another in 9th grade. Set up some online classes and exams. Hire some people to help the students if they need it (via webcam or digital whiteboard). Hire some other people to administer this statewide and to randomly check to make sure the system is working.

Then dismantle the education system. Think of the money we'd save! After a certain grade, there'd be no costs for infrastructure, bloated bureaucracies, or federally mandated exams. Those parents and kids who care about their futures will make sure they study and do well. The kids (and parents) who are too cool for school won't have to do anything past the basic reading and writing stage, and we won't be footing their expensive education costs. They can work in the ever-growing service industry for minimum wage. Someone's got to, right?

Yeah, okay, it'd probably never work. But my thought is education is a bloated monstrosity that doesn't work and bleeds money like crazy. Something has got to be done about this or this country won't be able to compete in the global market. It's a big, ugly downward spiral, and asking the taxpayers for money won't solve it. I say fix the problems, then ask for money.

6:57 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I see the kids start dressing for school like they respect the institution (dress code?) then I will THINK about it. Right now I see 'em dressed in jammies going to class...probably sleeping in class too.
Look at how most of the teachers dress too...sloppy...which leads me to believe they are not serious either.

9:30 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"kid need jesus".....WTF?
To mow their lawns?
Kids already pray in school...usually to be guided to the right answers on the WASL. Praying is a personal thing, bub, don't push your whacked out concepts on religion, and for heaven's sake..don't let government get involved.

10:28 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....how they dress???
Okay, so why not a clothing levy?

10:30 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids are already too plugged in. Getting them away from technology and learning to creatively think on their own would be a better thing and learning to rely on Google and Wikipedia to do their thinking for them.

1:03 PM, August 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After talking with teachers at PAHS I found that teachers and students wouldn't benefit directly from the levy. Teachers weren't even asked for their input on how the levy money could best be used to benefit them or students.

3:57 PM, August 16, 2008  

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