Sunday, August 24, 2008

Border Patrol Checkpoints on Olympic Peninsula

U.S. Border Patrol checkpoints might get more common on the Olympic Peninsula. There was one the other day near the Hood Canal Bridge, and another one six months ago near Forks.

A Border Patrol agent said “These types of check points have proven to be successful in the past, and we are starting to utilize more checkpoints. We are expecting to begin using them frequently in and around that area, and in places in Jefferson and Clallam counties.”

He didn’t give any specifics, but another Border Patrol agent said Highway 101 north of Forks and south of Discovery Bay would be likely locations between now and mid-September.

Think these checkpoints are a good idea?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to the police state

4:08 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuff 'em & Stuff 'em!!

10:20 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outrageous! So isn't everyone going from point A to point B? since when is anywhere on route 101 or the Hood Canal Bridge a Border!!!!. Line up folks to get your chip inserted into your brain cause we got to make sure no one crosses from A to B without our permission and we have the training and right to stop you wherever you are. So what was that about a Constitution and Bill of Rights? uhmmm, a what?

10:42 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh now, it ain't so bad folks. Don't have a cow man, as the kids say today. Ha ha!

Now we of the Clallam County Vigilance Committee have sworn eternal vigilance in Clallam County. We are especially vigilant of the Foreigner. Yes you can spot a Foreigner a mile off! Now Foreigners, being Foreign, are unused to our Freedom Loving ways and they don't love Old Glory nor Support the Troops like we all do as they come from places that are Godless and socialistics.

I guess our Border Patrol is just looking out for the Foreigner and telling them to mind their ps and qs, so to speak.

5:23 AM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said... don't get it. They want to discourage the hicks from Clallam and Jefferson counties from crossing into "civilized" territory..and perhaps bringing our uncouth and primitive ways. The new border...the Hood Canal.. seems no one can wait for them to close the bridge next year!
The problem is...the are looking through stuff...without normal due process..which IS a violation of search/seizure laws. But, seems no one really cares.

12:39 PM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police road blocks. Wow. What country am I living in again?

1:23 PM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not police road blocks...BORDER PATROL roadblocks...what is it about the word ILLEGAL don't you liberals understand?
Oh, I forgot, you liberals need your marihoochie and coke...might get caught at one of the!

9:50 PM, August 25, 2008  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

NOTE: I'll be away for the next day and a half with no computer access (Thank God!). I hope you'll still comment, but I won't have a chance to publish any comments until tomorrow night.

8:18 AM, August 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free people should not expect to stop and explain themselves as they go about their business far from the nearest international border.

11:03 AM, August 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FAR from the nearest international border?...better think again & take that back so you don't look stoopid.

10:49 PM, August 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is scary!!!!!!! This is supposed to be America, the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. This is a slap in the face of all freedom loving Americans. It's time to contact our lawmakers about this travesty of freedoms. If our lawmakers sluff it off, we all know what happened in 1775.

11:41 PM, August 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:22 PM, August 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What part of "illegal" don't I understand? The part where the Border Patrol is taking on the duties of the local police and illegally stopping citizens to search them without due process. The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution says they cannot stop and search US Citizens without probable cause, and perhaps a warrant.

As far as the undocumented aliens are concerned, the Border Patrol can stop them all day. That doesn't bother me at all. I wish they would use their resources more efficiently for that purpose.

Stopping undocumented aliens to question them? Legal. Stopping traffic to find a specific person that could cause an imminent threat? Legal. Stopping everyone on a "fishing expedition" to see if anyone has committed a crime? Illegal.

Mr. Conservative Anonymous: What part of "Illegal" don't you understand?

9:00 AM, August 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear liberal bryan,
So tell me, how do you find that "specific person" or "illegal alien" without stopping traffic? High-speed X-ray eyeballs perhaps?
LOL...I think it is totally, overwhelmingly hilarious that there isn't a damn thing a little pacifist libbie such as yourself can do about enforcing the law...I am sure that you hope you won't get stopped because people like you obviously have something to hide! just make sure you hide that BC-Bud real good & hope you don't get stopped!
What kind of car do you drive? LMAO!!!

11:57 PM, August 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a conservative, and think that these checkpoints are uncalled for. Please don't generalize that it's just "liberals" who value civil rights.

8:36 PM, September 08, 2008  
Blogger Charlie said...

Hey supertrooper I'm also a conservative, and I have nothing to hide. I also exercise my 2nd amendment rights also. I shouldn't be detained going down a highway I regularly travel, ie WA-104 across the Hood Canal. What people can do is refuse to answer their question, and constantly ask them if they are being detained, and video tape it. If you don't exercise your rights you will lose your rights.

12:03 PM, September 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree...CUFF 'EM and STUFF 'EM!!
Good job Border Patrol! We support you!
Did anyone notice the MEXICAN flag at the Forks anti-Border Patrol Rally????? What does THAT tell ya??

11:20 PM, September 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservative my a$$ are a frickin' libbie.

11:21 PM, September 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it unconstitutional to have DUI check points but totally OK to do it for other reasons? If they want check points then it's our duty as Americans to give them car bombs.

9:06 PM, September 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

North Korea has not been hit by terrorists since 911.

Welcome Home Troops

5:01 PM, September 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" So what was that about a Constitution and Bill of Rights? uhmmm, a what?"

The Bill of Rights does not apply to illegal immigrants.

I lived my whole life in Washington (65 years) and have recently moved to the Tucson area. We have Border Patrol checkpoints in semi-fixed locations and random locations. It is a fact of life. We're used to it, so now other areas get a chance to get used to it.

I bet that you, who think that this is somehow illegal to stop and ask, feel the same way about sobriety checkpoints that get setup on major holidays. There are the obvious drunk drivers, but most have to be stopped and examined.

If we could get beyond our feelings about the poor illegals and SHUT the borders down, then the Border Patrol checkpoints could be eliminated. But, with the Democrats feeling sympathy and the Reublicans seeing cheap labbor, the problem will never be solved.

At least in the areas of Washington currently affected by the current Border Patrol checkpoints, you aren't spending your resources teaching Spanish in your schools or treating illegals in your Emergency Wards yet.

As some have said already, what part of ILLEGAL ALIEN don't some of you understand? Our Constitution gives us the ability to protect ourselves from enemies from within and from without.

12:49 PM, November 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now civilian can't enjoy the beauty of Kipsap penninsula with worries and been interogating for no reason stopping on the HWY 101.
When. I have visitors from out of state they want to seea and enjoy the Olympics,but with the border patrol check points it makes visitors uncomfortable and no desire to come back. we need to turist to comback to our national park. we're NOT even close the border line!!

1:36 PM, November 08, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Border Patrol has the statute authority to set up immigration checkpoints anywhere within 25 miles of the international boundary. The Strait is right there and 12 miles out is the international boundary. In your face libbies!

11:23 AM, April 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals choose to confuse law enforcement authority to search with Border Protection authority to search which is much much broader and for good reason. As a conservative I have no problem stopping for a few minutes to answer some questions to ensure that illegal blood/benefit sucking illegals are provided a FEE RIDE home. Hasta Lavista, babyeee

6:04 PM, May 18, 2011  

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