Sunday, September 21, 2008

Port Angeles City Council: “Vote Down Our Trillion Dollar Pool?? We’re Gonna Teach You a LESSON”

William Shore Memorial Pool is probably going to close at the end of this year. The City of Port Angeles has its priorities, and closing the pool looks like their way of balancing the budget for 2009.

The Mayor and City Council are saying the closure isn't definite, but pool manager Jayna Lafferty said she was told last Thursday that the pool would be closed either December 31st or June 30th.

The City Council will be holding a meeting on the budget this Wednesday at 5 p.m. The meeting will be at the council chambers, City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles. There won't be any public comments allowed at this meeting, but pool supporters will probably be attending.

There will be public hearings on the budget on November 4th and 18th.

In November 2006, voters turned down a $13.8 million bond issue to build a new hi-tech pool with every bell and whistle imaginable. Is this payback?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


My fiendish plan for Port Angeles is unfolding nicely! So, the little kiddies of Port Angeles want to cool off in the summer in that lovely public pool, eh? Next summer they'll be sweating buckets and boiling in their own lard!

No one suspects that my dupes on the City Council placed my fiendish plan for a brand spanking new trillion pool on the ballot when I knew full well that the voters of Port Angeles would reject it. Now, in order to balance the city's books, the my puppets on the City Council will have to close the pool ... which was my intention all along!


Today Port Angeles, tomorrow the world!

Have a nice day,

Doctor Nosferatu, Evil Doer and Unrepentant Cad

7:40 PM, September 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blame our public works nincompoop...because the man's ego is bigger than our budget!
He's just evil enough to want to cut the pool to "show us" that we thwarted his plans of grandeur.

10:26 AM, September 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just disgusting. All we the taxpayers ever wanted was to refurbish the William Shore pool, which we love and serves us well. But no, it's either build some new out-of-scale aquatic center, or lose everything.

Who hired these people?????

11:15 AM, September 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They approved money to ship that '"big bubble" here. That is money that should have been spent to maintain what we already have. Not grabbing out for goodies like a kid in a candy store.

9:43 AM, September 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will they think of next?

11:38 AM, September 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, the question remains...IF we had voted in the new pool...there'd be loads of money in the budget to keep the pool open?
Or would we still have a budget crunch for city services, parks, etc?
Am I understanding that we're to blame for a government that can't balance it's budget, curb its spending, and undertake projects in a reasonable order (not like having money burn a hole in their pants pockets)?
Our hired city department managers should all be fired!

12:42 PM, September 29, 2008  

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