Sunday, March 29, 2009

Guns in National Parks

I don’t really have any opinion one way or the other on guns, gun laws, the right to carry, etc.

But today’s PDN question — in the same section with the letters and Rants and Raves — was whether people should be allowed to carry guns in national parks. Two of the answers seemed kind of “interesting” — we should be allowed to bring a gun into the park to protect ourselves from wild animals.


Is it just me, or is that a little Unclear On The Concept? (One of the respondents might have been joking; I couldn’t tell.) I thought the point of going to a national park was to experience nature. If you need to be “protected” from it, don’t go. IMHO.


Anonymous Joe said...

The question was quite should have been asked: "Do you support people, who have a proper concealed-carry permit, being allowed to exercise their Second Amendment rights to carry concealed weapons into our national parks in states that allow concealed carry?

I carry to protect myself and my family from the TWO-LEGGED predator...I would never shoot an animal in the park, as most law-abiding concealed-carry permitees wouldn't.

9:39 PM, March 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why carry it concealed, then? Wouldn't an exposed holster be a better deterrent? Seems sneaky and underhanded to have a gun hidden, if your intent is to scare of two-legged predators.
I don't get the carrying a gun thing...aside from being something awkward to lug around, are you so certain that you aren't going to misread the situation and never make a mistake or over react out of fear/anger.
I find that only people who are really overcompensating and are insecure people must rely on having a gun to "protect themselves". I have also seen those same people get into serious trouble by injuring other people (usually in anger). And, most often, it's not a stranger but a loved one or a neighbor.

9:55 AM, March 30, 2009  

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