National Geographic meets the Missing Foot Mystery
National Geographic might do a documentary on the floating foot that washed up near Pysht last summer. It was found near what used to be the Silver King Resort.
Clallam County Sheriff's Detective Sgt. Lyman Moores was contacted by National Geographic about the use of DNA evidence to solve the mystery of the missing feet. They want to compare the DNA profile to those of the other five missing feet that were discovered earlier near the Strait of Georgia in British Columbia.
In other death-related news, the Washington State Supreme Court has stayed the execution of Cal Coburn Brown, less than eight hours before his scheduled execution time. He was supposed to be executed for a 1991 murder.
Today’s online PDN question asks whether Washington State should abolish the death penalty. With 697 votes cast:
No — 78.3%
Yes — 16.2%
Undecided — 5.5%
Clallam County Sheriff's Detective Sgt. Lyman Moores was contacted by National Geographic about the use of DNA evidence to solve the mystery of the missing feet. They want to compare the DNA profile to those of the other five missing feet that were discovered earlier near the Strait of Georgia in British Columbia.
In other death-related news, the Washington State Supreme Court has stayed the execution of Cal Coburn Brown, less than eight hours before his scheduled execution time. He was supposed to be executed for a 1991 murder.
Today’s online PDN question asks whether Washington State should abolish the death penalty. With 697 votes cast:
No — 78.3%
Yes — 16.2%
Undecided — 5.5%
Labels: Cal Coburn Brown execution, Clallam County Sheriff's Detective Sgt. Lyman Moores, National Geographic floating foot Pysht, Silver King Resort, Strait of Georgia
Yep, you liberals oughta be proud of your Supreme know, the same ones who installed Queen Christine as YOUR guv.
Now the family of Holly Washa has to suffer further while this scum enjoys three square in his cushy jail cell.
Why is it that your posts are so high pitched and SHRILL?
Name calling, only creates more. Shame, shame shame on you, princess. As people have need to get yourself an education.
Lizzy is a "conservative" victim poster girl.
Or learn to read a newspaper.
The Supreme Court is allowing this guy to join a suit challenging the death penalty in Washington. It's a suit that's going nowhere, but not to allow him join it would lead to repercussions down the line.
It's not a case of "liberals" coddling criminals, but making sure the state has it's butt covered.
Anonymous 12:14, your post was too detailed and required too much thought for Lizzy to comprehend or be bothered with.
So Lizzy, since Governor Gregoire is not YOUR "guv" and President Obama is clearly not YOUR "prez", are you living in a personal state of radical anarcho-individualism and, if so, has El Rushbo approved of this? If not, why not?
that may be too rational and complex a concept for LJ to understand. After all, she IS the "conservative" victim poster child, as a previous poster noted. Good spot! Right on the mark.
I can't believe how much national coverage those missing feet got. It must be that perfect combination of weird and gory that connected with the public.
Remember that movie "8 Heads in a duffelbag" -- maybe there's some wacky connection between those heads and the missing feet :-)
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