Saturday, August 08, 2009

Evaluate the Parks & Recreation Department

If you’d like to give your evaluation of the Parks and Recreation Department, go to this website and click on the Parks & Recreation Survey button.

The survey will run until Labor Day.


Blogger BBC said...

Enhancing the quality of life is our commitment to the community of Port Angeles.

Because Parks are cheaper to maintain than the pool? Not to mention that access to them is free so a lot more people enjoy them.

Here's a thought, make the pool free also. Or charge to use the parks, what is fair is fair.

7:53 PM, August 08, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

I will never understand why we have to pay money to have access to some things when it is our tax dollars that make them possible in the first place.

Can someone explain that to me?

9:20 PM, August 08, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding of P.A. parks is they mostly just slap a swing set in a vacant lot and call it good.

The waterfront trail and the park with the seals are great. I love those. The rest are like... whatever...

9:25 PM, August 08, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

The Olympic Trail was done by the trains coalition. The only part the city had in it was the part through the city. It's not likely they spent much money on it, the trails fund pays for most things.

And a lot of volunteer workers are what have got it to where it is so far. I've worked on it a lot since moving here myself. Just keeping it maintained is a lot of work also if any of you would like to help.

As for the city parks, I'm not qualified to evaluate them because I seldom use them. I did however help build the nice play land on Race street.

That was mostly a volunteer effort also. Never under estimate the power of volunteers. You damn sure can't expect your governments to get a lot of those things done.

6:55 PM, August 09, 2009  

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