Monday, February 15, 2010

Commenting at PDN Website

Talk about Catch-22. Anybody ever try to actually comment on one of those Peninsula Daily News articles online? Good luck with that.

Several commenters have mentioned this at this site, but this evening I found out what they're talking about.

My own experience was: leave your user name, which isn't valid until you've given an e-mail address. And your e-mail address isn't valid until you've given a password, which is "wrong" no matter what you type in. A password can be "wrong?"

In case anyone has ever wondered why there are so few comments at the end of PDN online articles, this might have something to do with it.

Yup, the Voice of the People.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what did you expect, Tom?

It is certainly NO secret the PDN controls what gets printed within it's pages. It is not a non-profit public service. It's just "business". Like most whores, they don't dare piss off their high paying customers, and they sure aren't you or I.

11:25 PM, February 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PDN is a disgrace and part of the problem that besets P.A. The PDN caters to the "in crowd" with an endless stream of happy-happy nonsense and as for investigative journalism, forget it. The Brewer-Gottleib twins are more likely to sweep any "issues" under the carpet.

5:30 AM, February 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and, if you DO successfully get signed in, and actually POST, it will be gone in a matter of hours. Just vanishes.
I'd say their IT guy is one problem, and the other is that their editing policy is whack.

10:37 AM, February 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Investigative journalism? Certainly not the PDN!

And not that there isn't a lack of muck and mire in this little town for an aggressive, investigative newspaper to publish several editions a day. We need a little more Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens and H.L. Mencken in our newspaper and less Paul Gottleib and John Brewer.

For instance:

Investigate how practically all city contracts were funnelled through Karen Rogers Consulting during her tenure on the City Council. Why did all her friends and business associates benefit greatly from this?

The meth labs in Gales Addition and why the police refuse to do anything to close them down.

The Mexican Drug Lord who openly deals cocaine and marijuana from his home a few blocks from downtown. The police absolutely refuse to shut him down despite repeated complaints from citizens. Who on the police force is on the take?

The incestuous, overlapping do-nothing "boards" like PABA, PADA, Harbor Works and the Chamber of Commerce. The Port of Port Angeles is as corrupt as a three dollar bill.

But you won't see anything like that in the PDN, just more stories like "Teen Rides Horse", "Granny Knits Scarves for Troops" and a letter sections filled with teabagger ravings.

2:23 PM, February 16, 2010  
Anonymous Alex said...

I agree with comments that indicate there is a lack of curiosity in doing investigative reporting.

All papers from Forks to Port Townsend share this trait.

The US Border Patrol now appears to be doing general law enforcement work in the Port Angeles area- nothing in the way of local info on the US Border Patrol website. It would be nice to see a story on this.

I agree with the post that stated comments to the PDN may vanish for no reason at a later time- they certainly do not get properly archived.

Port Townsend Leader- worst local paper for ease of commenting & lack of curiosity or investigative instinct.

If you are into HS sports, ferry boat news, and Christmas shopping events- they've got it covered.

6:26 PM, February 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember talking with a (now former) PDN reporter, who called me up furious after Gottlieb or Rex had edited the life out of one of their stories.

We used to talk alot about things inside the PDN. That reporter quit, and moved away.

10:14 PM, February 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PDN is, at best, good liner for a kitty box, or puppy training pad (although it's rather thin). The worst is that it cheats every person in Port Angeles -- by not reporting, by overcharging small businesses to place ads (way over charges..they LIE when they state their circulation numbers, outright LIE, and they lie when the quote an ad rate, because when the bill comes it's significantly higher AND they're fast to send you to collections!!!)
Meanwhile, the iron fisted publisher has the corporate mind culture of one of the worst newspapers in America (NYTimes) where everyone is afraid of losing their job every second, and only the devious, sycophants survive. This has never, and will never, be appropriate for a small town newspaper -- and the reason we have such a pathetic one.
As for their lame attempt to get into the modern age -- they should shoot their IT guy, and take a clue from what is well known in the newspaper business -- a healthy comments section is a boon, and the tight fisted ones DIE. It's all about CONTENT....which, they have, sadly forgotten.

8:31 AM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Bwaaahahaha said...

I find it hard to believe they edit at the PDN..not with the likes of Diane Urbani de la Paz, the features editor who's articles read like the ranting of someone in a straight-jacket. I can't follow the articles, or the chaotic thought processes. And, I cannot believe they are edited, at all. (Even Hunter Thompson's writings when he was on LSD were less chaotic!)

8:34 AM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous PA.nerd said...

To all those who are criticizing the IT guy, I'm not sure that's the problem... Do they even have an IT guy? They did hire a woman to oversee the web edition, and then hired someone else to oversee the site. I guess she was the "idea person". I think her sole idea consisted of putting that huge, bandwidth-consuming, short-lived tree background on the site.

I'm sorry, but I can't find the link to the article anywhere. It's like it vanished. I also can't find her name on the staff page. Is she still working there? Wow, we have no idea what's going on at that paper. Nice.

Anyway, I can't imagine a PDN IT guy having autonomy to make decisions like that. Might be wrong, but given the articles themselves I think that's the case. None of the articles have any teeth. It's like they're so scared they've neutered themselves.

11:20 AM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Doctore Nosferatu said...


It's ... Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Mastering the fearful laugh of an Evil Criminal Mastermind is the first thing you learn in Evil Criminal Mastermind Finishing School.

3:11 PM, February 17, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I don't look at the PDN online except when you post a link to a story. I pretty much don't give a damn about most of the things in that fish wrap.

Like the first comment states, their just business whores.

6:39 PM, February 17, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I'd say their IT guy is one problem, and the other is that their editing policy is whack.

Really? I just cut to the chase and say it's fucked up, but what can you expect from a christian editor?

6:41 PM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's reassuring to know that Doctor Nosferatu is still with us.

Sir, have you ever considered adding the position of "Evil Managing Editor" to your resplendantly evil resume?

7:06 PM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did the PDN IT guy get the ax?

11:18 AM, February 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had trouble posting until I contacted the guy who runs the commenting. They tell you to do it if you have problems. It worked.

2:02 PM, February 27, 2010  
Anonymous Wanda said...

PA Nerd - How about you getting online and posting at PDN and their lack of depth in their articles? I could use some company.

2:47 PM, February 28, 2010  

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