Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Open House at Senior Center re: Rayonier Cleanup Agreement

Tomorrow, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Port Angeles Senior Center, there will be an open house to discuss the Rayonier cleanup agreement. The Senior Center is located at 328 East Seventh Street.

This is the “agreed order” between Rayonier and the State Department of Ecology. Rayonier has signed the agreement; Ecology is expected to sign it after the 30-day comment period ends on March 5th.

In addition to getting information at this open house, the agreed order can be viewed at the Port Angeles Library; at Peninsula College; or at Ecology’s Rayonier Mill cleanup website here.

Comments can be sent by mail to: Marian Abbett, SWRO Toxics Cleanup Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47775, Olympia, WA 98504-7775.

Comments can be e-mailed to: marian.abbett@ecy.wa.gov.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look back at articles about the Rayonier plant while it was still operating, it was listed as the State's most polluting facility for years in a row. It was discharging over 10,000 tons of sulfides into the Strait, every day.

Back then, when asked to curtail it's pollution, Rayonier said that would be too expensive.

Now, years after being the most polluting site in the State, Rayonier has been dragging it's feet every step of the way when asked to clean up the toxics it created.

Does Rayonier care about Port Angeles? It's actions speak louder than ANY words. Even those written by the lapdog PDN.

11:23 PM, February 09, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone in Port Angeles know the proper use of the apostrophe?

9:13 AM, February 10, 2010  
Anonymous OakPoint Annie said...

I find it puzzling that Rayonier has so many defenders among our "civic leaders". Public criticism seems to be aimed wholly at Ecology for all the cleanup delays. However, an agreement involves two parties, and it seems as though Rayonier deserves at least half the "blame" for the supposedly excessive length of this latest three-year pact.
Where is the public outrage among our "civic leaders" over the fact that this wealthy global corporation came to town, polluted our harbor and air for decades, then pulled out and left hundreds jobless while refusing to take responsibility for cleaning up the mess it left behind?

9:33 AM, February 10, 2010  
Anonymous Charlie said...

Hey dummy, I got news for ya. The environazis shut down Rayonier. And that "evil corporation" hired people...tree huggin don't hire anyone, except for the short term. Rayonier provided good jobs and wages that helped raise many, many families in this area. Was a good citizen, and still is.
They didn't pollute anything...talk to a chemist. All this whining over "pollution" is bunk. Everything Rayonier discharged from that mill is now GONE...except that a few folk have an monetary interest in "cleaning up" imaginary "toxins." Bottom line, if ya don't eat it, it ain't gonna hurt ya. It's all now inert.
So, wake up...we're sick of you enviros crying about the sky fallin'...we need jobs and we need em NOW.

10:26 AM, February 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure we could arrange to have some lead smelting jobs in Port Angeles, and maybe some asbestos exposure jobs. And, I'd wager we could get some jobs here that involve mercury -- maybe to make chlorine gas. OH, I know, we could make insecticides -- and other toxins. Those are all jobs, and Port Angeles is so removed, that if anything, say EXPLODED due to unsafe conditions, danger to life (meaning cities) would be limited. Well, unless the wind were blowing towards Victoria, but, heck, those are Canadians, who needs them?
I love the attitude "jobs jobs jobs". No matter what the cost, just pay you sluts.

11:20 AM, February 10, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I think this is a bunch of hogwash, a pretense to allow others to think they have a say and are involved. In the end it will wash out with Rayonier doing as little as possible.

The only way I see around that is by taking them to court, but I don't suppose that would do much good either in this screwed up legal system.

1:33 PM, February 10, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Does anyone in Port Angeles know the proper use of the apostrophe?

Wots dat? Are u our english teacher?

1:36 PM, February 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder where this country is headed, now that public political discussion has been re-defined by the FoxWatchers as to be a non stop tirade of namecalling and accusations.

We have seen this now for a few years, where any real discussion of the problems this country faces turn into yelling matches of polarized rhetoric, laced liberally with name calling.

The rest of the developed world is moving ahead with solutions and progress, where the US finds itself mired in useless namecalling with no real consensus towards resolution or progress.

Bravo Fox.

Our poor children, and the future we "adults" are creating for them.

9:06 PM, February 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Open House was pretty good. I really think that Ecology is doing so much better now. They have to follow the law and deal with Rayonier. Just read on Rayonier's 2008 Annual Report they are still investigating remediation of 10 of their sites closed down in 1989 (Southern Wood Piedmont).

We will be the biggest stooges in the US if HarborWorks makes us all the owners of that hazardous waste site that will probably never be cleaned up if Rayonier has their way.

11:59 PM, February 11, 2010  
Anonymous Sally said...

Oh STFU Anonymous 9:06...if it weren't for FOXNEWS and Rush, your ilk woulda turned this country into a cesspool of liberalism/socialism by now.
Give it a break.

1:34 AM, February 12, 2010  
Anonymous Big Shirley said...

Yeh you tell em sister!!! LAMO!!! Crazy tree huggin libs and there regulations and stuff. Crazy! I just thank The Lord for FoxNews and the truth they tell. I'm readin Sarah Palins book. Its great!!!! LMAO and I I got it at WalMart too!

5:51 AM, February 12, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Oh STFU...........wow, Sally, your comment gets posted , mine gets blocked....just because i told Watcher to crawl back under the rock he came from?????????

Tom what the hell?

7:07 AM, February 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! That's funny, that part right there...

A: "I mourn the art of public discussion."

B: "Oh, STFU!"

8:56 AM, February 12, 2010  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Capitalist (and another commenter that didn't get published): I'm trying to keep ideas and opinions uncensored, but still keeping out namecalling and derogatory comments.

I can't seem to please everybody, but if you don't attack other people (attack the issue, not the person) your comment will get printed.

9:13 AM, February 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twilight! Twilight! Twilight!

7:47 PM, February 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Tom, "Trolls" are not a new problem for internet discussion forums. As we are seeing here recently, there is a troll or two who do nothing but take every opportunity to insult and name call, and do not contribute anything else to the discussions.

You are probably noticing a drop off in participation as a result. I know I have less inclination to bother trying to talk about things going on in Port Angeles, here, with this person seemingly solely intent on just insulting and driving folks away.

You might spend some time looking into the policies other discussion forums have adopted.

Again, we face the "Free speech" issues. Respecting the "free speech" rights of idiots who do not respect the rights of anyone else.

11:09 PM, February 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...(attack the issue, not the person) your comment will get printed.

I see more "attack the person, not the issue" going on lately, especially with the person spewing the "tree hugging libs" stuff. Aside from political stereotypes, what does this person (and it is just one person, despite their attempts to use a variety of names to createt he impression of a large, vocal group of posters) contribute?

Your blog is a much needed forum for this town, but with all this nonsense interrupting the discussion I, too, feel less inclined to participate ... and that's what a certain element in this town would like - to kill this forum and get back to the "business as usual" method.

7:02 AM, February 13, 2010  
Anonymous anti-troll said...

Sally, Rex, Charlie, Big Shirley...etc., all have the same tone, same b.s. message, and they contribute ZIP. It's old. It's stale. It's a troll.
I'll BET it is originating from the same computer. Block them!!
I don't care if someone really IS anti-treehugger, blah blah blah (whatever Rush says)..but they're only parroting the same stale air.
We have some real problems in PA, and the trolls only make it worse. I **hope** they do not really represent this town...because it is very hard to accept that the town is full of moronic, brain dead, unable to conceive an original thought, silly people such as those represented by Rex, and Sally and the other alias'.

10:40 AM, February 13, 2010  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

OK, the votes are in. I'll tighten up the comments.

10:42 AM, February 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tom!

11:07 AM, February 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tom. I agree with the other comments made on this.

I'm not one to support any curtailment of free speech, and like another poster said, I don't care if the person is pro liberal, pro Nazi, pro Marijuana Party, or ANY such things. And, as I see on other blogs, some folks can have a very harsh use of words in making their otherwise witty and interesting points. But to just come here to intentionally disrupt the conversations is a waste of everyones' time.

Thanks again.

9:20 AM, February 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They didn't pollute anything...talk to a chemist. All this whining over "pollution" is bunk. Everything Rayonier discharged from that mill is now GONE...except that a few folk have an monetary interest in "cleaning up" imaginary "toxins." Bottom line, if ya don't eat it, it ain't gonna hurt ya. It's all now inert."

Well, I guess some do believe comments like these, which is why these projects drag on, and cost the public/taxpayers more and more.

Statistically, there is a direct correlation between the rise of industrialization and the rise of the leading causes of death and illness. The more chemicals we create, release into the environment, and ultimately ingest, the higher the rates of disease and death.

Who pays for all this lost productivity, illness, and death? Society does. Directly, and indirectly.

According to World Health stats, 1.6 MILLION people die each year because of "indoor air pollution".

They ain't dying cuz the air is so pure and clean. And, they ain't droppin' dead suddenly, either.

Perhaps this poster is a guy. Is he aware that the fertility rate of males is dropping dramatically, because of man-made chemicals? Good for "population control", but not so good for the survival of the species.

"All this whining over "pollution" is bunk."? I guess it might be if it isn't you or your child with the cancer, facing the ongoing pain and ultimate death.

And, you don't mind the millions and billions society is paying each year to address the myriad of impacts from these chemicals.

10:37 AM, February 14, 2010  
Anonymous the Watcher said...


The Harbor-Works board has sent notice of a special meeting, to take place on the 24th. But don't get your hopes up for any information to be forthcoming - they're meeting strictly to go into Executive Session.

Surely this is not the same Harbor-Works who pledged to be open and engage in communication with the community at a recent City Council meeting? Because meeting for the sole purpose of going into Executive Session does not really have the feel of openness.

Rather, it has the feel of backroom deals being finalized. Is anyone else worried by this?

6:09 PM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's cut off their 'nads!
Or, is that not the reaction you wanted. I see it as "what exactly can we do" given that we are not organized, and we are not unionized, and we are much to civilized to burn down their houses.
Seems to me the deal was done when they set up HarborWorks, but I am lacking the cash to hire an attorney to sue the pants off of them.....

7:32 PM, February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rather, it has the feel of backroom deals being finalized. Is anyone else worried by this?"

Like, this is a NEW situation?? These guys have been wheelin' and dealin' behind closed doors for years now. The public is being set up for a debt load it has NO conception of.

Taxes? Ha! Wait until the city takes possession of that Rayonier property.

8:43 PM, February 17, 2010  

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