Friday, March 12, 2010

School Districts Can Now Raise More Money Through Levies

The state legislature has approved a measure that will allow school districts to ask voters for more money.

School districts will now be able to raise up to 28% of their money through levies; the previous limit was 24%. The levy equalization rate is increased from 12% to 14%.

The bill hasn't yet been signed by Governor Gregoire.


Anonymous Once Burned said...

This will throw the P.A. School District a lifeline, at least giving them a chance to ask voters to save or restore some of the drastic program cuts they are being forced to make. It looks to me like they have already cut all the administrative positions and non-classroom costs that could responsibly be done, over the last 8 - 9 years. It is going to be a tough sell, however, to get people to agree to raise their taxes even more.

8:45 AM, March 12, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Well, I don't know what to think about that. But it boils down to them having to ask for it and the voters don't have to give it to them.

The Watcher, stop your whining about me here. If you don't like me and my comments here I don't give a crap.:-)

Start your own blog and you can have complete control over it and its contents and comments. :-)

Who other than you gripes about some of my comments being off subject. I refer you to the words at the top of Harper's blog.

I'll type the words slow so you can keep up, na, I'll do a copy/paste. Ha ha ha ha ha

Port Angeles Online
Port Angeles, Washington: This is YOUR forum. Tell us what YOU think. If you want to discuss something that's not related to one of the current posts, go ahead and leave your comment anywhere, at any one of the posts.

5:37 PM, March 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will NOT vote for any levies until:
A. A dress code is implemented and ENFORCED. Tired of seeing kids cross Park Ave. to the high school in jammies and pants on the ground.
B. The unnessary curricula is eliminated. Ethnic studies, dead-language courses, feel-good & basketweaving courses are NOT needed. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic ARE!!!

7:41 PM, March 12, 2010  
Anonymous October said...

There is still too much fat in administration, and wasteful practices. It costs a lot of money to have a levy. If I knew it was being handled right, I would not mind paying more. Problem is, like gov't. They spend like drunken sailors. With your money and mine!

8:09 PM, March 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet. The ever-present tech levy will be going up next year.

10:22 PM, March 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our property taxes are way too high, and from what I've seen regarding the "education" provided to these nincompoops -- might as well stuff it down a rat hole. I've had kids fill out job applications who couldn't even spell the town name correctly.
Too many administrators, not enough education, and too much self-esteem building. Half these kids don't want an education, and wouldn't be there unless forced.
Our education system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt. Why are we making kids do the "college" track when most of them need a skill, a trade.
Technology is the last thing the district needs....what would they do, buy Kindles for everyone? Laptops? Bah!

11:56 PM, March 12, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I believe that most of us contribute to the school system every time we buy lotto & scratch tickets.

So everyone should buy more lotto & scratch tickets to support the schools.

And not a one of you would complain about winning a few million bucks while supporting the schools.

Now that I've solved that little problem I just need to win so I can get my remote property.

7:21 AM, March 13, 2010  
Anonymous PA.nerd said...

Harsh, but I agree with Anon 11:56... sort of. My belief is that the smart, motivated kids will find a way to learn, to advance themselves, no matter what obstacles you throw at them. The less-motivated will find a way not to learn no matter how much money you throw at them.

Someday, somewhere, I bet school officials will decide every kid "needs" an iPad to stay competitive. That's ridiculous and won't do anything but waste taxpayer money. The smart kids will find a way to learn without an iPad, maybe at the computer lab, maybe at home. The unmotivated ones will lose it or sell it.

What I think schools should do is do away with grades, and I mean the K-12 kind, not the 4.0 kind. Instead have levels of classes, like at college: 100 level math, English, whatever, 200 level. Have kids advance at their own pace. If a kid is smart enough to finish the 1200 level classes in their 10th year, hand them a diploma and save two years worth of schooling. If a kid is struggling on 500 level courses in their 7th year, start them on a technical route, prepare them for something they're good at or interested in. This "one size fits all" approach to education is dragging everyone down.

Also, "I've had kids fill out job applications who couldn't even spell the town name correctly."... Well, I do that all the time, but how I misspell it isn't printable here.

11:01 AM, March 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It always amazes me when I see comments about spending on schools being too high, and how wasteful it all is. Where were these folks when Bush was spending millions every DAY on a pointless war in Iraq? The BILLIONS wasted there to accomplish NOTHING was ALL U.S. taxpayer money. What did we get for that?

We need more stupid kids that will grow up to be stupid citizens/voters.

10:57 PM, March 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush and his war ...well, that's certainly interesting. I thought we were going after Osama, then it became Sadam...and now, it's the next Vietnam. The bullshit of how they treat troops (what was the deal about stealing our National Guard, who changed the NATIONAL guard into the ARMY?) But we let him and congress sign over everything-- and I mean EVERYTHING with the Homeland Security bills. Look at us, we can't even go to Canada without proper documents, and they were having car stops/boarding buses on Highway 101, but meanwhile, the flood of Hispanics continued across our southern border? WTF, man. WTF???
The FDA allows us to eat food which has never been proven safe --- crap food, totally adulterated bullshit food -- and now we're all fat and stupid? Our educational system has been more and more and more esteem oriented, and politically correct -- teachers can't even correct a kid, and the whole focus is on getting the kids to pass tests. Why? Because some pencil pusher says that is what needs to be done -- proof, and proof and proof that we are doing it "right". Brainwashing. Kids have zero tolerance....and expected to march like good little Youths. They learn early that the system is stupid, that the adults only "follow orders" and they see that all the nonsense about "get an education, get a good job" is not truth. Our good jobs went oversees, our standard of living has plummeted (wages have lost ground in the last decade, and unions are either scams, complicit in giving huge corporations excuses to relocate, and cut back jobs). The really rich (not those making 100-200k a year) those making several MILLION a year are getting richer, while all the rest of us are getting poorer.
Was this just BUSH. NO. It was every congressman, ever senator, and every staff person in government -- it was the fact that we are all stupid and lazy (and it's easier to just let Rush do your thinking for you and repeat what he says). We are NOT a two party system...and all that crap about Republican or Democrat is another sales job (Buy Coke, eat McDonald's, shop at Walmart, point the finger at your neighbor). There is NO difference between the Red and Blue. They're all out to get rich at our expense, screw us as much as possible, and...make us as stupid, fat and lazy as we can be.
We laugh, "oh yeah we're so stupid". 5th graders are smarter, jaywalking is a joke. But, honestly...we ARE that stupid. And, you are going to try and point your finger at BUSH!!!
What is the difference between Bush and Obama, aside from a darker shade?

12:54 AM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have an elected aristocracy. These clowns latch onto the golden gravy train thanks to We the Fools and they get lifetime benefits that the majority of us will never achieve.

Socialized health care? Every single member of the elected aristocracy in Washington D.C. gets the Public Option with no questions asked, no "previous conditions" exceptions and all at tax payer expense.

When was the last time you saw someone in Congress leave flat broke? They're millioniares when they arrive and thanks to all the insider information that's passed back and forth, they're multi-multi-millionaires when they leave.

Frankly, it's time to refresh the Tree of Liberty by sending the majority of this elected aristocracy packing, and by that I don't mea just electing new aristocrats to replace them - I mean trials, jail time (not Club Fed where they play golf in the morning and call their brokers in the afternoon, but a real prison where they can be passed around as the cell b*tch for a few years) and executions.

3:38 PM, March 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off with their heads!

6:11 PM, March 14, 2010  

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