Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Unemployment Up on Olympic Peninsula

In January the unemployment rate went up to 11.4% in Clallam County. That's a 1.5% increase from the previous month.

Jefferson County's unemployment rate was 10.6%, a 1.7% increase from the previous month.

Statewide, the unemployment rate is 9.3%.


Blogger BBC said...

I picked up on that also. But employment has picked up in other areas of the state and even in other states.

So those that can't find work here can always move somewhere else, I don't have any problem with this town becoming smaller. :-)

But there is work here I guess, I was asked to do a job today but I turned it down, my world doesn't revolve around money.

8:44 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Real" unemployment figures are roughly double official numbers.


9:41 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This cannot be true!!

The city, via HarborWorks, is spending millions to create more developable parcels at the old Rayonier mill site so that "family wage jobs" will be created there.

Clearly, as I drive through town, I see there are no vacant buildings, and all available commercial and retail spaces are full and prosperous.

Clearly, Port Angeles needs to be spending millions of taxpayer dollars to create more vacant buildings, instead of helping the existing businesses survive.

9:52 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know who's surprised by this....I'd say unemployment is about 30-40%
it's going to be a long economic recovery...

10:20 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"PORT ANGELES - Fire units rushed to the newly
reopened Peninsula Plywood mill tonight after a
smoky fire broke out above a dryer, setting off
the mill's new sprinkler system.

Details are sketchy, but numerous equipment from
the Port Angeles and surrounding fire agencies
were at the mill - which began official
production operations only Monday - after the
fire broke out around 8:20 p.m."

Ah, yes. All great, and getting better.

10:20 PM, March 02, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...my world doesn't revolve around money.

Rock on, Billy!

4:18 AM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous capitalist said...

BBC your world does revolve around money, every post you put up references money.

You can't fool us

7:05 AM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't know who's surprised by this....I'd say unemployment is about 30-40%
it's going to be a long economic recovery..."

Looking around, both locally and nationally, what do you think an "economic recovery" is going to be based upon?

The government, at the request of Wall St, bailed out the financial institutions, who are busily back to trading their speculative schemes. American industry has been shutting down it's onshore facilities, and moving operations " ..anywhere but here". The statistics for the last 10 years are staggering.

So, as we face this "restructuring", what will "recovery" be based upon?

Here in Clallam county, we depend on vast amounts of tax money to keep things going. Most here either work for the city, county, state or feds, or are some form of government assistance.

And, amid calls to cut the waste out of government, and shrinking tax revenues, what can we assume will happen here? Increased employment?

Oh, that's right. As before, the politicians will come up with some scheme to get the state/feds to throw more money at Port Angeles. You know, those "grants" we keep hearing about.

Except, right now, the state and feds are about "spent out". And will be for quite a long time. The "economic stimulus" money can't last forever, and that bill has to be paid, too. How? Industry moved "anywhere but here".

Start planting money trees.

10:00 AM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what would the number be if PenPly had not hired 125 people?

10:45 AM, March 03, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

capitalist said... BBC your world does revolve around money, every post you put up references money.
You can't fool us.

Can't get by without some money on this rock but I do pretty well with my $938.00 a month. Could you live on that and be okay with it?

BTW, I do it without assistance, I'm not on the take of any government programs.

7:53 PM, March 03, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You still rock, Billy.

4:33 AM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC says "...BTW, I do it without assistance, I'm not on the take of any government programs."

No Soc Security? No Medicare? Way to go! Not many can make that claim.

9:15 AM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Yeah, RIGHT said...

I'm not getting anything from any gov'ment programs either. I build my own roads, run my own schools, and have a private police force and fire department.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the personal international trade deals I make. It's a lot of work on my part, but thank goodness I'm not on the take from any gov'mental agency!

7:36 PM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I saw BBC today with a nice older model blue chevy truck at the fairmount.

10:12 PM, March 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said, Billy rocks.

12:13 PM, March 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit stalking BBC.....

12:40 PM, March 05, 2010  

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