Wednesday, February 24, 2010

YMCA Will Not Manage the Pool

The Clallam County Family YMCA Board has withdrawn its proposal to manage the William Shore Memorial Pool.

Board President Laurel Black said the decision was a result of a contract disagreement and opposition from the advisory committee of the Metropolitan Park District.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a real shame that a small group of "advisory board" members and friends of the current pool employees would distort the truth and fabricate outright lies, trying to ruin the reputation of a dedicated, community volunteer like Gary Holmquist, who is only trying his best to make sure our community is able to keep a public pool open. The City cut it loose (but didn't cut their take of the taxes used to keep it running) because it cost so much more money than it took in, and now the advisory board wants to set up a whole new public bureacracy, using the new tax we voted to add onto ourselves, to run it themselves, instead of letting a proven high quality, non-profit community organization like the YMCA operate it for the public benefit. SHAME!

8:11 AM, February 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Port Angeles, at it's best.

Interesting to note the "problem" they are wrestling with, in part, are the "dropping property values" that with result in reduced tax revenues.

Why are property values dropping? Is there a problem in boom town Port Angeles?

9:19 AM, February 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is certainly a very brief article. Go Daily News go!

11:07 AM, February 25, 2010  
Anonymous screwed in PA said...

property values dropping my ASS. They haven't dropped them. I'm valuated several hundred thousand over my last appraisal, and they didn't want to hear it, and the appeal did nothing.

1:01 PM, February 25, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

shut the pool down.....we have way bigger problems to solve

2:18 PM, February 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is the full article. The other link was just a so-called "breaking news" link.

3:31 PM, February 25, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Nothing to do with this post but I just got the word (if it's true) that there will be a big up tick in the price of lumber March 1st.

So if any of you have projects planned you may want to get the lumber soon.

10:42 AM, February 26, 2010  
Anonymous WWF said...

First anon poster: What the heck was up with YMCA that they came in with such an outrageously inflated bid at the first go round? That is what put a sour taste in people's mouths. And then they revised it down?

I do not know anything about Gary Holmquist. No good deed goes unpunished it seems.

Generally -

Were people expecting something NOT bureaucratic when they voted for a government levy on their property tax? If so, take a long look in the mirror and tell yourself you will never be so naive as to vote for a tax for yourself ever again!

If you want something, you go out, get like minded people to rally the town, hold fund raisers and self support. I gave money when they were trying to keep it alive. I want a pool, but leaving anything to the boobs in our city is a foolish endeavor.

7:22 PM, February 28, 2010  

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