Unemployment Rate Rises on Peninsula
Washington's statewide unemployment rate is holding steady at 9.2%. But in Clallam County the rate has increased from 9.1% to 9.6%. The increase is from October to November.
Jefferson County's unemployment rate has increased from 8.5% to 9%.
Jefferson County's unemployment rate has increased from 8.5% to 9%.
Sounds like everything is right on schedule.
Obushco got a problem.
Better get that new HSD/FEMA/ICE/BORDER Patrol KZ lagar remodeled soon.
We need to tax the successful MORE cuz you know that'll solve the unemployment problem.
Put Nippon out of business first, restore the "historic" waterfront and then take out ACTI after that.
Right, libs?
Things are on the right track in removing the Elwha Dams and starting to restore the river. Returning the waterfront along Ediz Hook to the way it was 100 years ago before the dams makes sense to me.
Anonymous at 1:03 --
Don't even BEGIN to claim that "liberals" are out to ruin businesses and cost the area jobs. What a bunch of crap. It's so easy to just hurl insults and label people; keeps you from having to actually think, right?
I don't think anyone - "lib" or not - is actually advocating putting Nippon, or ACTI, or anyone, out of business. Having concerns about public health and safety issues related to certain businesses is NOT being anti-business.
Let's try to stick to the facts, folks.
"Let's try to stick to the facts, folks."
What country are YOU living in? Facts don't matter anymore, just emotionally charged soundbites aiming for the gut. Like that one.
So, how many actual people lost their jobs in Clallam, to make the unemployment numbers rise .5% in one month?
Of course, as is so often said, those figures do not reflect those that have given up looking, or whose benefits have run out. I wonder what the actual, non-government-fudged numbers of folks out of work really are.
No wonder I keep seeing more and more empty storefronts. Fewer and fewer people with money to spend.
this blog is OK... but your other one sucks.
Anonymous @ 11:20 pm said :
I wonder what the actual, non-government-fudged numbers of folks out of work really are.
11:20 PM, December 15, 2010
I don't think nearly doubling "official" numbers would be too far out. ( +/- 2%)
Hang in ther folks, help is on the way.
Hey, city council peeps!
I know y'all read this blog, especially Max, so lissen up.
Whatcha doin' 'bout the homeless tweeker camp that's going on under the Laurel Street stairs? There's 6 or 7 homeless drug addicts living under there. You can see the sleepin bags and tarps and plastic sheeting, not to mention the empty bottles of Captain Morgan and sh*t smell.
How 'bout having some pride in this city, especially downtown, and getting dem bums outta there so decent peeps can feel safe downtown?
I'm tired of seeing that toothless tweeker and her bf in the alleys and on the street corner begging for food and money for their meth.
Now, now ...
Those homeless drug addicts as you call them are all potential city council members. All they need is to hook up with Darlene or Norma and they could be in like Flynn!
"It's so easy to just hurl insults and label people"
Oh, sure. Unless, of course, we're talking about Edna or Kaj and then the insults get hurled fast and furious.
I always forget how high-minded and fair you Liberals are.
"Things are on the right track in removing the Elwha Dams and starting to restore the river. Returning the waterfront along Ediz Hook to the way it was 100 years ago before the dams makes sense to me."
Yeah dummies, that's sure gonna create long-term jobs!! You eco-whack libtards are really stupid.
Anon 3:39-
LMAO!!! You hit the nail on the head my friend! It's stupid libs like them who are enabling those tweekers!
"Those homeless drug addicts as you call them are all potential city council members. All they need is to hook up with Darlene or Norma and they could be in like Flynn!"
Is this supposed to be funny? Or clever?
It is funny...and clever!!
"You eco-whack libtards are really stupid."
"It's stupid libs like them who are enabling those tweekers!"
We all know that these posts come from that same person who has been coming here for months now. They post using different user names, but the refrain is always the same. Same phrases, same names.
Obviously, this poor soul is engaging in attention-seeking behaviors. They have no real point to make, and nothing constructive to add to the conversations. Just "provocative" rhetoric, trying to "get a rise" out of someone.
They must be so lonely.
Of course, any thinking person can easily see that "liberal" policies, as demonstrated by our neighbors to the North, work. Their economy did not collapse as the US economy did in this last spate of de-regulated banking. Those "Socialists" to the North have a very vibrant and healthy capitalist economy, currently, unlike the US.
And, thinking people can see other countries around the planet where their policies are "liberal", and their economies are far healthier than that in the US.
But, this poor person seems to want to impose their views of things on everyone else. Their posts almost always contain a "them" vs "me" theme, with "them" always the source of the "problem". Kinda like that other insecure narcissist, Hitler?
As if, that by forcing people to change their political affiliations, all the world's problems will magically disappear?
Where are those fundamental US premises, entitling citizens to "freedom" and "liberty"? Do they see these only applying to those wearing THEIR hats, THEIR armbands, and spouting THEIR refrains?
"All they need is to hook up with Darlene or Norma and they could be in like Flynn!"
You mean "... in like Mania!"
Now that's funny!
"You mean "... in like Mania!".."
As Anon 11:20 pointed out, the same person, with the same phrases, and same names. Not even slightly funny, and far from clever. Boringly stupid, really.
Reading through this thread, I'm not surprised the unemployment rate is rising in Port Angeles.
Why would a business owner WANT to move their enterprise to Port Angeles, when they see a city that has a population espousing views such as public whipping of people with PhDs, fathers that physically brand their children with red hot metal, and mothers that put their newborns in trash cans.
Maybe a business owner that isn't serious, and wants to close up shop after a few months, as we see so often here. Most can see that there ARE communities that are not like this. There ARE communities that are not so negative, where the probabilities of success are so much greater.
Port Angeles is too far from a major highway. It's too far off the beaten path. We lost our railroad decades ago. We never upgraded our harbor. We never courted tourists. We never re-did downtown to look cute and charming. We never even looked into things like what Branson Missouri or even Ashland Oregon did to put our name on the map.
We never invested in any infrastructure (and the optic cable has been strangled by sweetheart deals).
The logging industry is dead. The mills will all close, eventually. The Coho is for sale, and may move out of this town.
But we have a Walmart.
Some of us get government checks (employee, retired, welfare, disability) to survive. The rest of us?
We're just scraping by, watching our town die.... it is going to get a lot worse.
"Port Angeles, the town that used to have a future."
"Some of us get government checks (employee, retired, welfare, disability) to survive. The rest of us?
We're just scraping by, watching our town die.... it is going to get a lot worse.
"Port Angeles, the town that used to have a future."..."
This is pretty much the case.
All the "big box" stores that moved into Sequim made a clear statement about the viability of Port Angeles. And, now that they are there, coupled with Sequim's push to become a predominantly retirement town, there is not much left for Port Angeles.
Now that Sequim is the areas' center of commerce, and residents know they can go to one plaza and do most all of their shopping, no big stores are going to locate out of that area. The big franchises may want to compete head on, but they know there are less and less consumers, the further west they go on the Peninsula.
"The Coho is for sale, and may move out of this town."
Well, for as much traffic as the Coho generates,most of it is just driving through. Folks may buy a meal or a cup of coffee as they wait for the ferry, but few actually buy anything of substance. Yes, the loss of the Coho will have an impact, but it sure is not keeping this town alive.
You're right, Port Angeles leadership has failed its' citizens massively, and repeatedly. As that famous movie line goes: "I coulda been a contender!" Yep, Port Angeles could have been something that had enduring viability, but those with short term personal gain guided this town into oblivion.
Anonymous 12:11 AM, December 19, 2010:
All I ask is that you not give up quite yet. In my opinion, we have a lot of the dead wood, old school, know nothing types either moved out or moving on. There are new people, with new energy, moving into the area. We really do have a chance to get this town on the right track in the next few years - but only if people who care stay involved. Please do so. PLEASE.
It would be such a shame to give up when we might be so, so close.
(And if, after another election cycle or two, and a couple more years, if we're not still seeing some progress, then I'll buy us all some high quality moving boxes and we can get the hell outta town. Deal?)
if our chamber wasn't headed up by an uncreative, sloth of a moron (need I say more) there would have been surveys (YEARS AGO) of Seattle/Vancouver, B.C./Victoria, Portland residents regarding Port Angeles. There would have been studies to determine avenues of economic promotion/development.
I've found that most people in Seattle have been to Port Angeles to: a.) go to Victoria with their automobile, b.) head to the Olympics, c.) to go to "aggies" (which I guess was a hoppin' place back when). However, a few remembered the outright hostility the area had regarding tourists, lack of "service" and expensive (gouging?) meals.
To me, this is alarming. I don't disagree from what I've seen in the last fifteen years here.
But, what do we do? We run really, really LAME ads on cable (with Mr. Ego Chamber in them...a face for radio). The voice-over is of odd sound quality.
In the past we have run dubious magazine ads promoting nothing in particular, and city promotion slogans which are blatantly not true ("Center of it all" my ass. "Authentic Northwest" How is this?)
But, we lose more festivals and events, and have turned away every large resort development that has pitched a deal.
Our Chamber, our promotion associations are all bitter/battling/ego-centric time sucks. Our "leadership" only eyes get-rich-quick schemes.
Meanwhile, our property values are over inflated, our city and county government is bloated, our businesses are saddled with too many fees (which are hidden taxes) and regulations.
I'd move if it wasn't for the fact that I can't find a buyer. I'm sick of this b.s. Tired of trying to change anything. Sick of betting on a losing dog.
"(And if, after another election cycle or two, and a couple more years, if we're not still seeing some progress, then I'll buy us all some high quality moving boxes and we can get the hell outta town. Deal?)"
Not to dwell on the negative, but, haven't we already been down this path? Betsy Wharton was supposed to be the great agent of "change", but once elected, voted along with the same-old, same-old.
Cherie Kidd promised to change things (and, to be fair, has tried), but largely has voted as told to. So did DiGuilio, and Perry. DiGuilio and Perry, once elected, vote just like the same-old, same-old.
Then, in this last election cycle, we got Max and Brooke. Max HAS been trying, and should be commended for his efforts. Brooke? Same-old, same-old.
How many more election cycles do we have to wait?
And, with both the Feds and the State out of money, with massive debt obligation for many years ahead, and budget/service cutting only just beginning.. which will also continue for years to come, what IS the "future of Port Angeles" we have to stick around for?
Oh, and the city just passed the largest budget in its' history! Most of that is more debt obligation for taxpayers.
Yes, I'm looking to move, ASAP. You have those moving boxes handy?
"(And if, after another election cycle or two, and a couple more years, if we're not still seeing some progress, then I'll buy us all some high quality moving boxes and we can get the hell outta town. Deal?)"
I want to have a positive outlook on this town, I really do. But I've spent too many years here with that positive attitude, having my professional and personal life go nowhere while friends elsewhere leapt ahead. I've said "things will change" and then watch as they don't. Ah, yes, the Oak St property will happen any day now. Those gaps downtown will be plugged up. The decrepit old buildings will be replaced. Mind you, this has been going on for 15 years, at least. I've watched this town get worse, not better. The tourist business is drying up, building fall down and become empty lots, businesses downtown become government offices for the needy. It goes on and on. Sure, I could wait longer, but I need to get on with my life, not be stuck with a low-paying job in a high-priced town.
I'm hoping to save enough to move out of here in 2011, taking whatever talent I have with me. I'm sorry, I just can't wait an election cycle or two (eight years? Really?) before I move into a better paying job in an area with a better quality of life. And I don't think I'm the only one.
I'm still positive, but not about this town anymore. Sorry Port Angeles.
It's a pity, really, that this area cannot offer better opportunities for bright and talented younger people to engage in rewarding work and a fulfilling social life. I understand the hesitancy to leave town to find these things; but also understand that, sadly, leaving may be the best option for many.
I wonder - has anyone studied what has become of the honor students who've graduated from PAHS in recent years to see how many have opted to return to Port Angeles after obtaining college degrees? I bet that less than 10% do so.
It's hard to entice them to come back to start their lives and careers here after they've had a taste of life on the "outside".
Our loss.
hay! dont muve! i need ur handoutz!
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