Saar's Closing
Well this sucks.
Saar's Market Place will be closing. Their corporate general manager said:
“The store is already in the closeout process.”
The closeout sale will last up to 3 or 4 weeks; then the store will close.
Twenty-five employees will lose their jobs.
Saar's Market Place will be closing. Their corporate general manager said:
“The store is already in the closeout process.”
The closeout sale will last up to 3 or 4 weeks; then the store will close.
Twenty-five employees will lose their jobs.
Sorry to lose this wonderful store!When you could not find something you were looking for go to Saar's and find it!
Steve (the store manager) told me that this might happen when the new Walmart opened last fall.
Not even 6 months passed.
This really sucks.
WHY they are closing is summed up in the last paragraph:
"The union, notified Monday about the impending closure, may file an unfair labor practices complaint over the company's alleged unwillingness to negotiate on a wage offer during contract negotiations that fell apart last week, Geiger said."
The closings continue. More lost jobs, more empty storefronts.
This was foretold right here, only a few months ago.
Yeah Walmart.
I hate walmart. Hate it. Won't go there, never have, never will.
Saars was the best...good selection, good prices, nice checkers....
Now I'll have to do all my shopping at either costco or Sunny Farms...or do without.
Walmart makes communities suck even more...
Unfair to call this union greed. Saar's proposed $4 per hour wage cuts. The union countered with $1 per hour, a position that could have led to a settlement at $2-$3 per hour. Throwing out a charge of union greed is simple minded and wholly inaccurate.
How much did they make an hour? $4 an hour cut is reasonable if they were making $20+! The local market cannot sustain a grocery clerk making $20+ an hour. But that's unions for ya. Time and time again they help no one but to ensure the business shuts down or moves overseas by asking for too much in tough economic times.
Lots of people work at Walmart and are happy working there. They have low prices the population can afford because they are non-union. I have a relative that has worked at Walmart for 15+ years and makes a darn good wage. They reward GOOD employees, unlike unions where everyone makes the same "prevailing" excessive high wage whether they work hard or not.
And EVERYONE sells Chinese goods now, because that's the only ones who make 'em. Our manufacturing is gone, because of over-regulation, high business taxes, and UNIONS. I would recommend those working at Safeway and Albertsons dissolve the union, or they may be next.
The store manager told me weekly of the drop in sales that occurred as soon as Walmart opened it's doors. Anyone driving by any of the stores (SAARs, Albertsons, Safeways) could see the empty parking lots. Immediately.
The revenue to all the stores dropped dramatically the first day, and from that point on, it was just a matter of time. Everyone in all the stores have been worrying, ever since.
Since the relevant changes, seen in the dramatic drop in income, started the day the new Walmart opened, it is hard to pin this closing on anything other than Walmart.
Except, Walmart only succeeds because the people of Port Angeles patronize it. With their shopping bags filled at Walmart, they choose. The people of Port Angeles chose Walmart.
Walmart provides the opportunity, the people make the choice.
"I would recommend those working at Safeway and Albertsons dissolve the union, or they may be next."
Ah, yes. Back to "The Race to the Bottom". Which community can offer the most to a corporation by requiring the least. You know, as in the lowest wages, the least health benefits, pensions, etc. No regulations for worker safety, or the environment.
Um, China is going to be pretty hard to beat. And ya wonder WHY all the US corporations moved there?
Except, things are changing in China, and people there are demanding more. Maybe, if the US communities (like Port Angeles)get serious about this "Race to the Bottom" quick enough, and out-do what remaining poor countries are offering (I hear India is looking attractive, with their still existing "caste" system), we can convince the corporations to build their factories here!
"They reward GOOD employees"
Who are you kidding? This is why theres a huge class action suit against Walmart at the present time.
If Walmart could get away with it they would!!!! And they have!!!
They are in our community to dominant at any cost.
More folks to end up on Food Stamps.
As someone who shopped at both Saars and Safeway, I know how much more expensive Safeway is, for everything. By a LOT.
I only went to Safeway for a few things, but now it will be for everything. That will double my bill. Or, mean I can afford half as much.
So, do I go for Food Stamps to make ends meet, so I can keep my kids fed?
Great. Just great.
And my choise is Walmart. Why should I pay higher prices for the exact same stuff somewhere else?
Besides, I despise does many people I know who will shop at Walmart for that very reason.
Now where am I going to find my favorite co-co mix???
I love shopping at Wal-Mart! Dowtown is just for losers and wannabes.
Well here are a couple of things…
First off this anti-union crapola is simply the latest talking point from the RNC and FOX. And a lot of people will buy this nonsense the same way the bought WMDs, Obama’s birth certificate, and the Regan Economic Miracle.
Second, while I abhor Wal-Mart’s business practices, I wonder if they’re not just a convenient lightning rod. Are they more predatory and monopolistic than say Microsoft or Standard Oil? I think not. But it’s much easier to boycott Wal-Mart than it is to throw away your computer or stop driving, so we feel all good inside by not shopping at Satin’s Supermarket. I try to avoid Wal-Mart and buy locally whenever I can, but the current retail situation in PA sometimes makes it necessary. The alternative being a trip to Sequim or Silverdale which doesn’t help PA merchants any more than a trip to Wal-Mart.
All in all, this is a far more complicated situation than “I hate unions” or “I hate Wal-Mart” can remedy.
You people cheering the demise of unions and wage reductions need to really think about this.
For one thing - you are next, that is if you are a working person.
For another, if your work depends upon people being able to spend money, you are looking at big trouble. People on reduced incomes do not build homes, have homes remodeled, they do not buy new appliances unless absolutely necessary, they do not buy new cars, they eat out less often, use the dry cleaners less, do not replace old plumbing, old tools or purchase boats and other recreation equipment. In other words, spending decreases as do even more jobs.
If people are cheering the demise of the middle class, they are cheering their own demise as well. Jealousy and resentment are bad public policy.
LOL. You libs are so funny.
The days of union monopoly are over. No more wasting "dues" on the union bosses' wallets and Democrap candidates who can't even pass a frickin budget when they occupy the White House and both houses of congress.
So I guess losing your job is better than taking a pay cut...shoulda told the union to shove it and tell the boss at Saars you'll take that pay cut to keep your frickin what, 20-21 bucks an hour, down from 24-25? Hell, I'll take that!
There are a helluva lot more people in this country who DON'T work under union oppression and do just fine. What is union membership now? 7%? Not many folks out there want to be part of a union - and for good reason.
There's tons of high-wage work out there without unions screwing it up if you are somewhat educated. The only "race to the bottom" is the race to unemployment when the union puts you outa work!
"And my choise is Walmart. Why should I pay higher prices for the exact same stuff somewhere else?
Besides, I despise does many people I know who will shop at Walmart for that very reason."
Well said!
And, who needs to know how to spell, or write, either?! Certainly not at Walmart.
That Race to the Bottom is obviously well underway here in Port Angeles.
my question is why did our city allow Walmart to come in with ANOTHER grocery store? Why? We don't need another one, and look at the result? A long time small, locally based store was put out of business. I blame this on the greed in city hall, that won't move to protect the businesses that exist, and help the small guy. Wonder who got $$$ in kickbacks from this stupid move??
Walmart sucks. The food is from cheap suppliers, and the employees are getting screwed. I don't buy chinese junk from anywhere, and yes, there ARE other choices.
But, our county could be more far sighted than the all-mighty-dollar. Our city should have moved with the county to stop this. Walmart is well known to decimate small town's economies....
Unions are the ONLY way that those in poor labor conditions can have some bargaining and voice. However, why government workers need unions is beyond me.... why our hired city guns need to make 7 or 8 time what the local peons make, and as much as most in Olympia beyond me.
The unions filled a good need, and when they weren't just moneymakers for some fat cats (the union leaders) they were something special.
However, when the unions started to organize white collar lazy-assed workers -- for the government, that was just wrong. The "civil servants" didn't need collective bargaining -- they had a secure job under the Civil Service ACT.
But, that is why unions have a bad name today.
6:29 pm...
What middle class?
They became poor a few years ago. Our country has had a falling standard of living for the last 20 years....
Meanwhile, the "rich" have become the top few percent -- they eat the cake, we scrabble for the crumbs. I believe that is called "top down economics".
"Satin’s Supermarket"
Heaven's to Betsy! WTF made a spelling error!
You, WTF, are now required to write "I will not shop at Satan's Supermarket" 1,000 times.
Heaven's to Betsy! WTF made a spelling error!
I also left the Y off of "they" in the same post...if you're gonna be a spelling Nazi, please try to do a more complete job. Thanx.
It is amazing to read just HOW completely knee-jerk reactionary some of the comments here are.
Anyone who was alive in Port Angeles, and remotely aware of their surroundings last October knew of the new Walmart's opening. The local school bands played, and it was a front page event.
The next "big thing" in Port Angeles was to watch how full of cars the parking lot at the new Walmart was, morning, noon and night. Walmart mailed out $5 coupons to every person in Port Angeles to entice them in, to check out their new store.
As a result, patronage at the other stores dropped dramatically. The revenue statistics are a matter of record.
NOW, we have the bright lights of Port Angeles writing that it is because of the UNIONS that the store closed, even though the direct, observable, documented evidence shows otherwise.
Who cares about facts and reality? Rhetoric is good enough.
On another topic.
Kaj Ahlburg, former Board member of HarborWorks, and current President of the Port Angeles Business Association is making the rounds to gather support for another run at the Rayonier mill site.
It has not been even a year since HarborWorks dissolved, after spending over a million dollars of public money, trying to get developers interested in the Rayonier property, with no success. Rayonier cut off negotiations with them, essentially saying they were unprofessional. The studies the public paid for indicated no interest for residential, retail, commercial or industrial development.
But, here they are again, organizing meetings in Olympia, trying to push their ideas for a fantasy development, once again.
How many times are we, the tax payers, supposed to fund their schemes? Aren't these the guys that are usually screaming the loudest about "private property rights"?
"I love shopping at Wal-Mart! Dowtown is just for losers and wannabes."
lst off I have no need to be a Wannabe. I'm doing quite well in Downtown and don't plan on moving anytime soon.
Secondly, If anyone is a losers it surely must be you. I'm a winner not a whinner, WHINNER!
As to WalMart, they could careless about you as a customer or this community. The only thing they care about is how much of this crap we have, can we get you to buy.
Basic Econ 101: How can a "discount" store sell at rock bottom prices and pay employees uppper tier wages? I'm surprised that any of the Saars stores can stay open.
BTW, WTF, did you know that "Nazi" actually refers to NSDAP - National Socialist German Worker's Party?
The days of union monopoly are over
What is union membership now? 7%?
If this is true why are you so afraid of them? Could it be Unions are simply a convenient scapegoat for the very people who have wrecked our economy, shipped our jobs overseas, and handed what was left over to the corporations and individuals who bribe them with campaign contributions? Duh…
There's tons of high-wage work out there without unions screwing it up if you are somewhat educated
And those “tons of jobs” - are where exactly? Are they hiding them with those WMDs? My suspicion is they’re stashed with all those “service sector” jobs Regan promised us. Or maybe they’re just the latest lie from the RNC and Fox at you will repeat until they give you another one. Duh, again…
BTW, WTF, did you know that "Nazi" actually refers to NSDAP - National Socialist German Worker's Party?
I’ve noticed you trying to make this pointless point a number of times here, sugar. Do you think the Democratic Party is “Democratic” because they use the word in their official title? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Listen maybe you should get yourself to the library and read a little bit about Fascism and Socialism and then come back and tell me the Nazis were Socialists. I know reading is hard for you and all, but at least you wouldn’t have to pretend you know something about history. Duh…
Unions protect worker safety. I was in the Home Depot once and went to a checkout. The smell was horrible and my throat was closing up. Why? Because next to the checker were stacks of weed & feed. This woman had to spend her shift breathing in fumes of 2,4-D and other assorted chemicals. I suggested she ask to have the stack moved. She said this was a large corporation and there was nothing she could do about it. (As you know, headquarters sends the stores plans for where merchandise is to be sited)
This woman probably feared being fired for making such a request but if she had a union rep she could has protected her health and kept her job. As it is, if she does get sick from those expsoures, she will be fired and lose her health coverage.
You anti-union foot soldiers for corporations are really being played. The end game is that you, your children and their children will work in conditions that make the company the most money, period. If that means workers are injured or become ill from the conditions, so what, too bad.
Oh, golly! WTF, you're rather thin-skinned, aren't you? Kinda like your alliteratively named pal, huh?
Sorry, bud, the National Socialists were leftists. You might want to study their policies. You know, crack a book not crack wise like you know something.
Sorry, bud, the National Socialists were leftists. You might want to study their policies. You know, crack a book not crack wise like you know something.
Oh no, I was talking about BOOKS, you know the things with pages in ‘em… You obviously have that confused with “something I heard on Beck”. If you read ANY (books, I mean) you would understand that the Nazis were Socialist in name only. Their economic policies (or actually the lack of them) as well as their attitude regarding corporations, unions, and military conquest as a means of economic expansion as well as their idiotic nationalistic racism , clearly mark them as Fascist. Actually, European fascism in the 20’s and 30’s is a fascinating subject, for more information, visit your local library.
"...visit your local library."
Awww, do I have to?? Isn't there some Fox Channel program I can watch to tell me what I should know? You're making this too hard. I want some easy phrase to chant.
Oh for crissakes...stop making up stories (Home Depot). If it were true, all she would have to do is ask her supv. to move it. He's not gonna take the chance that his employee may get sick, and besides, he knows HIS butt would get into trouble with OSHA.
Unions SUCK, period. We've lost so many manufacturing jobs because of stinking unions.
There are enough federal and state workplace safety regs in place now...ever heard of OSHA??????
"Sorry, bud, the National Socialists were leftists."
Unions SUCK, period. We've lost so many manufacturing jobs because of stinking unions.
Oh really? Name a couple, and please back up your statement with pertinent facts to support this claim… while you’re at it please explain why Heavily unionized Germany routinely kicks our ass in the manufacturing sector.
There are enough federal and state workplace safety regs in place now...ever heard of OSHA??????
Why yes, I have heard of OSHA. And I’m aware that the unions were instrumental in its creation. And I’m also aware that while it was signed into law by Richard Nixon, every Republican administration since Liar Regan has done everything it could to cripple and eliminate it. In fact, the elimination of OSHA was one of Ronnie’s campaign promises in 1980. Take a look at the OSHA sections in the book, "REAGAN, in his own Hand.“ This is a collection of RonBo’s writings with a foreword by George Schultz, copyright 2001 by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. This isn’t twisted leftist media; it’s Ron’s own words published by his own people.
Workplace safety, overtime pay, the weekend, employer sponsored healthcare, child labor laws, pension plans, etc. all brought to you by Organized Labor – please, tell us, Mr. Genius, what on earth has a Republican ever done for the working men and women of this country?
"Workplace safety, overtime pay, the weekend, employer sponsored healthcare, child labor laws, pension plans, etc. all brought to you by Organized Labor – please, tell us, Mr. Genius, what on earth has a Republican ever done for the working men and women of this country?"
Oh, geeezz. There you go again, relying on facts, specific quotes, and actual history. Can't you just parrot what Glenn Beck says? Why is that not good enough for you?
To Anon 11:16 - You are severely misinformed. There is not much that will get you thrown out the door faster than a complaint about toxic exposures. You may wish to research Washington history on this topic. There should be plenty of info there upon a records request. Start with Dept. of Labor & Industries, worker's comp, Dept. of Health, Governor Gardner and Locke. Check out the influence of this state's largest corporations in how our state handles toxic exposure cases - hint: they do not exist, period.
Our own health dept. refused to ask another store to remove broken bags of weed & feed just feet from the exposed fresh produce counter when the store did not take care of it after two days.
I have corresponded with other corporate offices concerning the placement of these products and of course they refuse to consider changing procedure to protect workers and customers.
I'm sure there is no way I could convince you of the weakness of worker safety concerns by corporations. Just be happy in your fantasy and hope that you and yours do not find out how things really work.
Jobs leaving because of unions?? Better check the facts.
Jobs are leaving because the meager wages in some other companies have become the modern day gold rush.
Private equity firms and holding companies are in business to buy up American companies for financial gain. They buy the company, fire the workers, reduce quality of the product (Yes, that is a conscious decision), ship the jobs overseas and watch the money roll in.
The purchased company is dinged for fees by the parent company, the purchased company becomes collateral for loans so the parent company can borrow for the purchase of more companies. Some of these purchased companies - some that have been in business for some 100 years, are even driven into bankruptcy and shuttered. Voila! Free money for the parent company!!
Mitt Romney's money came from working for just such a private equity firm. Check Wikipedia for the name.
So, NOW where am I going to buy my groceries from?
Certainly not Walmart.
Which of the stores will be benefiting most from SAARs closing?
Both Albertsons and Safeway don't have as good selections for the basics. And, they are too expensive. Sunny Farms has great selection, but they are too expnsive.
Maybe have to look into getting together with friends, and forming a buying club. Not as easy or convenient, but money is tight these days.
And from the looks of things, money is going to be getting a lot tighter.
GO COSTCO, Saar's only sold low grade food.
Actually, I was never all that impressed with Saar’s…It’s not strictly true that Sunny Farms, Safeway, and Albertson’s are more expensive, either. SF has a website with their sale stuff posted each Wednesday. Both the other stores send out fliers weekly. Also Costco has good stuff cheap on occasion. Even McPhees (cheap rice) can save you money. A little “shopping”, as well as purchase planning based on sales and discounts, if you’re not too good to use coupons, and you’re back in business. I bought a couple 7.5 cu ft. freezers (energy star rated) at a sale at Sears last year, and that helps considerably. I don’t hunt, and I’m not much of a fisherman, but I crab like a maniac in season. I give away what I don’t eat, which has resulted in a freezer full of halibut, salmon, berries, etc. , from people trying to keep the crab pipeline open. If you shop with a friend, you can break up bulk sale items when you get home-this can be a huge savings if you’re single. If you think a little about what you’re doing, you should be able to eat quality stuff at “discount” prices. Wal-Mart only pretends to offer value; after all, cheap crap SHOULD be cheap.
Anon 12:05: Sounds good to me! Maybe I can get in on dat!
Walmart, baaaaby!! I save SO much $$ there!
buying clubs ARE the way to go.
Cash and Carry (closest to us is in Bremerton, but several in Seattle are just a ferry ride away) is a great option -- good deals on canned foods, meat, frozen items, etc. Better prices than Costco. There are many distributors of food in Seattle that you can buy case-lots for near wholesale prices. Easy to find people selling "locker meat" by the side, or quarter side in this area.
Our food bill has dropped by 3/4 since we stopped eating Safeway, commercial agri-business prepared foods, and junk foods. Eating better, spending less.
Sorry for Saars, as they had a good selection of odd things (good Mexican condiments). I hate Safeway, Albertsons AND Walmart and wont' shop in any of them. They are neither cost effective or worth their weight in cow crap.
"I hate Safeway, Albertsons AND Walmart and wont' shop in any of them. They are neither cost effective or worth their weight in cow crap."
Thanks. I appreciate your help with this. I agree. The available options in Port Angeles are not anything I'm interested in. SAARs was low tech, but they offered food the others do not.
I'm interested in a local buying club. At $4 a gallon and climbing, I'm not driving to Bremerton or Seattle. I know there are others in the area interested in sane food.
Again, thanks.
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