Sunday, May 29, 2011

D-Day and Taking Back the City Council

For anyone who didn’t see the Letters section in today’s PDN, former City Councilman Larry Williams had the following letter:

“On June 6, we’ll remember D-Day. Coincidentally, you’ll be able to file for elected office as well [through June 10]. At this writing, the Clallam County Elections website [] shows 50 offices open for filing, yet as of the writing of this letter, only a couple of candidates have declared their candidacy, according to the state Public Disclosure Commission.

Last month I challenged Port Angeles citizens to consider taking back control of City Hall. A voting majority of four Port Angeles City Council seats will appear on the November 8 ballot. Those satisfied with how Port Angeles is being run can vote for the incumbents seeking another term. But those who are fed up with the direction local government is headed need someone to support. Two new candidates challenging each incumbent can force a decisive primary election.

I know. You’ll be analyzed by the media and slanderously condemned by anonymous bloggers. If you win you’ll live in a fish bowl for four years and spend hours on thankless tasks for a pay rate that’s roughly half minimum wage.

The troops facing overwhelming odds to reclaim Europe on June 6, 1944, walked into heavy fire with no guarantee of success. Without their courageous effort, the world would be a much different place today. Likewise, moving Port Angeles into a better future means voters must first have a choice of different contenders to pick from.

The bigger the slate of new candidates, the better the likelihood our runaway government will be reclaimed. With a little nerve and determination, you could help get Port Angeles back on track.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry just cares SO MUCH about the future of Port Angeles that he moved away as soon as he was term-limited off the City Council.

8:32 PM, May 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, one pretty big difference in your analogy, Larry. When US troops went to war in Europe during WWII, they had the support of the population, the government, and a huge industrial machine to provide for them. In Port Angeles, there is no such unified support for anything.

And, Larry, you did a pretty good job of creating the atmosphere of division and polarity now seen in Port Angeles public life.

You could have tried to help unify our community, but you chose to continue the division, and decline. Remember "A house divided..."?

9:03 PM, May 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A City Council election in lil' old Port Angeles is like the D-Day invasion, Larry? Really? No thoughts about how WWII veterans might find that a little offensive, Larry?

You're concerned about the direction "local" government is headed? Really? That's why you're no longer a local, I guess. Seems you had to storm the beaches elsewhere?

You want voters to "get Port Angeles back on track"? Really? It seems like ever since the voters almost totally rejected the slate of candidates associated with you and Karen Rogers during the last election that people have been more satisfied with local government. Maybe Port Angeles isn't 100% "back on track" Larry, but we're getting there, especially with you and Karen gone.

Speaking of which, and speaking of speaking...I can't help but notice that YOU didn't seem to feel safe to start making more of your lunatic public statements until AFTER the Auditor's Report on Karen Rogers was finished. And until after you requested a copy of said report. I guess once you saw that you were in the clear, you felt brave enough to start speaking out.

From a distance, that is.

When I read these little missives of yours, Larry, I always picture a map of Washington State. And there, off to the right, in the middle of nowhere, is Omak. And that's where you are, Larry. Off to the far, far right, in the middle of nowhere, crying out and desperate for attention.

If you're so concerned, Larry, if you care so much, and miss the limelight so much, then run for office WHERE YOU LIVE. You left Port Angeles, Larry, so let go. Stop kissing Karen Rogers ass and telling yourself that you're actually eating chocolate pudding. You're done here. Finished. No one cares, Larry. You've got as much credibility as David R. Fox, but lack his charm.

By all means, enjoy Omak, just as so many of us enjoy Omak having you. And if you keep insisting on sending in your pathetic letters to the editor here, please rest assured that a healthy majority of the electorate of Port Angeles will thank you for providing them with a good laugh.

9:11 PM, May 29, 2011  
Blogger -Heidi said...

A really excellent post about service! I could never run for public office... far too many character flaws, I'm pretty much a hermit, and nothing would get done while the "skeletons in my closet" were being moved about.;)
Nevertheless, I sure felt inspired to ... to ... to do *something*... I have no idea what, but I'm sure someone will. Well done! :)

9:18 PM, May 29, 2011  
Anonymous Winston Churchshrill said...

Does anyone else remember when Larry Williams said that white people will have to "crawl back to England" if there was no settlement over the graving yard? (Just one of his many, many memorable crackpot comments.)

Is it possible that Omak is just the first stop on Larry's crawl back to merry old White England?

10:04 PM, May 29, 2011  
Anonymous Well said, well said! said...

Anon 9:11: YES!!!!!!!! You are SO correct!!!!!!

10:33 PM, May 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, he spends a lot of time posting about how Port Angeles has gone wrong, but doesn't give any examples. Please, Larry, define "back on track".

10:36 PM, May 29, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You've got as much credibility as David R. Fox, but lack his charm."

There's something else that I think Larry shares with David R. Fox, but that's a problem for Larry's new wife to deal with. But I too would love to see some actual examples of how Port Angeles has gone wrong, and could get "back on track." Larry, we all know you're reading this, so feel free to give some specifics.

Larry? We're waiting.

7:14 AM, May 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But I too would love to see some actual examples of how Port Angeles has gone wrong, and could get "back on track." Larry, we all know you're reading this, so feel free to give some specifics.

Larry? We're waiting."

Well, maybe you assume Larry actually CARES about the well being of Port Angeles.

That crew developed a virtual institution for creating entities they could use to get State and Federal grant funding. Didn't matter to them that they didn't actually DO anything. The money went in the appropriate bank accounts anyways.

Port Angeles needs to get back on the "right track".

10:38 AM, May 30, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry? We're waiting. Speak to us, o mighty leader!

7:01 AM, June 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:37 PM, June 02, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry? I know you're there, Larry. Help us to understand!

10:17 AM, June 06, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Larry. For leaving.

You and your gang kept P.A. backwards, and now we're quite glad to see the back of you.

7:15 PM, June 11, 2011  

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