Sunday, April 28, 2013

Peninsula Housing Market to be Topic at PABA meeting

At this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association, the topic will be the housing market on the North Olympic Peninsula.  Guest speakers will be Port Angeles Association of Realtors president Kelly Johnson and past president Dick Pilling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the realtors could offer some tips on what a lender needs to know in the required hardship letter for a short sale - like "had to take an expensive vacation instead of paying my mortgage."

12:52 PM, April 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:52 - No shit. No better group of "uncertain" hypocritical teabagging freeloaders to ask about how to not pay for your house. Or your second house. Licensed realtors should be required to post ten years of their credit history and mishaps for all to see.'s all going to be DYI very very soon. Fuck them. There will be no discussion at the meeting. Just cut and paste.

2:03 PM, April 28, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Don't need more homes for jobs that aren't here. Fuck real estate sales people, bunch fools.

6:00 PM, April 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't the Great, Perfect Policy Maker of Port Angeles know that realtors are the scum of the earth? Hasn't his experience with Brooke Nelson taught Him anything?

5:36 PM, April 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max has been saying for months that he was gonna run against Brooke. I guess she realized that was a fight she couldn't win, so ducked out "to spend time with her family."

9:12 AM, April 30, 2013  
Anonymous Andrew T. May said...

Again here is one of the reasons why people post with cowardly non-identities -- so they can just make things up with no recourse where as Max can not, could not run against Brooke because they are both incumbants! Anonymous is just a yellow bellied way to spout nonsense with out personal crediblity or integrity. Now please, go ahead and slam me anonymously!

7:11 AM, May 01, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Hi Andrew, shouldn't you be out planting shit and teaching others how to plant shit?

Not that it matters, nature will fix it all to her liking after our demise.

I guess Andrew is okay, at least the little shit drinks some beer.

9:51 AM, May 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feed the Troll. EVER! Period.

10:36 AM, May 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, "Andrew," they just run for a seat number, so, in theory, if two incumbents both signed up to run for the same seat...Done deal. Duh.

11:27 AM, May 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Andrew" is just Max posting again. And again. And again. Ad nauseum.

5:34 PM, May 01, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Isn't there some kind of law against Max using Andrew May's name?

6:21 PM, May 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC @ 6:21 - That would depend on the laws in Bhutan. I hear Max has opened a SECOND sweat shop there, and has hundreds of ladies thinking up brilliant comments to post on small town blogs on the internet. Very effective use of his time, if you ask me.

7:05 PM, May 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do any of you keep humoring this idiot who is so obsessed with turning every thread into a rant against Max?

As has been said before, why doesn't this Max obsessed freak start their own blog, and they can just party away.

9:42 PM, May 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not take the name of the Greatest Policy Maker in vain.

1:31 PM, May 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing stopping you from commenting on the exciting topic of the Peninsula Housing Market, is there?

12:48 PM, May 03, 2013  
Anonymous Zoltan said...

1. New person writing polls at the PDN. Ha ha. Pot wins!

2. Seminar on customer service for retailers in PA. Ha ha. Guess they had to bring someone in from another county! Zing! When I picture locals sitting around learnin' bout buying local, I imagine a scene from that Jack Nicholson movie, the one where he gets the operation at the end. What's the name of it?

1:32 AM, May 05, 2013  
Blogger BBC said...

Local voted for officials that have to call in so called outside experts are just telling me that they are too stupid to know what to do.

8:39 AM, May 05, 2013  

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