Hurricane Ridge to be Closed during Holidays
Because of budget cuts, Hurricane Ridge will be closed during the weeks of Christmas and New Year's. Also, ranger-led snowshoe tours of Hurricane Ridge have been canceled, and the visitor center at Hoh Rain Forest is temporarily closed.
Sounds like a perfect example of penny-wise and pound foolish.
Sounds like a perfect example of penny-wise and pound foolish.
Why should Olympic National Park go out of its way to spend precious and dwindling funds for the benefit of a few local visitors who otherwise usually bad-mouth the National Park Service at every opportunity?
The Port Angeles community has been consistently hostile or indifferent toward ONP and its natural wonders and achievements.
Did local leaders celebrate the removal of the Elwha Dams and gain favorable worldwide recognition for their support of this amazing environmental achievement? No.
Do local leaders generally support protecting, preserving, or expanding the park's amazing and unique wilderness areas? No.
It sounds to me as if the ONP made wise financial choices in determining where best to allocate scarce resources over the holiday period.
The NPS always shuts down visitor-oriented programs and facilities to make their budgetary point, but never cancels personnel or programs involving archaeology, planning, administrative, biology, etc. This from an ex-NPS employee who has watched the visitor diminish to zero in importance.
They think we're idiots.'s an old chess strategy
I blame everyone, including you!
7:22 - Care to share more than a link that doesn't work to a site no one knows about that requires registration?
The rangers, in general, are dicks now. Used to be nice. But that was usually in the context of making fun of locals, or blaming car break in's on the "local boys", BS like that, if there was a problem. They seemed to enjoy that kind of banter. Oh, the litter. That wasn't from Seattle hikers, that was PA people. Idiots. But they were so friendly!
On to healthcare. From the daily teabag:
"The state Medicaid office is reassuring new enrollees in the free health insurance for low income people that the government isn't going to go after their families to try to recover health costs after they die. The government does go after estates of deceased Medicaid clients to recover the cost of long-term care."
"go after"?? Fucking idiots. I guess the death panel bs is done with? Now the gubment is gonna recoup, or "might" (we're not sure being dumbass teabaggers) try and recoup the costs!
How dare they might do that! Everyone knows they might do that!!! Evil gubment!
Ha ha, the Randazzos, instead of Duck Dynasty, it's Dog Dynasty...ha ha.
Of course, we know these "budget shortfalls" and "cutbacks" are just a matter of choices.
Locally, the leadership was so totally buffaloed by City Staff, or too stupid to understand they were being fed a complete line of illogical bullshit, that they agreed to spend all the available taxing authority on that brain dead "CSO" project (according to the City Finance Director Olsen, recently). And, they're looking for $12 million more!
Nationally, our leadership has been spending over $7 BILLION a month in Afghanistan, and $85 BILLION a month helping out their Wall Street cronies.
But, pony up a few million to keep the people's parks open? No way.
There is a priceless exchange between Zac and some local teabaggers concerning Armstrong Marine and the feds at the PDN comment section, at the end of the article about AM.
It's disappointing and of course understandable we don't have more of a skilled labor force, housing, etc, we would get more of those fed. dollars here. You know, those dollars, 90% of the federal budget, that entirely goes to prop up corporations and rich people, in these hard times.
But we'll have plenty of marijuana related jobs soon. At least a hundred. Boring, albeit sort of Zen-like for some, backbreaking jobs, $10 an hour. And you'll never pass a piss test again, so who the fuck cares about those high paying jobs anyway. Your a pot nerd right, you're special, in a special place, you don't care! YOU ARE A REBEL! You relish the idea that the IRS will know you work in the marijuana industry! At $10 an hour, it will be worth it! After all, your boss, making the big bucks, that's where the risk is!
And when your lungs crystalize, and turn black, sucking up all that "organic mold inhibitor" and you can't stand on your feet ten hours a day, at least you will have health care.
Anyone going skiing?
If the ski concession wants the road open they can pay to keep it open, if there really is any profit in that. Otherwise I can do without going up there during the winter.
I still blame you for this!
No, I'm not going skiing, I'm going to Victoria, to pay for sex!
I live in Seattle, and hear the sex workers are cute there and get less "traffic" than the ones in Vancouver. Now that it's legal, count me "in". So, I'm spending a night in Port Angeles. Can anyone recommend a place to stay, and a nice restaurant?
And, we have yet another example of why Port Angeles doesn't move forward in today's PDN.
As the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Council's head person retires, the local leadership has an opportunity to bring in somebody with fresh views and visions to help break loose the logjam that is Port Angeles. It is no secret that most are looking for that special "something" that will change things, here.
So, what happens? The "powers that be" contact Tim Smith, of the Karen Rogers, Larry Williams, and Grant Munro council days! The Council that voted to shut off water to Gales Addition during the hottest months of the year, to force them to vote to agree to a Council whim. Tim Smith, who is married to one of the DelGazzo twins.
It doesn't get much more "Good Ole Boy" that this.
As always, more of the same.
The county just plowed my street, what a waste of money when this little bit of snow will soon be gone. We are all surrounded by those making stupid money wasteing decisions.
Greg, the ladies in Canada are very nice, go to a bar and maybe you won't have to pay for sex. But if you do just call an escort service and they will send one to your room.
I like to eat at the Cornerhouse. The old Chinook has a face lift and is offering rooms for 50 bucks.
Prostitution has always been legal in Canada (well, you know). The courts rulings just remove some (not all) of the silly side laws.
Good luck with a "nice" restuarant. Gastropub on First Street is about as good as it gets for Port Angeles. The rest is mostly resturant industry service food. Sysco stuff.
Enjoy beautiful Victoria. The contrast from Port Angeles is extreme.
THanks very much for the tips, I've never been to Victoria. Looking forward to it.
Del Gazzo.. Del Guzzi.. Glad to see things are not changing around here, any time soon.
So is Country Aire still going under?
Don't bring back any Canadian Loonies unless you want pretty reminders, the banks here won't exchange coins, paper money only, they say it is too expensive to ship coins back. I guess they don't go there to visit the nice girls.
Anonymous 11:14 -- The Gastropub is very good, but so are New Day Cafe, The new Creperie, Sabat Thai, Jasmine Bistro, and especially SoHo Asian Bistro. Not dull Sysco food at all. Please try to get out more.
And please remember that downtown is still full of great businesses, doing well and being good sources for unique stuff, not like what you can get at an admittedly cheaper Big Box store in Sequim.
Let's all support what we have here, in this beautiful place.
I thought Country Aire was doing well. Someone, say it isn't so.
Yes, downtown is fine and doing fine and dandy too, and everything will be fine if you all stop being negative about how fine everything is. I admit that Sabai Thai is actually called Sabai Thai, and that it's not actually downtown, but other than that downtown is fine, just fine. Nothing to see - except how fine it all is. No empty storefronts. No empty sidewalks. Just finery everywhere I look! Barb Frederick is looking fine. The view of Nippon is very fine, even ultra fine. I feel fine. Those empty storefronts - if there were any - would be fine, fine places to put a business. Fine. Nothing to see. Move along. That's fine. In Port Angeles, we're all doing fine. No crime. No unemployment. I feel fine. Doin' just fine.
Let's face it. Port Angeles is a racist town. I demand inclusiveness and diversity. Until Port Angeles has an openly gay,Jewish or Muslim, one-eyed, left-handed, African-American woman in a prominent position of effective leadership this town will remain what it is. Nothing.
@ 10:46
LOL! Funny.
@ 6:49
See? This is the great solutions we come up for the problems apperantly we don't have, because everything is fine, and Port Angeles is beautiful!
Really? All this shows me is that there are people here that don't get out much. If you REALLY think views of oil tankers in the harbour, stacks of cut logs headed for China, and smokestacks at Nippon are "beautiful", I think you need to re-think what "beautiful" is.
I'm POSITIVE most people will not agree with you. And, I'd venture to say the empty sidewalks and empty stores, empty for years now, are evidence of that.
Do you think someone put a gun to the heads of all those cruiseship passengers who, after walking through "beautiful Port Angeles", got on the ferry and went to Victoria?!?! Hello?
"Let's all support what we have here, in this beautiful place."
This is saying everything is fine and beautiful, and needs no changes. It is only about us all "supporting" the staus quo.
Looking around, I couldn't disagree more.
Ha Ha ha ….Really, you kids are a scream. The more you bitch and whine, and of course do nothing BUT bitch and whine, the more you reinforce your Port Angelesiosity.
You live in one of the most environmentally diverse and beautiful corners of the planet, but you can’t be happy. And, by God, if you aren’t happy, anybody who is, is Wrong…
You compare a shitty post industrial logging town with a Metropolitan Provincial Capitol, and find it lacking….You wear your own failure like a crown of thorns and commit yourselves to suffering a life among the heathens, but as far as getting off your collective candy asses and doing something (anything?) well , that’s where your Port Angeles starts showing.
Oh you got the excuses: cant afford it, stuck with a house, why bother? Stupid ol locals wont let you, etc, but the reality is, if you don’t have an electric train to drag your lame ass to some clean, unchallenging job, you can’t do nothin’. But whine, that is.
Of course, you have insulated your selves from this sort of criticism, by accusing everyone else of hiding their heads in the sand. Nope… we know it sucks here, we just try to make the best of things.
You, on the other hand, choose to be a perpetual drag.
A large urban area might provide more economic and cultural advantage, but is a fast paced highly competitive environment. Not a lot of opportunities for crybabies and shrill pseudo liberal know it alls.
That’s why you’re Here.
And face it. You sad fucks BELONG here. Carry On.
WTF sez: "...we know it sucks here, we just try to make the best of things."
Yes, why try to change?
So, as predicted, Markwell has done a runner, just like his pal Randazzo. And gee, I'm guessing that he's not coming back, which means he's also running out on the lawsuit filed against him.
I find it very difficult to believe you can fit 124 dogs (in cases) in one semi. So the "official" story stinks to me. Markwell's a crook, and those dogs are likely headed for a bad end.
Yes, why try to change?
Why yes, you sad, simple, self-important fuck, that's the point you're constantly evading...You're not Changing'r just bitching impotently. Classic Port Angeles.
Continuing with the "everything is fine" theme . . . . the City's answer to the current situation is to take a year to study a direction to support on what economic model makes the most sense . . . while in the meantime, Rome is burning. Our elected City leaders, along with Nathan, have their heads in the sand. Image all those cruise ship passengers strolling through downtown in 2014 . . . how many cruise ships will be returning in 2015? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm embarrassed about the look and direction downtown is going. If I had out of town guests visiting, the downtown would probably be the last place I suggest they visit. We've known for awhile that the "keystone cops" of the Downtown Association, along with Barb - have been incompetent and actually have further divided downtown businesses. But now we also know that the City has funded them for decades and ignored their incompetence. The City, in fairness, has cut some funding but the organization still operates with impunity. I don't look to the City for leadership. Apparently, its going to come from some organic grassroots movement that doesn't involve the many "recycled" leaders. Please all you City,County,Port,Chamber,PABA leaders - pull your heads out of your asses and throw caution to the wind. Desperate situations require desperate measures. To do anything else is be in denial that Rome is Burning.
Ah, yes, WTF? returns with his pearls of wisdom. As he says, he knows Port Angeles sucks.
Interestingly, he says he is just trying to make the best of things. That seems to consist of coming here to insult people for making observations of the obvious.
Yeah, I can see how that will help.
3:57 PM, December 21, 2013
Continuing with the Bore me to Death with your Constant Griping...
Yeah, we know. What do you propose to DO about it? Anything?
See, the problems you're constantly on about have been extant here for years. Everybody with half a brain is well aware, and can state and understand the issues all by themselves, without your help -
Now, you got anything other than an outraged, pissy rehash of the issues?
Can you think of a solution,or offer a suggestion other than to just beg "City, County, Port, Chamber, PABA leaders" to somehow magically transform into responsible leaders?
Gosh, maybe if you complain and do nothing just one more time, things will change.
WTF, when I first moved here I thought I could help bring about change, but I got over that.
(Pssst.. hey!? Who went and woke up Mr. Cranky Pants??)
Some interesting links here! Seems Matthew Randazzo is even dirtier than I thought. Check out the links below to see the THREATENING EMAIL he sent to the mayor of Forks. See how he tried to use political pressure to shut down any investigation into the dogs in Forks. See all this, and more, below...
Some simply fascinating reading...So glad Matthew put it all in print.
WTF? doesn't seem to get it. As Billy says, he and others HAVE tried to do things to change things in Port Angeles. I've been around for years, and have tried a bunch of things, too. I've watched all kinds of people try to start different things, and watched them get torn down. Most have left by now, or totally given up. As Billy says, he "got over" trying to help change things. Great.
I know of people working on a project as I write. Wish them well, but I'm not holding my breath.
What gives him (WTF?) the right to come here and devalue my anger at all this? My anger is well justified, and I have no doubt the others that write here are justified in their anger, too.
It is sad that so many have been beaten down by just this type of verbal abuse, that so few bother to do anything, anymore.
Part of "change" is understanding what the problems are. That's how a population becomes mobilized.
But, I guess insulting people into silence has a better outcome?
The letter Randazzo wrote, how bizarre. Thanks. Talk about a cluster-fuck of smokescreens. Sheesh. What a vacuum we have here, on the left. Lets just be grateful no one has done, YET, a reality show about WA state dog lovers! It could be worse!
So, of the restaurants mentioned, and I must say I was impressed with the selection, I did not know, which one is the cheapest? I've seen most of the menus, prices are similar, so portion size would be a big factor. Which one has the friendliest staff? Are they all friendly? Does anyone like any of the Mexican restaurants in town? Definitely going to check out New Day.
Markwell's trying to make it sound like he "had" to make a hurried, last minute run for his own safety...But he had time to buy a semi, build crates in it for 124 dogs, etc., etc. Bullshit. The only safety he's worried about is trying to get away from the righteous lawsuit from Sherie Maddox who wants to get her $50,000 back from Markwell and Randazzo.
WTF? ... dude, I didn't see your name on the recent election ballot. There were several unopposed seats, too.
Man up, dude.
Or just stfu!
Anon 1:25 a.m.: The restaurants that Circle Girl mentioned, I've been to New Day and SoHo Asian Bistro. They both have excellent food and very friendly people working there. Little Devil's Lunchbox is also great. It's probably the least expensive, but none of them are cheap.
So if you search for Clallam County District Court, case #Y12-00795, from 12/14/2012, you'll find both Melissa and Matthew Randazzo as defendants in a court case in which Evergreen Financial Services (a debt collection agency) was the plantif.
This is right before he got squeezed out of the Democratic Party and right before he blew town for Olympia. Looks like he knew things were falling apart and so he and Melissa stopped paying their bills? Hmmm...
Geeezzz.. Enuf with the Randazzos already. As if anyone is perfect and flawless.
WTF? is perfect and flawless.
"Geeezzz.. Enuf with the Randazzos already. As if anyone is perfect and flawless."
Right. They're only crooks who ripped off charitable donors and did untold damage to the political scene in Clallam County. I mean, who could care about that, right? I mean, just because no one is perfect, that means we should just forgive people who are actively evil, right?
Typical Port Angeles low self-esteem...
If I didn't smoke I'd fucking be perfect. :-)
Here, you want something to think about?
Anon 2:56
It isn't about forgiving anybody. It is.. "Enuf already"!!
So to tie it all together, if humanity does go extinct, will the only thing left alive be a cockroachdazzo?
Max and Dale are perfect and flawless.
How about this:
Have a familiar ring to it?
Is there much to argue about here?
4:14 - 12/22 - Thanks for posting that article on climate change/tyranny of environmentalism. (tyrant=mommie) It would SUCK if someone lit a match, up there, at the right spot at the right time, and the planet just TOOK OFF like a rocket, and shot out of it's orbit, through space! OH, that would suck.
(12:16 - 12/18) is: "Why should Olympic National Park go out of its way to spend precious and dwindling funds for the benefit of a few local visitors who otherwise usually bad-mouth the National Park Service at every opportunity?" I'm just grateful we have the park, other parks, and the park service!!!! Seriously, they are about as popular as a really unpopular post office in an alternate reality, in which the post office is really unpopular, and just endured a series of scandals. And instead of delivering mail, which most aren't ready to "let go of", even on Saturdays, the park service pretty much hoards acorns and pine cones. That's how most people see it.
Truth is, republicans will probably never get to control state ecology, or the park service, ever again. By being good stewards of the parks, over the century, the parks are what they are, the best tool we have, to teach of certain things, and sadly, increasingly, a "relic". TR knew, over a hundred years ago. DUR!
People ask, what should we do? PUT A CONDOM ON IT! Or write a check to the local Planned Parenthood. If you feel the need to breed, get therapy. Soon, everyone will be entitled to that, in the US. No excuses! And don't get a dog, either. That's even worse.
Yes, Max and Dale are perfect and flawless, but they couldn't wait to get the hell out of Port Angeles. That doesn't bode well for the city being able to attract the best and the brightest. PA will have to continue to limp along with the least and the dullest.
I’d like to thank Densey McObtuse for his/her recent comments, but EVADING my point is not DEBATING my point.
Let me state it in a more wimp friendly, unthreatening way.
The problem as I see it, in Port Angeles, is an overwhelming and pervasive acceptance of failure, an EXPECTATION of failure, really…. a general malaise that permeates every aspect of local political and social discourse.
The local Conservative element holds no monopoly on this hopeless negativity. In spite of the clear opportunities in the last round of Council elections, the local Libs managed to produce only one candidate. They couldn’t even find a Riplyesque crank candidate. Nobody wants any part of that shit, and frankly, I don’t blame them.
A bleak situation for sure. And no different than any other Post Industrial Post Reaganomic factory and mill town from here to New Jersey. The local Republican dip-shits didn’t cause it. The hillbilly locals didn’t bring about this circumstance. Our well-intentioned, but hopelessly inept local libs can’t be blamed for this mess either.
So stop already…This is the shit we find ourselves in at the moment, and the last thing we need is some whiner crying about how shitty it all is.
We drive of the road and into Lake Crescent…. You want to bitch about we’re all gonna die, or figure out how to kick out a window?
Every line you type about how shitty Morrison’s Boat Race is, is really a line you don’t have to write about what you would do instead.
Everything we type about how stupid so and so is, or what a crock of crap this or that project is, is simply a way of not exploring other alternatives, and of course, we cant explore alternatives BECAUSE WE’RE TOO FUCKING NEGATIVE.
Reuters Nov 12, 2013 - But by 2020, the oilfields of Texas and North Dakota will be past their ... "We expect in 2015 the U.S. to be the largest oil producer in the world,"
I can see that the smart people in the world are doing what they can to help offset our extinction!
So, WTF? Time to walk the talk. Instead of complaining about negative people, what solutions are you proposing?
How are we going to save ourselves from ourselves?
"This is the shit we find ourselves in at the moment, and the last thing we need is...."
So, we might get a tent. And the new park looks like that might be nice.
One suggestion I'd have for the town, is we need more Mexicans. We need more Mexicans, and more Mexican restaurants. Not that those two things have anything to do with each other. It's just a benefit, when a community gets more Mexicans, others get to enjoy the "cuisine". But, some say, there are already too many Mexicans here.
"This is the shit we find ourselves in at the moment, and the last thing we need is...."
I was unaware that whiny bitchiness caused myopia...
(maybe its the other way around)
Here's a suggestion. Next time, read what other people are posting. You know, READ IT. That's not the same as cherry picking a quote out of context to try to make your (pointless) point.
ONE MORE TIME, simpleton.
Constant bitching isn't raising's just constant bitching. I don't think you even know WHAT you want.
But you got the bitching down real good.
WTF? is just trying to win "Citizen Of the Year" again. He will, of course, fail but that doesn't stop him trying.
Well, Zac Garipoli might object. Did you read his comments in the PDN about "those people" in China?
WTF? tells us: "ONE MORE TIME, simpleton.
Constant bitching isn't raising's just constant bitching. I don't think you even know WHAT you want.
But you got the bitching down real good."
Yes, walking that talk. Setting that good example.
9:16 - Don't see it. Was it in the print edition?
He commented today, concerning attracting more telecommuters to the area: "I agree, to a point. If our schools were better, these people might find our area more attractive." No mention of China in the article, or in the post he was responding to.
The PDN article was about China refusing West Coast shellfish because of arsenic found.
Kenneth Evanger · Top Commenter · In a building
Lewis Saxton Chinese are like bedbugs,they infest every country and leave their droppings in the worlds food supply.I love chinese food too as long as its made in america.
Reply · December 22 at 10:53am.L Louis Lancaster · Top Commenter · Sequim, Washington
Kenneth Evanger decorum denies me the response your xenophobic comment deserves. I didin't realize that the Ku Klucks Klan were so entrenched on the Peninsula.
Reply · 2 · at 12:01pm...Zac Garripoli · Top Commenter · Port Angeles, Washington
I will admit, I have no evidence, but I don't believe China's claims. Arsenic is a highly unlikely contaminant in this environment. I do know that the Chinese are mad because the USA is working with Japan to keep a shipping lane open that China is trying to shut down. The Chinese have sold us baby formula with plastic in it! soy sauce made of salt water and human hair! How can these people be trusted?
Port Angeles represented so well!
WTF? is just a would-be cult leader looking for a cult. Note his cryptic yet weighted words of reproof. A modern Elijah, a contemporary Jeremiah is in our midst and yet we are woefully ignorant of what the Great Solon, this Profound Pericles imparts to us!
But, then again, we're simply not worthy of understanding, pathetic fuckwits that we are.
6:50 PM, December 24, 2013
Hey, remember when you were little, and Montessori Mommy told you that you weren't really an ignorant,effeminate, whiny, pee-pants with delusions of grandeur, frustrated that the rest of the kids couldn't see that you were gifted in Other Ways?….well, she was lying.
There he is again, showing us that complaining about others is NOT what we should be doing.
You know, that pot/black thing.
WTF? ... Thank you, sir! May I have another?
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