Wednesday, October 01, 2014

$25 Entrance Fee for Olympic National Park?

Under a proposal from the National Park Service, entrance fees would be drastically increased at 131 national parks.  The fee at Olympic National Park would jump from the current $15 per car to $25 a car.

And that brings us to today's Peninsula Poll:

Compared with other prices, do you think a $25 per car entrance fee to Olympic National Park and other national parks is reasonable?

Number of votes cast: 615 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That will certainly help!

Interesting, though. The rednecks take every opportunity to talk crap about the park, but it seems they like the money. As in, don't raise the price of admission.

10:34 AM, October 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you calling the Park System Administration Rednecks? WTF??

12:59 PM, October 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 12:59

How do you get that out of "the rednecks take every opportunity to talk crap about the park"??

And "As in, don't raise the price of admission."??

The park system is talking about RAISING the price of admission.

Over 600 responded to the poll in a town that has rednecks who regularily trash talk the park.

Still with me?

The majority of the people responding to the poll opposed the idea of raising the price of admission to the park.

Did you see that, on the graph Tom posted?

So, I said : "The rednecks take every opportunity to talk crap about the park, but it seems they like the money. As in, don't raise the price of admission".

As in, they like the money the park brings in, think raising the price of admission will cause people not to come as much to the area, and would miss the money to the areas' economy that would result from raising the price of admission.

If that isn't clear enough, I'll try to write even more for you.

Aren't we glad pot is legalized ? LOL!

3:52 PM, October 01, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Matters not to me, I have a golden age pass, gets me into the park for free and my camping is half price.

6:25 PM, October 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not supporting this increase is unpatriotic.

How the fuck are we suppose to pay for those million-dollar missiles we're targeting our captured tanks and Humvees in Iraq and Syria with?

Think, people, think.

7:07 PM, October 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

back at Anon 3:52

Hee Hawwwwwwwwwwwwww
Hee Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
said the Jackass

Caw! Caw! said the Crow!

9:06 PM, October 01, 2014  
Anonymous DIRTY HIPPY said...

3:52 - ha ha. :)

12:59 - no, but I personally have called them way worse! Crooks? Lazy ass fucking morons? Teabagger obstructionists? Yes, yes, yes. I've never called them rednecks, but that's only because I think the average redneck around here smells better. Finger lickin' good!

10:27 PM, October 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 10:27

This reminds me of the folks who make blanket statements saying government is bad, that "they are all money grubbing crooks", etc.

But, who do they call when their car gets robbed, or house is on fire? Who keeps the streets paved, and library open?

Of course there are bad people. In every facet of life. Even here, on this blog, there are people who have nothing to contribute but moronic comments. There are bad lawyers, and parents that abuse their children.

But that is just the way humans are. Flaws and warts and all. Not all as perfect as you. ;O)

So, then what?

8:51 AM, October 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a thought, Port Angeles' businesses uniting, BAD FOR ME AND YOU!

What we need, is "Port Angeles CUSTOMERS UNITED".

For starters, as a "non profit" we could collect dues, buy a shuttle, hire a couple of people, cut those costs to Silverdale!

2:07 PM, October 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. The Port Angeles business folks don't have a clue. They think it is about having a group of some sort, instead of running a decent business.

Saw that story about the hotel reviews. Tourists finding 5 used syringes under their motel beds, and the management blames the guests for not checking their rooms first??


And Russ thinks his time over the last year was best spent conning people into thinking a "unified" group will solve the business comunity's problems?

2:57 PM, October 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What lame brains! Only in PA.
No one seems to get it. Typical of Port Angeles, WA.
Russ Veneema and Barb Frederick are both out of a job, only if this United thing actually takes hold and happens. Think about it.

8:41 PM, October 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! I'm SOO surprised by the story in the PDN today detailing the how $10 here and there, spent by the PADA, doesn't have the proper invoice attached.

Only one day after the PDN, which whole-heartedly supoports and promotes the "Port Angeles Unitited", ran stories about how the Chamber (hear Russ and crew) want to proceed with consolidating their power and influence.

How many minutes will pass before you hear how the leadership (such as it is) of the Down Town Association should be replaced because of this horrible mis-management?

And, replaced by people who will go along with what Russ and crew want.

The City gleefully helps Russ and crew undermine the PADA so as to replace them with more compliant people, using audits showing charges for $10 here and there (which may be legitimate, anyways, just not documented properly).

But the same City has blown millions of taxpayer dollars on the first "landfill stabilization" project, which failed after a couple years, or the Gateway Transportation center, which sits empty most of the time with it's massive cracks in it's foundations. Or Graving Dock. Or the Turd Tank. Or so many other issues.

If only honest audits were possible of the City.

Stupid town.

8:54 AM, October 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

getting rid of veenema and barb would be a miracle. PA untied is worth it if that's what would happen

9:57 AM, October 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PA United would at least be one crappy organization to get rid of instead of the many crappy ones we have now.

How does anyone lose that many eggs?

2:18 PM, October 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah right, Port Angeles united? Never gonna happen, not in a million years!

6:12 PM, October 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PA businesses are never going to unite, period. Old guard DT businesses, the ones really in control of the downtown ass'os, know their nitch and keep on making $$$. Controversy keeps their rents low, competition out, and makes locals feel sorry enough for "their" downtown to actually go there and get ripped off!
Hey, spend the gas $, go to PT, get ripped off there, at least you got a nice drive and a day out of PA!

6:30 PM, October 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that John Brewer (publisher of the local paper) is openly associated with that Port Angeles United effort?

No wonder the so-called news is so slanted. They control the flow of information.

11:17 PM, October 03, 2014  

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