Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Salmon Restoration on the North Olympic Peninsula

Today's online PDN poll question is:

Do you think the millions spent on salmon restoration on the North Olympic Peninsula is helping to bring back salmon?

Number of votes cast: 816



Blogger BBC said...

I think it will help bring them back but it just means I'll keep losing tackle and not catching any damn fish.

4:47 PM, September 23, 2014  

Mining asteroid bill? Seriously? Thanks Kilmer, for wasting money with your stupid hearings, making Clallam Dems look stupid, wasting time, precious time, when we are sending young people overseas...again...brought to you by a country of pessimistic WAR MONGERS!!!

Oh, it's also an extremely dumb idea. But most will see it as so random and obscure, gives you cover! Brilliant! Oooooh DURRRR, HEZE U SMURT WON....DDDDUUUURRR...COUGH COUGH....DUUUUURRRR....COUGH COUGH....DUUUUURRRR....ME LIKES KILMUR....DUUUURRRRR.....

2:13 AM, September 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, amazing that 40% of over 800 respondants don't think restoration efforts have helped to bring salmon back on the Oly Pen.

Same knuckledraggers, who despite the photos of salmon up past where the dams on the Elwha once were, still spout the right-wing party line.

Facts and reality don't count for these people. Just their rhetoric that people who care about conservation are communists who want to take away private property rights, and control the world.

So, unless it is all about unfettered abilities to log everywhere, it is bad.

9:18 AM, September 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mining Asteroids?

That'll help with climate change, Derek.

Let's focus on getting private enterprise to pour out gazillion tons of climate changing gases to get out into space, to mine asteroids, and make money from doing so.

Like we don't have enough problems right here in front of us to put our work effort into?

How about promoting converting the US from being the number one producer and user of fossil fuels, to some other way to produce energy that won't kill us, and most of the rest of life on earth?

Not important enough for your attention, Kilmer?

1:26 PM, September 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that is amazing, the 40% figure. See, this involves "science", and, well, you know....

Seriously, I'm sort of impressed with the results in this poll, although it's not scientific, mind you. (there is no obligation, either, if you participate, grandma, yes, grandma, I'm talking to YOU!)

We are so painfully divided, 40% is not that bad, although I'm not sure how much we can glean from this. If Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee, over 40% of the country will vote for him, and he's BAT ASS CRAZY (in a Hitler kind of way, not a stoooopid Sarah Palin kind of way). Same with Paul. He could even win. Then, it's bye bye ONP. So, who the fuck cares. It's going to happen within two election cycles, so enjoy the salmon while you can, IF there are any left for us crackers....LOL. That last bit is sarcasm, in case anyone doesn't realize it. I have to admit, whomever is writing the PDN polls, they don't make the blood come out my ears, so much, lately. It's almost like they are "tricking" the local teabaggers, flushing them out (like it matters) and actually trying to figure out what they think, not just make a political statement with ridiculous wording.

7:22 PM, September 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about promoting converting the US from being the number one producer and user of fossil fuels, to some other way to produce energy that won't kill us, and most of the rest of life on earth?"

You mean like a fusion-based energy system using Helium-3? You know, the isotope that is rare on Earth, but abundant out in space, like on the Moon and on asteroids? You mean a type of clean energy like that?

8:02 PM, September 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kilmer is the second dumbest politician on the planet, right behind Gov. Inslee

GO SALMON GO, thank you all who made it SO!!!

8:06 AM, September 25, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ anon 8:02

You'll have to excuse my skepticism about how all our problems will be solved by yet another "out there" proposal.

If you remember the past pitch on nuclear power, we were to have power too cheap to meter. The scientists walked around with big smiles on their faces. All was going to be wonderful.

Didn't work out that way.

How many years are going to pass before we have everybody running on asteroid power? You don't see any problems with having our future controlled by such a specialized power source. Are we learning any lessons from all the "Wars for Oil" we've initiated, to control THAT energy source?

In a world where corporations have privatized water?

Already, more energy falls on the surface on the earth every day than we could ever need, from the sun. The Japanese have houses with solar panels built into the roof shingles, and storage batteries built in. They produce more power than they need. Plug-in electric cars are parked in front.

The technology exists now, but politics in the US keep us as the number one problem. Let's get on with it.

8:42 AM, September 25, 2014  

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