Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sissi Bruch and Bill Peach to Debate at Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Tomorrow's Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Luncheon will feature a debate between the candidates for District 3 Clallam County commissioner:  Sissi Bruch and Bill Peach.


Blogger BBC said...


6:27 PM, September 14, 2014  
Anonymous LAZY ASS FUCKING MORON said...

Things overheard from the audience after it's over:

Wow, that was interesting, such vision, such intelligent responses. And I was expecting canned answers.

Wow, what a hard choice, they are both so good!

Wow, I'm so glad I live here! Such a past, such a future! So nice to know we can build a future on such a great foundation! It just takes ideas and hard work!

3:23 AM, September 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that'll be one-sided

6:28 AM, September 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will they actually debate? A real debate?

Or just take turns doing their well-rehearsed speeches on how wonderful they are and all the great things they're going to do.

Remember the last election, the last set of candidates, and all the speeches about all the great things THEY were going to do for us?

Notice any great changes around town? Cost of things go down? Really, ANYTHING different?

8:18 AM, September 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissi Bruch is possibly the least smart person I've ever listened too

3:04 PM, September 15, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

"Sissi Bruch is possibly the least smart person I've ever listened too."

And we need more women in government?

5:56 PM, September 15, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I can't wait for nothing but women in government so we can blame them for going down.

5:58 PM, September 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:04


I don't mean this to be snarky or insulting, but what kind of people are you around, if a professional woman with advanced degrees is the " least smart person I've ever listened to"?

I've listened to her over the last couple years, and found her to be pretty even-keeled. Not an extremist in either direction.

7:36 PM, September 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I despise Mr. Peach, he is reckless, but after listening to Ms Burch today all I can say is God help us

8:40 PM, September 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you feel Mr. Peach is reckless?

I support the idea of a real debate. How can we make this happen?

1:43 AM, September 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how Sissi allowed herself to be talked into this debacle.

5:37 AM, September 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there, Sissi B. was singing the party line, she's clearly being coached.
Peach is honestly the best of two terrible candidates.

6:17 AM, September 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reading the responses from Mr. Peach, I see that he is really ill informed about basic issues. That is in print. In the one interview, he himself wrote the answers which show how poorly prepared he is for the County wide job.

Ms. Bruch is a professional government level planner, and has many years experience doing what it takes to do the job.

Even if both of them are complete morons, Bruch has many years of relevant experience Peach doesn't.

Peach is clearly part of the "Good Ole Boy" crowd in Clallam, that has gotten us to where we are now. You can see that from the answers he gives. No doubt about that.

So, it looks like this vote is about putting another Good Ole Boy in a higher government position, or not. To continue the policies that keep Clallam from moving ahead, or not.


9:28 AM, September 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Sissi was on the Planning Commission, she was the one reasonable person who asked thoughtful questions of developers and based her decisions on the answers. Everybody else seemed to simply look at who wanted the permit and whether they were part of the insider network. If so, they noted "yes" regardless of whether the project documents made any sense.
Sissi is somebody who will look fairly at all of the facts and then decide. What a refreshing and rare concept for Clallam!

1:30 PM, September 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just terrible, neither one of these two individuals are qualified for this position. I'm with anon: 8:40 pm

3:34 PM, September 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "professional government level planner". That makes me laugh!

5:23 AM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:34

You have to be kidding. That is such a ridiculous comment.

I agree Mr. Peach is not qualified for the job. As a former lumber industry worker, he may know about issues involving that industry, but there is a lot more to running a County than that.

But, Ms. Bruch has years in government level planning. Went to school for the job.

You say she is not qualified for the job. Less so that Mike Chapman, when he was elected, then re-elected? What was his relevant job experience, besides being a border guard?

I get it. There are those trying to undermine and discredit Ms. Bruch because she is "not from here". Because she is not part of the Good Ole Boy club of Clallam. Because she ass intelligent questions. Because she questions things instead of just rubber stamping everything staff wants.

We'll see. Will voters elect a guy who has no qualifications for the job, other than he is part of the crowd that has created the problems we live with now? Will that same crowd be able to successfully discredit and smear the only candidate who actually DOES has relevant qualifications?

Or, has the time finally come where voters are sick and tired of the same old, same old that clearly isn't working, and support someone who can help the county move forward.

9:30 AM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 9:30am
it wouldn't surprise me if you are Sissi, because only Sissi would defend herself in this fashion.
Government level planning???
you must be joking!
She's a failure on the city council and she should not be a county commissioner.
Sissi you better get serious

10:19 AM, September 17, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

When I lived in a small dipshit town in Utah where the economy was bad we didn't have planners and crap like that, I started a business to have a job and there was no one in my way to make it difficult.

You can't get shit done here, Jim and Priscilla have been trying get their cafe open for two years and it is one goddamn thing after another from the 'officials' here that keeps holding them up.

10:58 AM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 9:30 doesn't sound anything like how Sissi writes or talks.

Gotta love the Internet. "If you support X, you must BE X, or a paid shill of X, because no one could possibly disagree with me! EVER!"

11:53 AM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kidding.

Out of the tens of thousands of people in the area, only one could think having a candidate that ACTUALLY has education, degrees and experience in government is relevant. And that person would have to be the candidate themselves. Of course.

Clallam hasn't been able to move forward for a long time. Even if Ms. Bruch got elected, she still would be in a minority position. The majority will continue to lead Clallam in the fine fashion they have been.

As we've seen, intelligent people soon figure things out, and move away to a community that actually has a future.

1:15 PM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, Sissi is caught, she's stealing a page from Max Mania's book

1:35 PM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:35

Umm, what are you talking about? Please explain what Sissi has been caught at, where and when. And by who.

We sure would like to know, and see the evidence of it.

2:01 PM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissi, you really should stay off the blogs

3:27 PM, September 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh. The troll returns.

5:18 PM, September 17, 2014  
Blogger WTF? said...

Ok so the REAL issue in this election is:
Do we want three phony, self serving bastards serving as County Commissioner, or are we good with the two we have now?

10:33 PM, September 17, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...


The one way meter system has been around for a while and is proven, we had one in Montana and it worked just fine.

8:44 AM, September 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:01...

Awhile ago someone "caught" Max Mania posting comments on this blog. And by "caught" I mean he or she decided anyone who disagrees with him is Max Mania, and thus it was so.

Now presumably the same person has decided Sissi Bruch is posting here, and thus it is so.

I've decided that you, anon 2:01, are a roller skating triceratops wearing a pink leotard / tutu combo. And thus it is so.

It's just a way of derailing each and every blog post here and turning it into a shouting match. I'd say pay this no mind, but by this time I know better.

9:47 AM, September 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:47

Yes, I know. As before, every conversation will get turned into complete stupid-ness. The moron won't allow normal conversations about issues. As you say correctly, this person seeks to shut down participation by driving people away with their nonsense.

Too bad. I really do like the exchange of thoughts and ideas, but won't waste my time with stupid-ness like that person displays and dominates with.

12:26 PM, September 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't you just love the quotes from the head of the Jeffco Republican Party in the PDN? That the real people behind "Climate Change" are the "communists"? That it is a "con" to take away peoples' rights, and that the " free market" is the best way to address it?

Right. When Europeans arrived in North America, the sky would be darkened for days by Passenger Pigeons. There were more of them here than there were humans on the entire planet.

The first exploreres said the salmon were so thick, you could walk across a bay on their backs. On the East Coast, the Cod were so thick, their numbers stopped ships.

But, no Passenger Pigeons to be seen, now. The free market killed them ALL within a few decades. Cod are commercially extinct now. Salmon are almost, as well.

And those are just examples of the far greater impact humans have had in just the last 100 years.

Humans have demonstrated over and over an inability to exercise constraint. Use it until it is gone, like the first huge mill in Port Angeles 100 years ago.

Harvest it until it is extinct.

Yes, obviously the free market will save us.

12:53 PM, September 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contraception could save us.

10:00 PM, September 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

contraception could save us, yes. However stupid people do not use it, and we need to get rid of the stupid people.

We should start with Politicians and Homeless people first

6:19 AM, September 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think homeless people caused the extinctions. I don't think politicians used up resources without concern for future generations.

It has been, and continues to be "smart people" like you and I who have been convinced by other "smart people" to be parts of this consumerist culture.

The economy and the market are what is now deemed most important. Advertising has convinced us all to buy everything digital. Now, virtually every part of human life is controlled by one technology. Virtually ALL communications can now be monitored from one location.

Never before has so much of human life and what it does been in the control of so few. Your money, records, power, food and more can all be shut off by the push of a button.

But, we "smart people" have done what the corporations want us to do. Now, much of modern society walks around with a screen they can't take their eyes off of. They think they are so cool and modern, doing more than ever.

The "smart people" don't seem to be too smart.

1:24 PM, September 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not about smart or dumb people. It's about criminals (politicians) taking what isn't theirs, and poor (homeless) needing what isn't theirs. Get rid of both and we can keep what we earn and give fund necessities equally

7:47 AM, September 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Right. The oil companies alone get around $600 billion in subsidies each year, from the taxes collected.

What is stopping anyone from doing the right thing? What has EVER stopped people from doing the right thing for other humans less fortunate, or the future of the planet?

You think it is a lack of money?

Consider the following:

"‎28 Oct 2013 ... How Halloween... America spends $300
million on costumes for pets."


"Americans will
spend nearly $6.9 billion on Halloween costumes, decorations.."

And: " 21 Jun 2014 ... We spend billions on pet pharmaceuticals." Like happy pills for Fido.

Where are the politicians in this?

We got the money to spend on all kinds of things. It is about OUR priorities.

1:42 PM, September 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doomed.Destined to live in politically backwater county where nothing matters except logs across "publicly owned" facilities docks. Where the only thing with any value in terms of return on investment is trees.
If you want something different, you better move.

7:03 PM, September 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.......more jackass braying at each other in the barnyard.

Gotta love these goofy comments.

Hee Haw Hee Haw!!

9:23 AM, September 21, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You noticed in the PDN that Port Angeles is talking about raising their utility fees even higher.. "hundreds of dollars per resident"?

If you haven't made plans to move yet, you might start thinking about it. It'll get harder to sell when the rates are so high. People will choose to buy into a community that actually has a future, and that they can afford to live in.

10:47 AM, September 21, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm moving to Corvallis!

7:10 AM, September 22, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'll just have to sell for less than what I paid. I've been waiting for the real estate market to come back, but it isn't.

Life is too short to be stuck in this place. I'm not getting any younger. I want to enjoy my life while I still can.

2:06 PM, September 22, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:06, u shud en-joy it 2 da last, second cuz I sez so! :)

4:19 AM, September 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... Sissi B. was singing the party line, she's clearly being coached."

Anyone care to guess who's behind the Bruch campaign? The one lurking in the shadows? The one who skipped town with $15,000 of tax payer's money? The one who later set up a "F*ck you, Port Angeles" blog and got a little payback?

Uh huh ... that guy!

10:33 AM, September 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:33

I know you're just baiting people with your really stupid and sad obsession.

Really sad to watch. Kind of like those other mentally ill people you see wandering around Port Angeles.

Here is to hoping that some day, you will get the help you so obviously need.

1:06 PM, September 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 10:33 -- I know who you mean, the guy who wrote a blog post 3 or 4 months ago called R.I.P., saying he was through posting, and then he keeps coming back from the dead and writing more posts.

1:16 PM, September 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like watching those folks who keep washing their hands, over and over and over.

4:20 PM, September 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the one who used to post here as "The Watcher" or "Not Andrew May" or "Bodhi Clevins" or rant about "Mayor McMoonbeam" as "Anonymous".

you know ... that guy.

The one who did a Q&A with Sissi on his blog.

Speaking of obsessions, how do you account for CK and that guy having the same weird obsession over the sexual orientation of the PDN's gardening columnist?

Must be a coincidence, right?


10:55 AM, September 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People see what they want to see. People with mental illness see things that often are not real. They see connections, meanings and warnings in every day objects and occurances that are not based in reality.

But, as is said so often, you can't get better talking to yourself. You'll only convince yourself of things you already have convinced yourself of.

Get help.

11:52 AM, September 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make up your own mind about Bill Peach, but consider these facts:
1. He was laid off from his Rayonier post. So what does that say about the quality of his management work?
2. He was dismissed as executive director of the Quileute Tribe after a short tenure. What does that say about the quality of his management experience?
3. When he was president of the board of the ill-fated Incubator Project, which was supposed to create a bunch of jobs, the project defaulted on a $750,000 loan that the taxpayers are still paying off. What does that say about the quality of his experience.
A woman who works with him on a non=profit board told me she would never vote for him.
Please support Sissi Bruch for the sake of our county's future...

10:03 AM, September 29, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

It amuses me that we can vote for a peach or a sissy and then go to brunch. LOL

12:17 PM, September 29, 2014  

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