Do You Have Enough Law Enforcement Protection in Your Community?
Today's Peninsula Poll question is:
Do you think that you have enough law enforcement protection in your community, not enough or too much?
Number of votes cast: 598
Do you think that you have enough law enforcement protection in your community, not enough or too much?
Number of votes cast: 598
Interesting, and predictable. And, sad, too.
If people had been actually paying attention, they would have noticed the police chief saying crime in Port Angeles has been declining for the last couple of years.
But, who cares about actual facts, when they can be herded like sheep by stories in the Peninsula Daily News.
See? Scare tactics work.
Back in Nov, we were being told that there was no crime problem in Port Angeles. The chief and his minions were going to the meetings of that uber self focused group, Revitalize Port Angeles, saying everything was just fine.
When that group of downtown businesses didn't get to hear what they wanted, the chief saw an opportunity: more funding, and a way to get it!
Suddenly, the story changed 180 degrees, and the chief then was in the paper saying he didn't have enough officers.
Never mind the reality that there are so many different law enforcement agencies here. As the paper said the other day, calls to the police result in the event being swarmed by law enforcement from how many different agencies? You can't get within blocks of an event, because there are so many "first responders" that show up.
Yet half the people in that poll think there is not enough law enforcement protection in the community?
Keep 'em afraid. Works every time.
Well, what do they expect after all the fear mongering the PDN and police chief has been doing lately.
Seems like enough too me but what in the hell do I know?
Get more cops and we'll have to build a bigger jail being as the current one is full.
Actually, I've only been pulled over once since moving here, screwed up and didn't renew my tabs so a nice cop pulled me over to point that out. I was at the courthouse the next morning for new tabs.
The people who responded "no" were probably PDN readers from other communities. The paper has an international reach, you know.
Oh sure, crime's been declining, right. Break out the champagne! Everything's perfect in la-la land! I feel so much better now. Nevermind that some methhead broke into my house and stole whatever valuables he could. Nevermind I've had thousands of dollars of property damage besides that from vandalism the last couple years. Nevermind that where I work was robbed. Nevermind that people in my neighborhood have also reported thefts. Nevermind that I've had four friends whose cars have been broken into. Nevermind that the police won't do anything except file a report even if they know who did it because it's too small a crime. No no no, we're all "sheep" if we feel anything but happiness about our property being broken into and stolen. Sabai Thai are probably sheep too, so's the tanning place, Athlete's Choice, the coffee hut and all the other businesses that were broken into lately. Thank God everything's perfect in Port Angeles! "Actual facts"! Oh, I feel so much safer now! I guess the robbery never happened because some commenter on a blog and a police chief with an obvious agenda say so!
If you are tired of the rain Laughlin, Nevada has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.
@Anon 7:58
So, the fact that crime happens here in Port Angeles, as it does in most communities on the planet is not disputed. What are you wanting? An absolute police state where you have road blocks on every street corner to perform body checks on you to make sure you haven't stolen anything while driving from the last road block/body check?
The FACT that statistics show crime has been declining each year means the right things are already being done. Your accounts may be true, and only go to show what we all already know: there is still crime in Port Angeles. As there is everywhere.
So, how Port Angeles actually stack up in the crime statistics? How much law enforcement coverage do Port Angeles residents actually get, as it is? The PDN told of what a big problem we have, but is it true?
Who is looking into the reality of the situation?
I find this interesting. Usually the comments on this blog run negative, generally overblown. I can't count the number of times people called downtown "empty" even though a majority of the storefronts are full. To counteract there is maybe one or two positive comments. Now we're talking about burglary, a crime against our neighbors, and the numbers are reversed. It's all cheerleading for Port Angeles except one commenter who's using overblown, negative rhetoric. If his or her house was broken into I can see why, far more than I can understand people's vitriol when they drive by the esplanade.
Downtown Port Angeles is empty, most of the time. You can stand at the corner of any intersection downtown, most any time of the day, and look in any direction. The sidewalks are empty.
This whole crime thing started with those "Revitalize Port Angeles" people who blame their lack of doing well on the homeless and poor downtown.
Somehow, in their great minds, they see highlighting crime issues as a way to make things better for them. How twisted is that? Making people think crime downtown is worse than it actually is, will attract more patronage?
As the other person pointed out in the other post, the Port O Call site has an article saying Sequim has a worse crime problem than Port Angeles. But you don't see the merchants there highlighting that fact.
What a strange town.
I've been under the impression that Sequim has become mostly a retirement town, you know occupied by wealthy old farts. So I'm wondering what their crime problem is.
"Downtown Port Angeles is empty, most of the time."
Seems like that to me most of the time also, except for the streets, these monkeys spend a lot of time driving around.
Criminal types love old people. They often can't think straight, move slow, and can't defend themselves.
They even get abused by their own children.
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