Sunday, April 29, 2007

Changes Coming to Port Angeles

Two city-owned Port Angeles buildings are for sale: the City Light building at 240 West Front Street and the old fire hall at 215 South Lincoln. (Here’s the link.)

The fire hall (a historic building) is currently leased to MaMa’s Bakery & Restaurant, which hasn’t been open for awhile.

Family Medicine of Port Angeles (currently on West Eighth Street) might move into the City Light building. This would bring a lot more people into the downtown.

The Clallam County Historical Society is hoping whoever purchases the fire hall will be required by the City to maintain the building’s historical characteristics.

Also, the Bella Rosa Coffee House — at Fourth and South Lincoln — is for sale. There's an ad on Craigslist. Let’s hope it stays a coffee house, whoever buys it. As far as I know, it’s the only coffee house in Port Angeles that’s open in the evenings. What will happen to Port Angeles’ caffeine addicts?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure hope whoever buys the old Firehouse can keep its historic value -- it's a beautiful building. You can see, however, how much work it needs. It sags pretty badly in the back (visible from the north side especially) and I think it's got a couple of condemnation orders. But it would make a GREAT nightclub!

It would be great if Bella Rosa could stay a night-spot -- it's about the only one we've got downtown.

6:03 PM, April 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be nice if that medical center moves to that location on Front Street. More people coming into town every day -- something has to liven that place up.

4:19 PM, April 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all these doctors and their patients are gonna come streaming into town, they better shop and buy stuff while they're in town. Because they'll be taking up lots of valuable parking spaces.

1:11 AM, May 01, 2007  
Blogger Barry said...

Great idea! The old Firehouse building as a nightclub--cool.

9:29 AM, May 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, the old firehouse building would be a great nightclub. But would they get enough customers? I'd love to see more clubs around Port Angeles, but they won't open, or stay open, unless people patronize them.

Elizabeth and Company was a fantastic coffee house on First Street, downtown. They had jazz playing all the time (satellite radio, not live), beautiful setting and ambience. It wasn't a nightclub technically since they didn't serve booze, but it was a fantastic hangout and they were open 'til 10. They closed because of too few customers.

And sometimes Rick's Place is half empty even when there's live music playing. So yeah, it would be great if that firehouse building became a nightclub. But would enough local people step out of their living rooms and actually go there?

12:16 PM, May 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true. It's so hard to make a living as a coffeehouse because you can only charge so much for coffee. A really hot nightclub can do very well, the bar, etc., but like you say, only if they have customers.

But WOW it would be beautiful!!

12:16 PM, May 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old firehouse should be preserved. It's a wonderful example of Art Deco architecture and a vital link with historic down town Port Angeles.

I understand the original facade extists behind the current ugliness of the Lincoln Theater. It would be wonderful if the owner would restore it to its origanl state and show better quality films than it currently does.

Doesn't the Itty Bitty Buzz stay open till around 7:30 or 8:00 PM? I understand the have an open mic night and receptions for the artists who have their work displayed.

Elizabeth & Co had ambience? I guess you could call darkness an ambience. I found it expensive and the service not up to the prices they charged. I wasn't surprised they closed so quickly.

10:15 PM, May 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the old firehouse would be a great place for a restaurant like the Spagetti Factory. Now who doesn't like food.

2:41 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like it's a done deal for that medical center moving into that location on West Front near Cherry. It was in yesterday's PDN (only the print version, not online). This should be great for downtown with all these new people coming in.

7:48 PM, May 18, 2007  

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