Friday, April 18, 2008

Forks Recall Dismissed by Judge

A judge has dismissed the recall petition against Forks Mayor Nedra Reed. Judge Ken Williams ruled that all charges were legally and factually insufficient and that "further proceedings in this matter are not warranted."

As I've said in earlier posts, I have no opinion for or against Nedra Reed or the recall drive against her.

But this area seems incredibly prone to having petitions and votes getting squelched by a higher authority, whether it's a judge, city council or city attorney. It brings to mind the anti-fluoride petition (which I also have no opinion on). Certain Port Angeles "Powers That Be" are just scared to death of letting the people vote on this issue. What are they afraid of?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pure economics.

Buying judges is cheaper than hiring lawywers.

7:48 AM, April 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sales of nails have plummetted!

6:33 PM, April 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fluoride in the water, don't get me started. The Port Angeles city government has an iron grip on everything and they don't want a bunch of local riffraff having a say in anything.

8:20 PM, April 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, no say because it would keep their pockets from being lined with gold. Us voters had better NOT get in the way of the graft, bribes and "gifts" coming their way.

10:55 AM, April 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the problem with fluoride? It has a lot of dental benefits.

6:19 PM, April 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that you need a prescription for fluoride, so it obviously has some other consequences too.

But really, we should have been asked instead of told.

12:28 PM, April 23, 2008  

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