Tuesday, January 13, 2009

NOAA in Port Angeles?

The Port of Port Angeles is moving ahead with their plan to try persuading the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to move to Port Angeles.

They’re currently based on Lake Union but they’re planning to relocate in 2012.

Port commission president John Calhoun said: “This would have such an economic impact that I can't even think of a comparable example in recent history.”

I don’t know how many other locations are vying for the NOAA. It’ll be a gold mine for whoever gets it. Let’s hope it’s us.

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Blogger uevolve2 said...

Having NOAA here would be great!
I could protest whaling right here in town!
I don't know if the esteemed Tribe's marine biologist was from NOAA or not but can you imagine a marine bio stating- aloud and for the record- that "Whales don't drown"?!
That comment is either hysterically funny or tragically inept.
Sorry- I'm off-message here- yes, the jobs would be welcome and what the heck, it's just another bs govt. organization.

Let's hope no relics are unearthed and no objections conjured up.

It's very hard to be hopeful, what with the graving yard debacle.

5:16 AM, January 14, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

Port commission president John Calhoun said: “This would have such an economic impact that I can't even think of a comparable example in recent history.”

I believe that there was that vision in the graving yard. And there was millions spent before it got axed. But I don't think that all that money helped the city that much as so much of the money left the area with the people that came here to work on it and took it away with them.

As for NOAA, anything would help but I don't think that an underfunded government agency that is looking for a cheaper place to be based will help the local folks and economy a lot.

Most of their help will be transferred here and other than what they have to spend here will send most of it back home.

They may rent (or buy) some homes, do a little local shopping, etc, but I don't see it adding that much.

I suspect that they won't be doing a lot of local hiring. But hey, I would like to be wrong.

6:21 AM, January 14, 2009  
Blogger BBC said...

What I think would benefit this town is a motion theater. If I had the money I would build the most modern one I could here. Back in 2003 when Randal Ehm was here blowing smoke up our butts about the conference center he was going to build here and the more I looked at it, and after exchanging a lot of emails with him I decided that it wasn’t going to fly.

Mostly it was just his wet dream to be a big shot and he had no intention of paying good wages, it was just a con and I’m tired of others coming here with their cons hoping to get rich. Anyway, at the time I suggested in a Business Association meeting that someone build a motion theater. If you have never been in one, they are really cool and worth the four or five bucks for the experience.

As far as I know, there are none in the area, not even in Seattle. I think that a lot of Canadians would come here to experience one, making the Gateway more of a Gateway to here than just somewhere else. As near as I can tell most Canadians that come through here do so just to visit friends, party in the bars, or on their way to somewhere else. Most PA businesses sure don’t encourage them to shop here and don’t like to deal with Canadian money, unlike where I raised the kids in Colville and Canadian money was more than welcome, often even at par.

I don’t think a motion theater would require a lot of employee’s but would be of benefit in other ways if others were coming here to experience it. I’ll bet that even folks would come from the Seattle area to experience it. The city could spend fifty thousand bucks of the taxpayers to have some out of town outfit dream up how much benefit it would be to the town and make up figures based on dreams and smoke screens but I wouldn’t waste their money that way.

Someone should just build one and compile the true figures after that, I think that it would do okay and visitors would spend money other places while here for the day, or overnight.

Besides, I could sell tourist hunting permits, ha ha ha.

5:25 PM, January 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee Billy, what happened to our whorehouse? THAT would generate TONS of revenue!!!

10:09 PM, January 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could put it in the former McLeans shoestore...we could have the girls stand in the windows in negliges like they do in Amsterdam!

10:11 PM, January 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love it if NOAA got here. But then, I'm all for bringing more science/tech jobs to Port Angeles.

2:08 PM, January 15, 2009  

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