Monday, April 27, 2009

Road Rage During Hood Canal Bridge Closure

This article warns about increased road rage and aggressive driving during the 6-week bridge closure. It’s good to be on guard against this, but the article was incomplete. The author mentioned the most visible symptoms of road rage — speeding, tailgating, retaliation — but forgot to mention some of the underlying causes. (Aside from the bridge closure, of course.)

I agree that speeding, tailgating and reckless driving are dangerous and need to be heavily fined. But what about the slow and/or oblivious drivers who inspire road rage?

We’ve all seen slow drivers who won’t get out of the left lane or won’t pull off onto the shoulder or a turnout to let other drivers get past them. For that matter, if you’re in the passing lane, no matter how fast you’re going, if somebody behind you wants to go past you, you’re supposed to get out of the passing lane and let them go by. Some states have a huge fine for not getting out of the passing lane to let somebody else pass. Washington apparently isn’t one of them.

And take distracted drivers (please!). This 6-week bridge closure would be an excellent time to NOT be texting, eating, cell phone blabbing or fiddling with the CD player while driving.

There used to be a bumper sticker that said “Prevent Road Rage. Slower Traffic Keep Right.” That would be a perfect motto for the next six weeks. Or, for always.

Another helpful hint: When you’re changing lanes, don’t dart right out in front of somebody who’s going 20 m.p.h. faster than you.

Anyway, we all have certain things that infuriate us when other drivers do them. So in addition to the obvious warnings about speeding and tailgating — try not to do those things that induce other drivers to speed, tailgate or retaliate.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Peninsula is full of people who either go really fast above the speed limit, or really slow below it, but few who actually go the speed limit. It's very odd. And volatile.

3:13 PM, April 27, 2009  
Anonymous homles jack said...

i dont hav a kar to get rode rage with. i do git mad tho when peeple call me stinky lil f'er. i lik the libary, nobody calls me stinky, jus an f'er.

10:03 PM, April 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anybody else looked at BBC's blog lately, since he used to comment here all the time?

That stupid F#@$%&#! has his own comments turned off, but it's OK for him to go and spew all over the internet. His comments (or whatever you would call that retarded puke he spews out) are all over the place.

I bet he plans to use all this free time of his for doing lots of volunteer work around town. Right Belly, or, uh, Billy?

1:23 AM, April 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Has anybody else looked at BBC's blog lately ..."

Well, in a word: NO!

6:09 AM, April 28, 2009  
Anonymous LizzyJizzy said...

I do believe BBC is with the Devil....

8:44 AM, April 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they start pulling people over for frequent lane changes. It doesn't do a bit of good anyway and it's usually a sign that the driver is just about to lose it.

8:21 PM, April 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thank you, that was so well said. If I might add my two cents...When you folks get to the passing lanes just past the casino, and by the county line, and you wake from your daze and realize you've been going 45 since Sequim, now is not the time to speed up. Let the people in the passing lane pass you, because we all know you will go back to your 45 mph daze as soon as it is two lane again. Nothing inspires me to road rage more than people that only go 60 just so that noone can pass them legally.
I'll be commuting around Olympia two days a week, be sensible folks.

11:11 PM, April 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a whole lot nicer to get along with if people just stay out of my way.... ;)

8:54 AM, April 30, 2009  
Anonymous SuperTrooper said...

If I see any of you out there road ragin', I'm gonna bust your ass.

5:58 PM, May 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's really funny about this area is, I'm cruising along in the "slow lane" at the speed limit, give or take 5 mph (okay, mostly give)... and I'm still leaving the people in the "passing" lane behind in the dust! How does that work?

8:49 AM, May 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the stupid WA law makes it ILLEGAL to exceed the posted speed limit in passing lanes. They are NOT the same as passing a car on a 2 lane road. You can't speed up to pass, so the passing lanes are only good for cars going well below the speed limit.
Makes no &*@#$ sense!
Meanwhile, the problem along Hood Canal are the MULTIPLE speed limits (from 35-55, with a few 25's thrown in for good measure) and the lack of passing lanes AND turnouts. The other issue are the idiots who drive tooo fast for conditions (such as last night, when there were gale force winds, trees dropping debris, driving rain, and very slick wet roads and standing water). The MORONS who are pretending to be speed racers are a danger to all.
I expect some pretty bad accidents around Hood Canal, especially late at night when there is ZERO patrols (or they're snoozing).
The problem isn't road rage as much as flat out idiots.....and the Troopers do nothing to ticket cars that SHOULD pull over, but they do ticket those who go 4+miles over the speed limit in passing zones.

11:15 AM, May 05, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

annon 8:49
Means your speedometer needs to be checked. Chances are you changed to different size tires...and YOU THINK you are doing the speed limit, when you are going >10 miles faster.
As for the morons who do speed up while in the slow zone of the passing guys really are morons. That is the most annoying thing along 101! Figures the state troopers never ticket those idiots.

11:19 AM, May 05, 2009  

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