Saturday, July 24, 2010

Olympic Medical Center Revenue Under Budget

Olympic Medical Center's net revenue is $2.3 million under budget for the year.

OMC CEO Eric Lewis said this recession is affecting health care more than previous recessions did. He said:

"You used to say recessions didn't affect health care too much, and I think in some of the earlier recessions we had in like '91 and 2001, health care wasn't as affected. But I think this is a much deeper recession. Both Medicare and Medicaid are cutting back on what they can pay us private sector insurance and individuals it's a serious economic situation we're in."


Anonymous Sally said...

Bullcrap...where is all that frickin money they raise thru endless fundraisers goin? Lewis' pocket?

9:55 AM, July 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe there are others like me in the community who have gotten caught up in what I regard as the hospital's very agressive billing practices. A consultation appointment at one of their clinics was billed as an out-patient with room charge which then went against deductibles and co-pays.
I canceled the recommended procedure that was to be done at the hospital for fear of what they could do with that bill.

11:31 AM, July 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pull the plug on some of the city-funded nonsense like the Fine Arts Center!

1:05 PM, July 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Pull the plug on some of the city-funded nonsense like the Fine Arts Center!"

Yeah! And, funding for the Children's Health Clinic, Fire Department, city road repair crews, and everything else that makes our community a "community".

It is all "nonsense". I just want my money in my pocket, and nothing else matters!

11:25 PM, July 25, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...


Revenue in not profit, just because they over forecasted revenue does not mean they lost money.

The levy from last year assured that the will not lose money, and with all the donations they get, I'm sure they are very profitable.

12:49 PM, July 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Fine Arts Center" is useless. Sell it!

10:43 PM, July 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not because of me, try having a kid when your not on welfare, or trick the system because your not married yet, and have to pay for your own insurance...On that note i bet we wouldnt have so many bastard children if the state stopped paying for child births for people already on welfare.

2:02 PM, August 05, 2010  

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