Thursday, November 18, 2010

Clallam County Budget Hearings Scheduled for December 7th

The County's recommended budget will draw $1.5 million from reserves, and service levels won't need to be reduced. The recommendation includes salary freezes for the county administrator and the three county commissioners. There won't be a cost of living increase for county employees. Each department head has been asked to reduce their expenses by 3 percent.

Four county employees have been laid off.

On December 7th there will be two budget hearings: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Room 160 in the Clallam County Courthouse. After the hearings the county commissioners will consider adopting a final budget.


Anonymous Neighbor said...

This actually sounds pretty good. Too bad about the 4 layoffs, for sure. It's a tough time to be job-hunting. But I think this is the best option they had, given that none of the options were that great.

Good job by all, IMHO.

4:49 PM, November 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's one Dept in the County that could care less about the Budget Cuts. Right now they are scrambling to spend their 2010 budget and they'll buy anything to get it spent. They are still getting their raises and as far as they are concerned they don't have to play by the same rules as the rest of the county. I'll let you guess whom that might be. ;-)

11:57 AM, November 23, 2010  

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