Sunday, February 12, 2012

John Nutter and Terry Weed to Speak at Chamber of Commerce

Terry Weed, Clallam Transit General Manager, and John Nutter of the P.A. Police Department will be the guests at tomorrow's Chamber of Commerce luncheon.  The subject will be downtown loitering by teenagers and young adults.


Blogger BBC said...

The solution is simple, just don't allow it.

I was trying to pull into parking beside the Diary Queen one day when some punks was blocking the driveway, I honked my horn.

A punk over six feet tall started screaming profanities at me. Well I already know all the words and a fucking punk isn't going to back me down.

I kept easing forward onto the sidewalk and they had to move, then I stopped the truck on the walk and glared at him until he gave up and moved down to the corner.

Fucking punk said he'd cut me up, fucking punks shouldn't show up at a gun fight with just a knife.

5:58 PM, February 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love Port Angeles. So warm and friendly.

11:14 PM, February 12, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BCC - sorry that happened to you. The "system" probably already has the goods on that guy or will soon. Criminals and tweakers with a violent history should be monitored and if they reoffend send them to McNeil Island, to live out their days with all the violent preadator perverts, I think. Would be a deterant, no?

3:09 AM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous andrew may said...

BBC the "King Monkey" has wise. Andrew May

7:13 AM, February 13, 2012  
Blogger WTF? said...

A couple of foot patrolmen would solve this problem in a few weeks. You know it...I know it... Everybody knows it... Problem is, we keep spending public money on Harborworks scams and waterfront promenades. A couple of neighborhood cops (the only thing EVER proven to be effective in this battle) is just too expensive.

9:42 AM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should ban all teenagers from downtown Port Angeles. Instruct our police to stand guard, and to prevent any teenagers for entering the area. The police have powers, don't they?

And, loiterers? If you don't have a purchase in your hand, and are not either walking into a downtown store, or walking out of one with a package in your hands, well, there should be a hefty fine.

Let's get Port Angeles cleaned up. Let's have a meeting.

10:43 AM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rent a OWS gang to champ out in front of the Dairy Queen.

1:35 PM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We HAD a foot patrolman. We even bought him a Segway to help patrol the downtown. I never saw him get off the Segway or do anything more than chase down sidewalk bicyclists. That's worthwhile, but we really needed someone to engage the community.

Also, it's not just teenage punk downtown. There are enough creepy people of all ages, homeless, drug addicts, etc, and not enough normal folks. I don't like going downtown anymore, it's just too depressing and scary.

2:13 PM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that! If you are not there to buy something, and you don't have proof, off to jail! Homeless people quietly drying out in front of Albertson's, TAKE NOTE!

Seriously....loitering? While we invest big bucks to make our downtown more public friendly?

Is this all about dress code? Are our cops afraid of teenage bullies?

3:19 PM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC you are full of shit as usual.

3:32 PM, February 13, 2012  
Blogger WTF? said...

Just to be clear. I'm not talking about mall cops or rent a cop dicks kicking bums off the sidewalk. I'm talking about real cops. Policemen. And not some paramilitary SWAT Team yahoo either. I mean walk around the block, knows everybody downtown, Cop on the Beat.
Everybody downtown has a right to be there, including kids and bums. But people also have a right to expect to be relatively safe when they go downtown.
Things change when everybody knows there's a real cop a half a block away.

5:05 PM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We HAD a foot patrolman. We even bought him a Segway to help patrol the downtown. I never saw him get off the Segway or do anything more than chase down sidewalk bicyclists. That's worthwhile, but we really needed someone to engage the community.

Also, it's not just teenage punk downtown. There are enough creepy people of all ages, homeless, drug addicts, etc, and not enough normal folks. I don't like going downtown anymore, it's just too depressing and scary.


5:34 PM, February 13, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

BBC you are full of shit as usual.

Only from your perspective from behind your rose colored glasses.

5:58 PM, February 13, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

Gotta love Port Angeles. So warm and friendly.

Lots of folks are, I am if you run into me. We just don't like punks, they irritate us.

6:00 PM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:13 says " .. not enough normal folks.I don't like going downtown anymore, it's just too depressing and scary."

There ya go.

Come to Port Angeles, so there will be more normal people, so it won't be so scary and depressing here. Please?

11:32 PM, February 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of you actually go down there and take a bus? It's not safe down there and the only way it will be safe is if we get a couple of officers to actually do something. Bus drivers can only do so much in between routes
They have to lock up the nice new bathrooms in the Gateway all the time because people are doing drugs in them. Which means people go to the Landings and use the toilets there.
Plus the vandalism that has been happening at the new bus shelters throughout town.
There are a lot of rude, little a-holes down there. I personally don't care if people loiter around town, it's the ones that look drugged up and act threatening that are an issue.

9:24 AM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, people said the Gateway would become a problem place, before it was built.

But, with $400,000 worth of cameras installed downtown, people who aren't doing anything illegal can be watched.

11:38 AM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have to use the grant for cameras? Can we use that money to hire four more cops and buy the cameras when we can afford them? With that kind of money, upwards of $400,000, we could increase foot-patrol hours in downtown two or three more hours per month.

3:34 PM, February 14, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

But, with $400,000 worth of cameras installed downtown, people who aren't doing anything illegal can be watched.

I don't have a problem with being watched being as I'm never doing anything wrong. In fact it's kind of fun to face a camera and pick your nose or scratch your butt.

5:48 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When he asks teens and young adults why they congregate downtown, Nutter said the common theme is they want to be in the “center of it all.” He said the youth want to be seen and have access to food and public rest rooms. Nutter said most of the young people he encounters would have no interest in a teen center. “They want to be outside,” said Nutter, who is also an Olympic Medical Center commissioner. “They want to be seen. They want to be interacting with all their friends out and about.” - from an article in the Peninsula Daily News - 2/14/2012

Hmmm. If I had the money, I'd put up the $30,000 to study why a grown man in Port Angeles...holy crap that was easy to google, it's called Lachanophobia. What exactly do these scruffy folks and random youth want to purchase downtown, and where will these things be grown? Now TAT would be an expensive study! Cameras are cheaper.

5:48 PM, February 14, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

When he asks teens and young adults why they congregate downtown, Nutter said the common theme is they want to be in the “center of it all.”

Actually, they want to be the center of it all.

7:03 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's actually called agoraphobia - a fear of open spaces or confinement. A panic disorder often misunderstood as it manifests itself indoors and outdoors. While scary to some, most people prefer to network, sell their wares, and defecate indoors, or at least out of the rain. While it's possible this is a mass outbreak of agoraphobia, I doubt it's a conversion disorder and it's just an isolated incident of one city official projecting.

7:32 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Come to Port Angeles, so there will be more normal people, so it won't be so scary and depressing here. Please?"

I am scary and depressing so I think I should stay away from downtown so as to let others have a more pleasurable shopping experience downtown.

7:50 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BCC - Well as taxpayers, seems the city residents will own the rights to those photos. There has to be a market for them. If we could sell them, maybe put it all on pay per view, every extra penny would help, the city could make off selling the images? You could be a STAR! And we could just smudge out your face. We could do that, for you, our special friend. :)

8:16 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables....and, as far as I know, there are no garden's in that area.
The biggest problem is that there is nothing to do for the kids, no direction, no jobs, no future. Not like the city has any projects to employ said youth. Neither does the state. Neither do the Feds. Meanwhile, all the apprentice programs have been so over-restricted that it's not worth it for anyone to employ them. They cost as much as a regular employee, but can only do half as much due to laws to "protect them". Kids have no life, no hope and no future. They are living in a dying town that makes decisions based on who's pockets are getting lined with gold, and not investing in eduction, the future generations or the quality of life here. A water front walkway....yeah, more places to chase the kids from.
stupid stupid. The kids aren't the problem. They're a symptom of the problem.

8:44 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The kids aren't the problem. They're a symptom of the problem."


11:06 PM, February 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is actually all very scary. We have, due to our proximity to a vast wilderness and so many natural resources, and several generations of many families living close to this area - selectively and genetically created a new trait into humanity - people unable to properly relieve themselves while indoors. There must be some way, perhaps under some ADA requirements, to accommodate these poor souls and in the very least, build outhouses downtown sans roofs. Ten thousand years ago, man began to build structures to shield himself from the elements and now here in Port Angeles, we see for the first time in the history of humanity, our youth turning away from this ancient cultural practice. Look at this monster we have created! And alas, we learn there is no viable public or private enterprise, that could bring these young people indoors, as they have been selectively bred to such an extent, that they don't even know how to use the bathroom properly. Or use currency, and purchase things, even such basic essentials such as food. And toilet paper. So sad. Perhaps there is some term, for all of this, for these people we force to "hold it in" before they make it back to the woods.

12:22 AM, February 15, 2012  
Blogger BBC said...

Ceiling camera is watching you masturbate.


7:57 AM, February 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but in seeing the story about the Feds helping to move the Quiliutte out of the tsunami zone, I wonder what their position is about Port Angeles?

Many of us watched images of the huge amount of water that came ashore in the tsunami in Japan less than a year ago. The water was over 30 feet deep, washing buildings away in its' path.

US geophysicists say this area has regularly experienced such huge earthquakes and tsunamis, numerous times, over the past thousands of years. In fact, based on their investigations, say we are long over due.

So, if the Feds have acknowledged that the Quiliutte are facing such an imminent danger as to fund moving their town out of the tsumani zone, why not move downtown Port Angeles? What is the difference?

10:09 AM, February 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:44pm

the real problem is their parents

10:19 AM, February 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Quiliutte are facing such an imminent danger as to fund moving their town out of the tsumani zone, why not move downtown Port Angeles? What is the difference?"

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

12:09 PM, February 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tsunami solution for Port Angeles is to join a lawsuit to resist environmentally sensible alternatives and instead support FEMA's continued issuance of flood insurance in tsunami zones.
The PABA supports that, so it must be correct.

2:06 PM, February 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting about this tsunami stuff. The PDN articles do not tell the local residents what scale of a problem to plan for. I read and re-read the articles on this, and none gave me a clue what I should do.

When a tsunami happens, what am I supposed to do? In Port Angeles, where do I go, to be safe? Anyone know? How far uphill am I supposed to move my family to?

11:26 PM, February 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How far uphill am I supposed to move my family to?"

I've heard Safeway and above is a "safe zone". But I'd say it depends on how strong our bluffs are too.

8:51 AM, February 16, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, they expect everything below Safeway to get wiped out by a tsunami?
Heard there was an earthquake off shore, last night. Can you imagine what would happen in Port Angeles if a major 'quake struck at night, since it seems so few know what to do?

10:36 AM, February 16, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on the bright side, if there was a big Cascadia quake, there would be a minor tidal wave, and wipe out the kids and the Gateway, and downtown. Seems like it's the answer to me. Win-Win.

11:28 AM, February 17, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, and the real estate down there is really worth alot! No wonder the PDN does not talk about the known dangers of Cascadia!

Gotta keep the chumps investing in the danger zone.

10:33 PM, February 17, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember: The tsunami is only one side of the bad penny. If we flip it and there ISN'T a tsunami, then instead of the town being devastated by a wave of water, we'll be devastated by a wave of debt and idiotic spending (on the CSO non-solution) that could be much, much more harmful in the long-run.

Think about it: If a tsunami came, we'd have FEMA and all sorts of charities lining up to help and send money our way to fix things. But if we continue down the very expensive (and nonsensical) path we're on with the CSO issue, we'll just end up having wasted money that we'll never get back, on a system that was never necessary, and that will have to be replaced anyway.

9:04 AM, February 18, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yeah, and the real estate down there is really worth alot!"

That's because all these Californians keep getting Port Angeles confused with Los Angeles. I mean, economically they're exactly the same, right?

2:42 PM, February 18, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But if we continue down the very expensive (and nonsensical) path we're on with the CSO issue, we'll just end up having wasted money that we'll never get back, on a system that was never necessary, and that will have to be replaced anyway."

I hope everyone who cares about Port Angeles copies this statement down, and uses it to sue every person personally who voted for this "CSO" project. The most expensive project in Port Angeles history, and the decision makers don't know what they are voting on?

All great for them, but we are paying the big bills!

10:21 PM, February 18, 2012  

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