Sunday, March 16, 2014

PA United to be Topic at Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Todd Ortloff, Steve Burke and Todd Gubler will be the guests at tomorrow's Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce luncheon.  They will be discussing the progress made during recent PA United meetings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


So, who exactly is "united"?

And, what are the united about?

Same old people, doing more of what hasn't worked, so far?

1:29 PM, March 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The meeting was okay, but i think the discussion was in the wrong forum.
The Chamber of Commerce board and its members need to understand they are not the problem.
The real problem is the EDC, it has not functioned well for decades, it's BOD is way to large to be effective and its funding is not equal.
It should be dismantled and re-built, the sooner the better.

2:42 PM, March 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chamber is the largest business group in the County. If THEY can't "do" business, "economic development", who can?

The reality is that none of them want to stick their necks out, and propose or DO something different than what has been done. Doing the same thing tomorrow as you did today is SAFE. Every one is waiting for somebody ELSE to come up with The Plan.

That's why you see the same people, doing the same stuff.

Of course there is that definition of crazy that says you do the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Sound familiar?

5:34 PM, March 17, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Darn, I missed it, but I was busy taking a nap.

10:54 AM, March 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reading today's article in the PDN about the PA United people at the Chamber of Commerce, I don't see anything new being proposed. Still talking about everything that we've already been doing. Waiting for other businesses to come to Port Angeles to save their bacon.

Are these folks looking around town, and seeing what is going on?

11:37 AM, March 18, 2014  
Anonymous HIDE THE MIRRORS! said...

Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot. Tom wants community, the other guy does not.

8:15 PM, March 18, 2014  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

To the most recent commenter (comment not published): Nothing personal, but I'm not publishing any comments relating to the anonymous gutless ball-less coward who writes the "other" PA blog.

9:57 AM, March 19, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

PA can hardly be united when the powerful are not really interested in community. Just what they want and what they want to do.

And it is hard to buck the powerful, the world is ran by the insane, the rest of us are just along for the ride.

10:05 AM, March 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee. You think we're being manipulated by the oil companies, again?! Look at the dates on this article.

No mention of the Ukraine in this, then. Last sentence is interesting: "European representatives have been meeting with U.S. officials over the last year to explain why they want the American natural gas so badly, the National Journal reported."


""These countries are all still very heavily dependent upon Russia, and they're excited about getting into the LNG [liquefied natural gas] marketplace, and are looking for not only U.S. gas, but good, solid business relationships," the coalition's organizer, who was not identified, told National Journal."

Hmmmm. The folks organizing this, not identified? And the US proposed "sanctions", now, will mean the EU will have to buy its' gas from the US.

How convenient.

European countries anxious to buy U.S. natural gas
WASHINGTON Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:54am EST

Jan 17 (Reuters) - European countries dependent on Russia for natural gas are forming a group to lobby Washington to loosen export restrictions so they can buy the fuel from the United States, according to a media report.

The National Journal reported on its website on Thursday that a dozen countries, most of them in eastern Europe, are working with a Washington firm on a lobbying coalition with U.S. energy companies.

Two trade groups, America's Natural Gas Alliance and the American Petroleum Institute, were helping form the coalition, called LNG Allies, to seek greater access to natural gas from the United States for these countries, the report said.

Countries likely to participate include Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Greece, the Journal reported.

"These countries are all still very heavily dependent upon Russia, and they're excited about getting into the LNG [liquefied natural gas] marketplace, and are looking for not only U.S. gas, but good, solid business relationships," the coalition's organizer, who was not identified, told National Journal.

The National Association of Manufacturers and the energy industry have been lobbying the Obama administration and Congress to relax barriers to natural gas exports.

LNG exports to countries that have free trade agreements with the United States are automatically approved, but the Energy Department must determine whether exports to other countries are in the national interest.

Some U.S. lawmakers and other companies, especially in the petrochemical sector, have urged the administration to go slow on approvals. Dow Chemical Co has been a leading opponent of speedy export approval, citing worries that expanding exports too quickly could make natural gas and coal less affordable domestically.

Some lawmakers and companies fear unfettered exports of LNG could drive up currently cheap prices of natural gas that have helped give a boost to manufacturing in the United States.

European representatives have been meeting with U.S. officials over the last year to explain why they want the American natural gas so badly, the National Journal reported.

2:23 PM, March 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HUH ??????
WTF ??????

6:38 PM, March 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, so what.

The "news" just plays us all. We know that.

As Billy says: "it is hard to buck the powerful, the world is ran by the insane, the rest of us are just along for the ride."

The Ukraine "crisis" is just more big oil BS.

12:09 AM, March 20, 2014  

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