Thursday, April 03, 2014

Olympic Resource Protection Council to Fund Lawsuit over Dungeness Water Rule

The Olympic Resource Protection Council has decided to fund a lawsuit against the state Department of Ecology.  The organization is opposed to the Dungeness Water Rule which regulates water usage in the east end of Clallam County because this water rule violates the property rights of developers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As predicted earlier, the attorneys for the phony resource protection council are only too happy to soak their clients for legal fees to wage a losing cause. For the money that will be wasted on legal fees, the "resource protector" members could fund mitigation for dozens or even hundreds of new water users. But they'd rather posture, pontificate, and vilify those who truly try to protect public resources.

10:35 PM, April 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Anon 10:35 pm

You are exactly right. This is all about egos and personal profit, and everyone knows it.

Having said that, I will say that pretty much what this country has come to be about. The politics are so black or white, I'm right, and your a #!*?! idiot. And government is just about corporations fleecing the public for money in one way or another.

So, in that context, these "resource protectors" (which really means protecting their own resources at the expense of everyone else) are right in line with "America Today".

8:49 AM, April 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:49 - How you string together clichés, is very annoying. Totally void of fact and even opinion. Using the phrase, "everyone knows it", in the first sentence is a good example. Really?

See, I think 60% of the people who watch Fox News don't realize it's all lies.

And when were the good old days as far as "money" not raping the earth for natural resources? When were the good old days as far as the US being concerned about things like climate change? Please.

And if government is just about fleecing people, you think Obamacare is about fleecing? How about ending the two illegal wars? Is that fleecing? I could go on and on about how certain branches of the federal government are quite concerned about what corporations are doing.

5:20 PM, April 04, 2014  

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