Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Website for City of Port Angeles

The City of Port Angeles has a new website.  The new site has a more intuitive design and offers more ways to interact with viewers.

The new revamped City website is at the same URL.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh good, they left the '90s and moved into the early '00s!

8:03 PM, June 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really isn't at the same URL anymore. just has a link to the new site hosted by civicplus.

It's better but still needs work. The home page is dominated by images and to get any actual information you have to scroll down or hunt through the navbar.

Most of the department pages have staff photos that are resized in HTML so they're actually huge images that take a while to download for a postage stamp sized image on the screen.

8:06 AM, June 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City is such a waste.

Waste of money.

Waste of time.

8:52 AM, June 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at the photo in yesterday's PDN of the board members of PAUnited, does anyone get the impression of a bunch of hungry foxes volunteering for guard duty at the hen house?

5:00 AM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice, this is a major improvement

10:47 AM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, the story was about how Port Angeles is NOT "United".

The obvious reality is that PADA has no reason to dissolve and join the Chamber.

PABA doesn't get taxpayer money.

The Chamber, the real driver behind "PAUnited", needs a way make it's wasting of millions of dollars of tax money look more legitimate and palatable, under that false flag of being "united".

So, the cross membership between PABA and the Chamber may succeed in destroying the only truly independent voice of business, the PABA.

Typical Port Angeles.

10:57 AM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PADA may be dissolved whether they want it or not. The city is definitely getting tired of footing the bills for them and listening to their constituents complain. The PADA may walk away from PA United and may complain about performance reviews, but sooner or later the hammer is going to fall. If the city and the downtown has the guts that is.

12:11 PM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did Edna get on the PAUnited board?

3:49 PM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PABA suggested the legitmate question.
Could we at least sit down and discuss working as a team?
The chamber and especially the PADA, who have screwed up for years, couldn't say "No."
So now the PADA Board,seeing that they are in the ultimate "pickle play" call "foul ball".
Bull Shit!
The PADA Board has not talked to me or my neighbors for 10 YEARS!
I say they're BUSTED!
And we'll see if more downtown folks chime in SOON!

5:32 PM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our little buddy "Candy Man" and his cave troll Barb are finally getting flushed down the toilet!
Maybe we'll make it another year, then I'm at least eligible for early S.S.
Been a long time coming.
Good riddance to Bobby and Barbie!

5:44 PM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PADA deserves to be dissolved and I hope Barb the BLOB IS hammered too. I have never even seen her on our end of First Street let alone the shop since we opened.

6:03 PM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr G, thanks for the heads up.
We looked at the web site.
Starts to make some sense, but don't trust too many old school players.
We talked and we3 all agreed, the assesassociation gotta go.
See you Tuesday after the exalted ones tells us whats best for our business! LOL!
Rather take a chance on PA Untied and save some $ till Xmas.

6:54 PM, June 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the City finally gets it??
For all the PBIA assessment fees we've been paying lets hope the City kicks the association board to "soaring heights" and that they forever sink to "surprising depths"!

2:24 PM, June 21, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

How much did they pay the geeks to design this new look that is going to change in a year?

5:28 PM, June 21, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edna is not one anyone's board

8:22 PM, June 21, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@8:22 Not a "board" but maybe a "plank"?

12:09 PM, June 22, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully the downtown board, especially Candy Man, Barb the Blob and Smugster Rick are all forced to walk their "soaring heights" plank and jump into the their own "surprising depth"!
Let em all drown in their ego!

7:43 PM, June 22, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it any wonder more and more storefronts are empty?

Was talking about a friend about this. They travel for business, and were talking about Kenmore. How for the price of a ticket from Pt Angeles to Boeing Field, they could travel to all over the US.

Yes, competitive cost of doing business.

So much cheaper to live anywhere but here.

10:06 AM, June 23, 2014  

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