Term Limits for City Council Members?
Today's PDN poll question is:
Should City Council members on the North Olympic Peninsula be subject to term limits, and if so, how many four-year terms should they serve?

Number of votes cast: 505
Should City Council members on the North Olympic Peninsula be subject to term limits, and if so, how many four-year terms should they serve?
Number of votes cast: 505
Term limits are nonsense, you can kick them out any time you want to. The reason they stay in office is because no one is interested in those positions.
BBC, great points. I'm no lawyer but to me term limits are unconstitutional. Especially in local elections, I'd think that would apply. They will do ANYTHING to F%$# us over, in PA. This is called pretending to think about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Idiots.
Nationally, Clinton probably would have served at least one more term and we would be SO MUCH LESS screwed if that had happened. But, he's not even a choice, the most qualified for the job isn't eligible. Stupid Republican law! That they don't even support. How many times has the current congress, the most conservative congress ever, passed a term limit law? Not once probably.
I'd like to see the PDN ask regularly if we'd like an elected mayor.
Speaking of elections, anyone notice France and India are now seriously right wing? Not much news coverage about that! India and Pakistan...yikes. I'm sure Obama is ignoring the fact that we need to invade and meddle, pronto.
Washington State, what, next election? The one after that? Have fun SUCKERS!
What's up with the OBVIOUS MANIPULATION BY INACTION, HATRED OR LAZINESS in the main photo at the PDN today? Is it hepatitis awareness month?
@ 11:54 AM,......
If we ever got anyone that did a good or great job we would have to let them go with term limits. Frankly, I don't see the point in that, not that I think we will ever get anyone we like that much.
Pathetic newsworthy omissions from the PDN online edition "front page":
1. The PA guy busted for kiddy porn (a repeat offender that is in FEDERAL custody)
2. Six climbers dead on Rainer (on FEDERAL land)
3. Soldier from the great PNW state of Idaho freed in Afghanistan, after 5 years, our last hostage there. (thanks to efforts by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, ending 30 years of not negotiating with "terrorists") .....good thing the guy was from Idaho and not from CA or WA, then the coverage from the PDN, Fox, etc. would be blistering....
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