Sunday, August 31, 2014

Freedom Foundation will hold a Work-In on Labor Day

You've gotta be kidding.  The Freedom Foundation is the Koch/ALEC-funded union-busting organization behind Sequim Propositions 1 and 2.  (The Sequim City Council is supposed to decide on September 8th whether to pass Propositions 1 and 2 into law, or put them on the November ballot.)

And just to show that they're putting their money where their mouths are, the Freedom Foundation will have a work-in on Labor Day.

Freedom Foundation CEO Tom McCabe said:

“I can’t think of a problem in society that can’t be traced in some way back to the abuses of organized labor, so it would be hypocritical of us to take a day off on its behalf.”

While the rest of us are enjoying tomorrow's holiday, the dedicated union-busters at the Freedom Foundation will be toting that cell phone, lifting that briefcase.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Conductor should have married a young Asian woman, he would have blended right in.

How embarrassing. And expensive I'd imagine!

12:53 PM, August 31, 2014  
Anonymous Circle Girl (been around) said...

This "Freedom Foundation" should be renamed "Freedom to Enslave" because that's what this is really about. Unions (being composed of human beings, of course they have their share of corruption) are the only reason people get sick days, paid vacations, days off and working conditions that are decent. Whether you personally belong to a union or "approve" of unions, they gave you most of the rights you enjoy today.

Lose these rights at your own peril! Don't be fooled by Props 1 and 2 -- they are meant to make you a slave!

3:32 PM, August 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but...How is Max Mania connected to all this? I thought he was pro-union...

5:45 PM, August 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody that is half aware knows corporate America is doing everything it can to minimize compensating employees.

Shall we start with the "jobless recovery"? While the corporations got the government to spend $85 billion taxpayer dollars each and every month for ?? years to bail them out from their failed financial games, the people themselves got squat. You know, lost everything, foreclosures, etc. (Interestingly, the stock markets see record highs set, week after week)

Now? Full time jobs are all but extinct. Part time/contract work is the new arrangement. No benefits.

But, although the costs to business go down with the jobs moved to China, part time/contract workers, etc, the costs of goods didn't go down?! Hmmm.

Taxes? Only chumps pay taxes. As we know, the corporations have fronts in other countries, and profits are sent there, where no taxes are paid. The figure cited the other day? $700 trillion syphoned out of the US.

Yes, how embarrassing.

7:04 PM, August 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mania was the most pro-union council member for ages. Always supportive, always on the side of the unions during contract negotiations. When they held the big ceremony to celebrate the removal of the dam, local unions sent a letter asking elected officials to boycott the ceremony, because of the non-union labor used. To my knowledge, Mania was the ONLY local elected to do so. Everyone else was there to get their picture taken and kiss Norm Dick's ass. Mania was good so far as unions are concerned, that's for sure. The current city council, not so much at all.

6:56 AM, September 01, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

I know nothing about the Freedom Foundation and being retired the problems are for others to fix.

But I do know that when I click on a news story at the PDN that the page soon darkens cuz I'm not a paid subscriber. I figured out that if I tap the esc key before it darkens, to stop the action, I can read the artificial.

7:41 AM, September 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC, thanks, that works. U-DA-MAN!

4:16 PM, September 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just clear your browsing history every couple of days, and the PDN tracking system doesn't remember you.


10:58 PM, September 01, 2014  

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