Peninsula Poll: Elwha River Dam Removal
As the final piece of the last Elwha River dam is removed this week, do you think the $325 million Elwha River restoration project has been worthwhile?
Number of votes cast: 470
Port Angeles, Washington: This is YOUR forum. Tell us what YOU think. If you want to discuss something that's not related to one of the current posts, go ahead and leave your comment anywhere, at any one of the posts.
Being that it didn't actually wash Port Angeles away, I'd have to say NO.
How embarrassing. When I saw the poll question, I was hoping that the community might have had a change of heart about restoring an ecosystem and cultural heritage unjustly destroyed by greed.
But, no. Selfishness and bigotry still run deep here.
11:06 - LOL
Anyone notice that bean bag chairs have been recalled!? The PDN was on this really quick last week in their breaking news online section!
I guess nothing interesting has happened on the west coast any place of any note to the PDN.
I have no idea but I do miss Lake Mills.
Take note, those that think things have changed much in Port Angeles.
People who have a brain who ended up here for what ever reason, soon see the reality that is Port Angeles, and move away.
The knuckle-draggers don't see any problems, and like things the way they are, and stay.
Oooh, dur smart 'uns we be back sumday, livin dit lardge at Serenity Houze! DuuuuRRRrrr...
Iz rembmbeerz howz nise it wuz dare an come backky sumday!
So, you want to guess what the poll in today's paper will reveal?
8:58 - Yes, big surprise teabaggers don't like free rivers. If McCain were president, and/or if android-man were governor, we'd be having a parade with fish floats that have googly-eyes, McCain's wife would be here, and we'd have free Budweiser.
Today's poll is interesting! Hard to sympathize with the give the little girls oozies crowd. Although 30+ percent of Clallam residents no doubt will. At least it's not an IMPORTANT ISSUE!
The interview on Chris Hayes yesterday with the gun range owner was mindboggling. He went into some depth about the little girl's motives, how she REALLY wanted to fire the oozie. I was dismayed he was disclosing so much about a nine year old's intent regarding such a bizarre and tragic incident. I'm not using the word intent legally, btw. He was just speaking for her, and that was bizarre. Not like they were neighbors, the girl and her family were tourists. Oh, he said this was on her bucket list. Oh, God forbid that little girl wasn't able to complete her bucket list...vomit...Hayes is brilliant, let him put up for the world to see, that PHONY smokescreen, to "shield" the IDIOT parents...well...Annyhooo...that's today's poll - like nine year old girls should be allowed to fire machine guns...or that there should be a debate...sigh....
I like guns and support everyone else having them, for personal protection if for no other reason.
I also like cops but don't expect them to get there fast enough if I need one.
No way in hell would I hand something like an Uzi to a kid, it is hard for an adult to control guns like that.
This isn't fucking Pakistan, yet.
BBC, thanks, "Uzi"... "not Pakistan yet", ha ha.
I agree. I don't own guns but someday I might want one. Some kids are being socialized to think the most insane things are normal, and their God given right. They (TEABAGGERS) are at the point where they really really really want to gov't to TRY and take their guns away, whatever, but it's literally nauseating to me what they are socializing their kids to think, want, expect. When they don't know shit themselves! This isn't like socializing kids to drink, smoke pot, watch tv, eat tv dinners, this is serious shit! Military weapons, and high powered AND AUTOMATIC ones at that! In the hands of kids that have fearful knuckledragging parents, 95% of the time. And the instructor. How could he not know the gun wants to recoil? Just amazing....the poll....28%, no limits on what guns kids can shoot....own, etc. Of course, it's not scientific! DUR!
I was talking about the poll that asked whether people liked Mrs. Obama.
Yeah, right. An important question, for sure!
The fear industry is in full swing. Hype up every little issue. Fabricate horrific situations out of whole cloth (Remember the "Iraqi soldiers are taking babies from hospital incubators" story used by the government to get people to support invading Iraq? Proven to be completely made up.)
Keep people afraid, and they'll support the status quo.
Michelle Obama is an arrogant, stuck up, disrespectful person
Yeah, too bad Michelle isn't perfect like you, right?
That has a body like an avocado. LOL
I check everyday, I missed that they were confirming, I mean polling, the distaste for the First Lady in Clallam.
The US has had some amazing First Ladies and she has really stepped up to the job. Plus she comes across as being incredibly balanced and real.
If a republiphile wins the Presidency, next time, watch, they will tent and fumigate the White House, start rumors of bed bugs in the Lincoln bedroom, just watch.
Dave thinks we are going to be attacked, maybe, I don't know. But it seems more likely that Briton will be hit first.
Wow, pain killer deaths plummet around 25% when states institute medical marijuana.
So is there a connection between Sequim being the assisted suicide capital of the world, and being so anti-pot? I'm so glad I live in Port Angeles. I can't believe I just typed that.
When prices really come down, I hope society is ready for all these new types of people interacting in society, happier, not in so much pain, not so drugged up, thieving, and unproductive.
Yes, grandma, I'm talking to you. Get the oxycontin out of your medicine cabinet, get some weed, your family will thank you. But don't flush the pills, take them to Walgreens. If you flush it, it will end up in the salmon bodies, in the Elwha. Everything is connected. :)
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