Sunday, March 29, 2015

ACTI purchased by Shimtech Industries Ltd.

Angeles Composite Technologies Inc. (ACTI), currently under the ownership of Native American-owned Koniag Inc. of Kodiak, Alaska, has been purchased by a British composite manufacturing company, Shimtech Industries Ltd.

ACTI co-founder Mike Rauch, who will still remain as president-director of the five-person board of directors, said the ownership change will prove “absolutely invisible” to the general public:

“The employees are unchanged.  I'm still running the show.  The only difference is that Shimtech helps position us for future growth better than we were positioned before.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Port Angeles is saved! A shining white knight from the United Kingdom has come to our salvation.

This is so exciting.

Maybe not.

Maybe this is just another example of how a few rich people have found a way they think will get them a bit richer.

9:21 AM, March 29, 2015  
Blogger BBC said...

In two or three weeks I won't give a damn what goes on here being as I'll be in Texas enjoying more sun than we have here.

4:00 PM, March 29, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Mergers and acquisitions don't occur to lose money. The workers will get the same wages and benefits as before I bet.

4:42 PM, March 29, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What difference does it make, at least Rauch is protecting jobs on the Peninsula!

6:56 AM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC, good for you. Hardly a news worthy story

7:17 AM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardly blogisphere stuff here, Rauch finds better partners, remains a shareholder and continues to grow as always!

Thanks ACTI

8:21 AM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growth is good. Very good.

And good @BBC, I am getting sick of your sarcastic 'don't give a damn' mentality...

Have fun in Texas fishing for bass

8:52 AM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like GREAT news, way to go Rauch's & Shimtech, it's awesome to have you in Port Angeles.

10:18 AM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

10 current openings should be enough to excite people in this town.

In regards to the main topic- well done Angeles Composites

11:07 AM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, am happy ACTI is here!

1:01 PM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Right. Nothing new. Same company, same people. Unemployment still way high. Population "taxed to the limit". Populations' got "incomes below average".

And folks get excited because the names on a piece of paper or two change.

Okay. Let's go downtown and buy a wedding dress and some beer making supplies. Those were on today's shopping list. Why bother going to Costco in Sequim?

1:37 PM, March 30, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean Duchess Kate will be visiting P.A. soon?

5:49 AM, March 31, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:37

Why go to Costco? Because they don't sell wedding dresses, and beer making supplies.

Isn't that what you find? I wake up and am so thankful the downtown merchants "get it". Because they understand what kind of things meet my daily needs, so I don't have to get in the car and drive all the way over to Walmart, or Sequim.

The downtown merchants are SO sensitive and aware, that they see what Port Angeles residents need most in their daily lives. I can't tell you how many times my day has been saved from ruin, because I could buy that wedding dress right here, downtown Port Angeles.

Yes, I can see why the Revitalize Port Angeles group has identified the poor and the needy in Port Angeles as the reason their businesses are not successful.

9:07 AM, March 31, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously? There is no way--none whatsoever--that the small businesses downtown can compete with Costco and Walmart. So they set up niche businesses like wedding dresses and beer supplies, just like many small businesses in many downtowns. And you know what? In other places it works. People do get married, some multiple times, and they do need to shop for wedding dresses. It's not the wedding dress place's fault that our downtown is an ugly eyesore that repels people rather than draws them in.

7:17 AM, April 05, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Anon 7:17

Really? Seriously? You see the problem of minimal patronage of businesses downtown is all about it's appearance?

When was the last time you bought a wedding dress? Or beer supplies? Compare that with the last time you bought ANYTHING you need in your daily life.

Sure, any moron can see that Costco and Walmart draw most of Port Angeles shoppers. (Maybe you need to re-read that last sentence a few times in order to get it?)

Obviously, anyone can look at the parking lots and shopping carts of Walmart and Costco to see WHAT people are buying. In droves. Lining up at the cash registers. Unlike downtown.

Are we starting to understand, yet?

By looking at what is in the shopping carts, we can see what Port Angeles residents CHOOSE to spend their money on. And, I'll bet you won't find too many wedding dresses and beer making supplies on those peoples' shopping lists.

Sure, it is supposedly a free country, and people can set up all kinds of businesses. People can convince themselves of all kinds of wacky things. But, blaming the lack of success of a business that is so "niche" that virtually nobody needs what they sell, on anything but facing that reality is not helping.

As we see with Revitalize Port Angeles, their membership likes to blame everything else for their problems, rather than looking at their own business model.

You think it is about appearance? As if Walmart or Costco are so beautiful. Get a clue. They sell what most people actually want to buy.

What a concept.

12:12 PM, April 05, 2015  

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