Friday, March 27, 2015

Jefferson County Healthier than Clallam County

Among Washington's 39 counties, Jefferson is the 15th healthiest; Clallam ranks 27th.  Jefferson County slipped from last year's ranking of #11; Clallam County moved up from its previous position at #30.

These are the results of a study conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation of New Jersey and the University of Wisconsin.  Among their findings:

Jefferson County residents have a better-than-average life expectancy and are less likely to die from obesity, Alzheimer's disease and venereal diseases.  But they're more likely to die of cancer.

Clallam County residents are likelier than average to die from Alzheimer's, cancer, stroke or an “unintentional injury” a car accident for example; especially one involving alcohol.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not too surprising, is it?

1:41 PM, March 27, 2015  
Blogger BBC said...

Well, this appears to be a place where old folks come to die.

5:01 PM, March 27, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder "economic development" never works here.

With Clallam County residents likelier than average to die from Alzheimer's, cancer, stroke or an “unintentional injury” — a car accident for example; especially one involving alcohol, how is any business going to succeed?

Or, if as Billy sez, Clallam is a place where people come to die, THEY aren't looking for work!

And, with Clallam County residents likelier than average to die from Alzheimer's, cancer, stroke or an “unintentional injury” — a car accident for example; especially one involving alcohol, can you imagine what kind of support workers you get for the old people that come here to die?

Whatta great place.

10:04 AM, March 28, 2015  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see this? Right off our coast!

11:37 AM, March 28, 2015  

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