Saturday, January 12, 2008

Casino For Elwha Tribe

The Interior Department has denied the Lower Elwha Tribe's plan to build a casino West of Port Angeles. The Interior Department ruled that the Tribe's application didn't include environmental assessments.

The Elwha wanted to build the casino on the 16-acre site that formerly housed Adventures Through Kayaking.

They might still be able to build the casino, but they'll have to wait at least five years. The Tribe is not planning to build a casino at Ediz Hook (where they own land) or at Tse-whit-zen, the ancestral village along Marine Drive in Port Angeles.

Do you think they should be allowed to build this casino? Or do you think the 7 Cedars Casino in Blyn is enough for Clallam County?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we've moved beyond controversial subjects like sobriety checkpoints to something less controversial like tribal casinos!

How dare the wicked Federal Government deny those poor Natives anything they want. Especially after all the terrible things we guilty Caucasians have done to them! Native Americans should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want. They were here first after all!

I understand many Native American tribes in the plains states are demanding their rights to scalp Descendants of Guilty Caucasians as was their ancient tradition or a cash settlement of $50,000 per D.o.G.C. within a 1,000 mile radius of their Ancestral Tribal Lands. This is only fair, considering our Collective Guilt!

8:21 AM, January 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, why not? Something close in on the west side would have more economic benefit to PA than 7 cedars in Blyn. Personally I would go all the way to Vegas before either one of them though.

7:12 PM, January 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tribal casinos are all well and good, but I want to know more about the Japanese businessman who bought the Crazy Fish and plans to turn it into a sake and teriyaki place!

7:45 PM, January 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sake and teriyaki? Say it ain't so!

Seriously, if somebody bought the Crazy Fish and is going to keep it open in some incarnation (even Japanese), hooray!

9:05 PM, January 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:50 AM, January 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Casinos have ruined a lot of tribes.
Casinos have ruined a lot of lives.
No more casinos

11:38 AM, January 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it when people want others to behave according to their morality. "You shouldn't gamble/drink/do something that has nothing to do with me because I have a problem with it."
Show a little backbone and leave me alone.

12:00 PM, January 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, man! Live free or whatever!

5:01 AM, January 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if a casino is helpful, go for it. Nobody is being forced to smoke cigarettes or buy alcohol, so why should gambling be any different? If a business venture brings in money, do it. It's called capitalism.

8:25 PM, January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

except...when gaming was in Nevada only there was the Nevada Gaming Commission to make sure that the games were legit. They kept the mob influence to a minimum, and kept the customer from being outright CHEATED. (put limits on the slot payouts, etc.)
The Indian gaming has no such controls, and there is a lot of Russian Mob money behind them.
Thats what we need, more foreign influence on our soils. WTG

7:56 PM, January 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you mean smoking doesn't hurt anyone except the smoker!
I'm living with lungs provided by my 2 pack a day smoker parents...and have suffered with "getting enough air" every day of my life.
What other lies do you like to promote?

7:57 PM, January 17, 2008  
Blogger Monica said...

Russian money is behind Native Casinos huh? I don't think so. Their economy collapsed a few years ago. Are those that are against Native casinos also against casinos owned by rich whites? There are those that accuse us of being on the government dole. Yet they oppose whatever businesses we start. In Port Angeles there are businesses that constantly try to take advantage of the Elwha Tribe because we have the money. Or is it because in Port Angeles there is a white price for services and an Indian price. The I-5 corridor Tribes that have casinos do many good things with money. They contributed a handicapped van to the Elwha and they donate money to Indian Churches and Traditional groups. Racism hurts everyone. Racists usually don't even personally know those that they hate. Take time to get to know those from the local Tribe. You will be surprised. Some of us are educated, some arent. Some of us belong to our Traditional religion, some don't. Some are Christian, some aren't. You may not like everyone. But you may find a friend among the Native People.

3:41 PM, April 07, 2008  

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