Sunday, January 20, 2008

Downtown Bypass for Port Angeles

This idea has been kicking around for about 25 years, but with the nightmare traffic in downtown Port Angeles, the bypass has gotten a lot more appealing. But remember not to call it a bypass; it'll be the Truck Route.

The Port Angeles City Council and the Port Angeles Forward Committee are studying the feasibility. They're hoping for a short-term route that would use existing streets. The long-term route, if it's ever constructed, might connect the Deer Park area with the intersection of Routes 101 and 112.

Larry Williams, who serves on the City Council and Port Angeles Forward, said "we've beat on this issue as far as we can go."

Mayor Gary Braun said "hopefully this study will move the effort forward and it won't just sit on the shelf."

Do you think this is a good idea, or could it jeopardize downtown businesses by siphoning too many people away from downtown Port Angeles?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an old Native American prophecy that says when the last dumpster disappears from downtown then the Sequim elk will move in and build a tribal casino on the site of Necessities and Temptations.

5:16 AM, January 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the bypass is a great idea. It won't jeopardize downtown businesses. People who are stuck fuming in downtown traffic aren't thinking to themselves "oh look, there's a gift shop, let's park and go shopping."

Git 'er done.

6:47 PM, January 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few more passing lanes, you know, like one, would be nice between sequim and the hc bridge too. That certainly help in the summer time when the touri herds migrate thru town and would be about 40 times cheaper but oh wait, they aint got any money for that either.

They could lay a tunnel out in the harbor..... yeah! thats the ticket!

8:35 PM, January 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody know where I can see a map of the proposed bypass route? Esp. the west side?

9:11 PM, January 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It exists only as a crayon squiggle on a WA DOT state road map. What more do you want?

5:25 AM, January 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aren't we overbooked on projects already? Nothing is going to come in on budget, or on time....
It never does, never will.
How much does anyone want to wager that the Gateway Project will run out of money..and sit languishing for years until more money can be scraped up?

1:30 PM, January 23, 2008  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Anonymous (Jan. 22 @ 9:11 p.m.): Sorry, I don't have any specific information like that. I don't know any more than what was in the PDN article. The City of Port Angeles website doesn't seem to mention anything about it.

5:20 PM, January 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How much does anyone want to wager that the Gateway Project will run out of money..and sit languishing for years until more money can be scraped up?"

yeah, but it would look really cool in it's half-completed state and kids would tag it with grafitti and tweakers would hang out there ... you know, much like the rest of PA!

7:52 PM, January 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...ANYONE serious about the P.A. "ALTERNATE ROUTE" (is what it is actually referred to now) - should contact Larry Williams (City Council member). He is also a City Rep.on the "P.A.Forward" committee.

...Paul L. ... ;-) ...

8:36 PM, January 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should put in a toll road, so people can PAY to bypass the town.

1:22 PM, February 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure tourists come to PA because they're forced through the town.

I imagine most tourists are just passing through on a canada-us journey or they're out to see the national parks.

And I think that a bypass going south of town would benefit tourists on their way to and from Canada, but might cause people heading to the parks to skip town entirely.

Though I, for one, would welcome the traffic improvements. The #1 reason I don't visit that end of town is the awful traffic, anyway.

11:09 AM, May 05, 2008  

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