William Shore Memorial Pool
The City of Forks is without a swimming pool, for all practical purposes. They do have one, but voters have turned down two levies for maintenance and operation of the pool. So it’s closed, with nobody knowing what to do with it.
This same thing could also happen to the William Shore Memorial Pool in Port Angeles. A few days ago the PDN mentioned that voters might have to approve a bond issue this coming November in order to finance repairs to the pool.
With all of the construction projects going on (and other budget-busting expenses), and property taxes going up and up and up, it’s hard to picture the voters saying yes to anything right now.
Do you think Port Angeles will still have a pool after November?
This same thing could also happen to the William Shore Memorial Pool in Port Angeles. A few days ago the PDN mentioned that voters might have to approve a bond issue this coming November in order to finance repairs to the pool.
With all of the construction projects going on (and other budget-busting expenses), and property taxes going up and up and up, it’s hard to picture the voters saying yes to anything right now.
Do you think Port Angeles will still have a pool after November?
Labels: Forks, Port Angeles, William Shore Memorial Pool
Probably not. Maybe the City can rent out the space to Sequim as a place to house the elk herd?
Speaking of money down the proverbial drain, the City has also set aside a block of money for that Studio Bob guy to litter Laurel Street with his rusting metal "sculptures' after the sidewalk construction is done.
Now Laurel Street will look like an explosion in a junk yard!
Actually, I love the new sculpture garden Bob Stokes is planning for Laurel Street. I've heard a lot of tourists says that all the sculptures and other art in town, and the fact that we showcase it as a valuable cultural expression, makes this a great town to visit. I've seen a lot of comments on the Internet, etc. that make me think MORE art would be good.
I also hope we vote to fix the pool. I think every town should have one, it's good for your health and gives a lot of pleasure to the kids.
I agree with the second anomymous comment. Public art enriches a place. I'm not necessarily thrilled with every sculpture in downtown PA but I'm glad they're all here. It's been shown that in schools that try to save money by eliminating the arts, the students have lower test scores than in schools that support the arts. I think it's the same for a city.
Port Angeles just has a nicer feel and vibe to it by having all of these sculptures. You Go Bob!
Sour grapes, anonymous #1?
I say let's have a Bob Stokes Appreciation Day!
Bob Stokes has lots of good ideas, which we can certainly use downtown! Let's appreciate his interest and help him make this nice downtown a cultural draw.
a cultural draw?
This is a dreary town, with out a clue how to be a cultural draw. AT best, we have some quirky art around, and that's nice. But, we also have tons of vacant storefronts, this need to beautify without a real overall plan...and no marketing, no real DRAW...except as a way to get from point A to point B.
I don't know of anyone who comes to Port Angeles...as a DESTINATION. We have too many towns within this town. There are still many with the old-timers mentality -- people who consider it a logging town and hate the tourists, and any outsider. Until we can overcome THAT attitude, we'll never be anything more than a gateway to the Olympics, and a dot on a road map.
Sculpture garden? That's something this town is in desparate need of!
This guy's an artist alright ... flimflam artist! I want to know who on the city council voted for this waste of money?
There is that 'artsy' thing on first ave that looks like an old buick that threw a rod, coasted to the side of the road, burned competely down to the tires, the remains shoved up on the curb not-so-gently by a D9 Cat and a brass plaque installed commerating the historic event. I show it to all my out of town friends.
Nothing beats the 'Finger' though for that 'You are welcome here' messgae and nothing ever will. That GOT Port Angeles on the map.
Personally, I think The Bobster is an arrogant, egotistical oaf.
Mind you, if it's an example of the genus Arrogant, Egotistical Oaf you want you'll not do any better than Bob Stokes.
Not at all, there is Wile E. Coyote, a superior supergenius who makes your 'bobster' look like a frontseater on the short bus.
Arrogant egotistical asshats are a dime a dozen. Stop by some time and I'll give you a buck so you can stock up.
Hey Bob Stokes -- in case you're actually looking at this blog that nobody reads, don't pay any attention to the negative reviews on this page. A professional athlete doesn't worry about some loser who yells out insults from the bleachers. A musician could care less about somebody in the audience yelling out "play something we can all sing along with" or "come on, I could do that."
You probably see where this is going. There are the doers and then there are the others who just sit on the sidelines griping and taking potshots. Keep up the good work and don't pay any attention to the peanut gallery.
I agree with that last post. It's easy to sit here and say "This place sucks" but it's worthless. If you care, get out there and do something, or at least support someone else's doing something.
This could be such a great destination town. Shame on all of us that it isn't. But instead of just being blobs, let's fix it up.
Wow! did this post get off topic.
As far as the pool goes I think it would be a shame to not support it's up keep.One of the reasons we moved here was the pool and it's access. Having said that I'm not sure where the bubble building budget is going to come from if it's questionable where the funds are for services we already have.
Now for you posters who are so down on Port Angeles.... it's a big beautiful world out there.... why not move to a place that suits your needs. Remember, no matter where you go, there YOU are!
My guess is that you are lacking courage to stand up and do something here, because someone will surely be critical ( just as you are ) And you won't move because you'll be faced with the fact that the problem isn't WHERE you are it's WHO you are.Do the world a favor and get on board with making change instead of exposing us all to your pitying misery.
Sure there are the apathetic cowardly gutless spineless armchair-quarterbacking whiners that do nothing but sit on their butts and whine.
Then there are the people who while sitting on their butts whine about the whiners sitting on their...well, you get the picture.
Aint neither one of those types going away anytime soon.
The "oh rah rah" post was nice. Now go downtown and spend some money.
I don't know..I'm TRYING to do something. I opened a shop...and it's very hard to get customers to venture out.
It's a tough hill to climb...especially with all the construction projects going on. And, lets face it, for all the talk of supporting downtown...how many people head to Walmart, Silverdale, or elsewhere instead of going downtown? There are only so many spendable dollars....and the lions share goes to large corporations who do nothing for our community (but convince the city to bring a sewer to it so they can build a bigger building across street and let the old one become a vacant albatross.
With the huge raise in RE appraisals last year and the year before, coupled with the gas prices and other inflation...it's hard to make a decision to add another bond. Government really needs to start being more fiscally conservative.....not balancing their budget from our pockets.
And, I fear that any bond measure will get sucked into our "general fund" and be diverted to the overruns on the Gateway, bridges, and sewer projects.
I think you are refering to me as in the rah rah poster..... how's $200,000 sound to you? Thats what it has cost me to get and keep my shop going so far. Why don't you spend a bit more money downtown!
The pool bond is a covert loan to cover the budget problems from the 8th st bridge projects and the gateway project. Last years ludicrous bond issue to build a NEW facility only cost a couple million more than to remodel the current pool. Do you really think it costs that much to 'remodel' the pool? Sure it ugly as sin, but it works. I have yet to hear what kind of repairs the pool is in desperate need of?
It's BS. Wake up. The money would go into the general fund for redirection to above projects. Cutler is a moron and thinks he's some sort of genius and will pull one over us moron voters. Don't let him continue to mismanage the city into bankruptcy.
to anonymous 1/31/08
you said "how's $200,000 sound to you? Thats what it has cost me to get and keep my shop going so far."
What shop would THIS BE? I see no evidence of anyone sinking that kind of money into a store downtown....unless you are using government military accounting practices?
What do you have gold toilet seats in the employee bathroom? PUHLeeese!
Oh Dear! Let's see...how about Mcrorie, Baby Grand, Weisfield, Toggery,Fountain Jewelry & Necessities & Temptations. Then there is Gottschalks, ughh. I would imagine a fair amount of other stores are pretty darn close, what with remodling, signage and inventory.Like Olympic stationers, Beckett Bikes,Browns,Sound Bikes and Kayaks.Let's not forget how they have been downtown in fat times and lean ones.
Coming up close behind that would be Olympic Stained Glass,Zenzizi, Odyssey and Port Book & News,Retroville & Cottage Queen.
Of course there are the restaurants and coffee houses most of which have had to do their own remodeling, heating and of course plumbing which you seem to know so much about.PUHleese... perhaps a recap of economics might do you bit of good dear boy! Or maybe you are just not spending enough time downtown supporting those that have put their life savings into a place they believe in.
Anyone that thinks downtown Port Angeles has a future needs their head examined.
Sculpture garden! Ha! Ha!
The previous comment, 8:37 a.m., how about being specific. What do you think is going to happen to downtown Port Angeles? If you have any constructive criticism or suggestions it would be more welcome than "sculpture garden ha ha"
no, downtown is great..if you can afford it, find parking, and not be stuck in traffic because of all the dreaded projects.
Plus...since the Farmers Market was yanked from closing Laurel (it's difficult to not have bad feelings towards merchants because of THAT. Morons!) and no festivals or fairs are downtown anymore....and everyone closes for the July 4th Parade. It's hard to want to do business there.
Let's add to that the amount of overpriced "junque" stores we have (calling themselves antique stores, only without any knowledge of age, etc.). Let's look at the number of questionable decisions the downtown has made.... making the Penny's store a Department of Social Services?? The lack of any anchor tenant except the DOL for the Armory. The big vacant building across from the theater. Letting the Lee Hotel turn into low income housing (instead of tearing the monster down and building something useful). The pedestrian bulbs and "beautification" took away parking spaces, and eliminated the potential for higher density parking (angled in). Trees are gone, and (apparently) never to return from the West end, of First where the sidewalks have just been replaced. (In my opinion, uglified). Some of the sculptures are downright pedestrian hazards..in that the bases are very easy to trip over.
Then, the fact that whole downtown budget (state money to strengthen and revive downtowns) seems to go into the GENERAL BUDGET...with only a trickle back to the Downtown Association. IT's all INSANE.
Oh, and never forget the slumlords who control a majority of the retail space downtown and try and get Seattle downtown prices...and never put any money back into their fading buildings.
Our downtown is one disaster waiting to happen. With the aging electrical and lack of sprinklers or other fire suppression (and no firewalls between the buildings) to lack of any earthquake retrofitting. It's all waiting to either go up in flames, or fall down. It's all wink-wink about the real condition of the buildings. No one wants to talk about that. That old Ma'ma's cafe that the city owns....and wants way too much money for, considering the condition of it. I know of several really GREAT tenants that wanted to occupy it, only they couldn't afford the repairs needed along with the "out of this world CRAZY" asking price. Likewise, Sunny Farms wants to move to that old POE warehouse on Front, but the city won't let them locate a parking lot on First. WHY? Because it isn't immediately adjacent to the building, and it's against something inane.
If you must know, our city chases away a lot of things that they should be embracing. Why? Who the hell knows!
Meanwhile, all you hear is more about TALKING about how great the dumpy town is. And, now we have people saying "oh you shouldn't complain". Why not! Can't DO ANYTHING ELSE.
"Dumpy downtown" ... that's great. Very apt.
Personally, my favorite piece of artwork is the large, square concrete block in front of the First Federal bank on the Oak Street side. There's nothing on it. I guess it's the ultimate piece of "abstract" art - it can be whatever you want it to be!
Who the heck are you people? This is Linda May from the Country Aire. What a load of misinformation, speculation and "I could do better"s. If you aren't willing to even say who you are what's the point?
Don't get me started on those slumlords (3 comments ago). Some of those vacant retail spaces are owned by the Del Guzzle family or whatever their name is. They don't care if their empty buildings are blighting the town, they're just gonna wait and wait and wait until somebody finally comes up with those Seattle rents.
The empty building across from the Lincoln Theater is owned by a Southern California couple. They've been sitting on it for about 3 years, waiting for God knows what.
I think the city should charge a huge fee or surcharge to landlords who purpose let their commercial buildings stay empty for long periods.
Hi Linda May, welcome to the mosh pit. The more the merrier :)
which place is Country Aire?
Is that the hippy place that needs to do a good scrubbing?
Why in such a huff, Linda? Haven't you ever been to a blog before?
Mosh pit, dude!
Dude, you said 'hippy'!
"the hippy place that needs to do a good scrubbing"
Country Aire has an excellent selection of food, herbs, supplements; and everybody who works there (that I've dealt with) is friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.
And no, I'm not affiliated with Country Aire, just a satisfied customer.
Sure seems like there's a few jelous artist out there that don't care for the success someone brings to the Art's in downtown PA. As far as I'm concerned you lose now go stand in the corner naked.
"Sure seems like there's a few jelous artist out there ..."
You might want to get a dictionary and make it your constant companion before you shoot your mouth off in a public forum.
J-e-a-l-o-u-s of what?
When the arts faire was downtown that was GREAT. Now that we have some silly stuff way out at the pier. Eh, who cares? No parking, long walk, usually chilly.
And, one "artist" does not make a town. Nor does a town full of sidewalk art make a destination.
..Country Aire, no matter how satisfied the customers may be...screams old, past retro-old, 1970's hippy dippy dirty. How long has that wood been collecting grime and dust? Sorry, but it really doesn't appeal to someone who had enough of macrobiotic in the 70's
Well! Who's j-e-a-l-o-u-s now? You must be bilious green with envy (one of the Seven Deadly Sins!) of Robyn Miletich and her success at running a business for over 32 years? I call that a downtown success story and something that should be applauded, not sniped at with bitter contempt.
So, what's your success story, morning glory? You must be another of those about-to-go-under merchants who had a half-baked idea no one was very interested in to begin with.
I seem to remember sidewalk appearing in downtown a few years before this Stokes guy showed up. He just jumped in on something that was poking along slowly and used it as a venue for himself. Is that success? His gall is gorgeous, but I don't him credit for much else.
Before we get a "sculpture garden" we need to get viable businesses in the downtown section. People don't come to look at "art" but they do come to shop.
hehehe, Ya my spelling might not be the greatest but I sure hit a nerve. Guess you just have to attack something.
oh wow, quit harshin' on my mellow..groovy, far out, psych-a-dellic, let's get down and let it all hang out
who's jealous?
Obviously the person running this blog is a lousy moderator and that makes this entire blog useless to most of us. 36 comments on an article titled "William Shore Memorial Pool" and maybe two mention the Pool.
Go to the pool and read William Shore's comment - With all this water around - everyone should know how to swim! It is one exercise you can do your whole life - bad knees and arthritis don't matter - OK can't drag the medical oxygen in with you but you get the drift - it is easy on the joints and good exercise.
It keeps kids off the streets! They are wandering around, running a skateboard on anything that stands still long enough. It is great for a child's confidence. The competition is with themselves - the only person they have to beat is their own time. No standing on the sidelines waiting for someone to stop hogging the ball and pass it to them. Still there is a team spirit as you root for the other team members to better their times too.
WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE POOL - Quit bickering about downtown falling apart and start fixing something - anything! Once the streets are fixed start looking up - what's next? Buildings? Recreation? Hey the wonderful Olympic National Park is having money troubles too. - IF that is what people are coming here for - better not let the Park leave town!
the PROBLEM is how the city handles it's money. Everything seems to go into the general fund.
So, what does the pool need? No one ever says. It's for pool resurfacing? New building? Remodel? What? New POOL filtering equipment?
The price tag sounds pretty hefty. What are we supposed to be getting for "pool repairs". Go ask around city hall, they all say "well, general stuff..."
This sounds to me like a way to get a fresh influx of cash into the city coffers (after raising property values ...now too high for the market...to get more tax squeezed out of us). We have THREE major projects, no FOUR. Walmart's personal sewer is costing us money too. (Why in the HELL are we letting Walmart put in a second store? They don't pay at the same tax rate the rest of the businesses in town do, and then we'll have a big white elephant on the hill!)
But, we all KNOW that the projects are going to go over budget. Add to that the what...6% or 8% cost of living raises the city workers get (who gets raises in this economic climate?) is going to bankrupt the city.
The city hasn't been fiscally conservative, set aside funds yearly for these projects, and is now trying to balance the budget out of our pockets. Hell no.
The pool is fine. Let them outline the exact things needed to "FIX and maintain" it....
I don't trust city hall any further than I can throw it. Greed is greed.
Anonymous Commenter @ 9:35 a.m. (comment #37): I'm intentionally being a "lousy moderator." This blog is intended to be a forum; it would sort of defeat the purpose if I deleted comments I didn't like. If a comment is slanderous or threatening, I'd probably delete it for CYA purposes, but other than that...
Off Topic comments are encouraged (like it says at the top of the screen). I try to post about local topics that I think people will be interested in and comment on. But it's hard to tell which subjects will draw the most interest and participation. So people are welcome to comment about any local issue they're interested in.
Thanks Tom
Tom -
From #37: As moderator you should have a general comment section and/or forum. To "leave your comment anywhere" leads to a lot of misinformation on the topics listed. I expected to see useful, informative and productive (OK this is PA, maybe not productive) comments about the POOL - not ragging on the city. You should move comments off topic to a general comment section - leave on topic comments under the appropriate sections so those that want to hear about the topic don't have to weed through a lot of useless "blogging". That is what lead me to use the "lousy" label. With 36 comments I was hoping to hear that there was a lot of interest in keeping a sport and recreation venue on top of the City's long list of how to spend money. All I got was another blog that really only serves the whiners - not the doers.
Thanks Tom for giving them a forum - keep up the "good" work. ;)
to the last annon...you must not read many blogs!
There isn't any misinformation, it's all opinions, and all blogs go off topic. It's how it is.
Please, try being more web aware. Tom is doing this just right, and it's a very enjoyable read.
Thicken up your skin, it's people chatting...not a news service!
I used to work at the pool until this september when I relocated to Seattle.
I dont know how the bob the art guy thing ended up a topic for this but,
An artsy looking downtown is all fine and good, but the only way the city can benifit from that is a bit of aesthetic appeal, whereas the pool is actually useful. durring my two years of working there, ive come to found out that there are hundreds of people swimming there daily. from kids during open swim, to adults during lap swim. not to mention birthday pool rentals, swimming lessons, and other activities such as kayakers and scuba divers renting the pool for lessons.
Port Angeles is going downhill. they dont have money for the Schools, or money to fix up the town properly, and now they dont have money for a pool, that so many people use everyday. not to mention the fact that all my old coworkers and friends will be out of a job.
Im glad I got out before the town destroys itself from the inside out.
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